C-Golds week 3 "KISS"

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Yeah Kiss...
Keep it simple stupid

I have had a rough start to the season. I am basically floating around .500 except for Donovan McChoak and his punt returners in Philly have costed me 11.75 units.

C-Gold is a very Bull headed kind of guy. He keeps betting on Donvan, and he keeps losing ( and thinking it was bad dumb luck) so he does it again.

I feel like the Eagles didn't get beat by Washington last week, I feel like the Eagles got beat by Donovan last week.

Washington was playing a lot of press/man coverage last week and just daring Donovan to beat them with his arm. You would see these 3 WR sets and it was so obvious they were going to play man pre-snap and they did. Many people are blaming it on the Philly receivers not getting seperation, but Donovan was vintage ( inaccurate) Donovan. You remember Donovan in the first few years of his career throwing ground balls to his receivers... that is what he looked like. I was always critical of him early in his career ( deservingly so) but he did get better, and he is a very smart quarterback. That is why it was puzziling to see him so off on his throws. Washington was just playing a standard defense, and just asking Donovan to beat them... and he couldn't.

People are calling that Philly offense trash, but the were in the Redzone 5 times and scored 12 points. They could have scored up to 35 points, but instead left all those points on the table.

I am not "impressed" with Jason Campbell at all. I have never seen a player get so much hype for having 1 TD, 3 picks and circa 200 yards per game. His numbers are no different than Patrick Ramsey had ( they are worse than Brunells numbers), yet everybody loves Jason. I've seen a whole lot of screens, stops, and horribly missing Santana Moss by 15 yards on a deep ball. I don't think he is as bad as a Tavaras Jackson, but I maintain my comparison to Tony Banks and a " game manager" and not a guy that goes out and wins games for you. Gibbs loves to play Martyball.

The Eagles have to beat Detroit. The Lions are an overrated 2-0, and Philly should be at least 1-1. I don't like to say the whole " shoulda, woulda, coulda" but under normal circumstances, it would be more likely for them to have at least 1 win.

I like how Charles Barkley snapped at Mike Tirico for saying " shoulda". He said that Parcells is right, that " you are what you are". If you didn't muff that punt, then you would have won... Charles said, " yeah, but if I didn't eat too much I wouldn't be fat".

I am also troubled by Donovans comments regarding the unfair criticism. Donovan is saying that he is taking extra heat because he's a black quarterback.

Jason Whitlock writes a nice ( biased) article talking about how hard it is to be a black quarterback in the NFL. He is basically saying that the Eagles WANTED donovan to fail. Tom Brady has a hand full of rings and he won super bowls with Antwain Smith at RB, and guys like Dave Patten catching passes.

I don't think I ever heard of an NFL team that was trying to lose, or set their players up, but if he wants to think that... fine. Nobody listens to Jason Whitlock anyway. He's like the Al Sharpton of NFL writers.

Philly ML (they won't lose)(-225) 7 units ( to win a little over 3)
Kansas City -3 ( 2 units
Sucker bet is ATL +4 ( but no play because of K.I.S.S.)

I bet against KC last week in Chicago and talked about the Chicago return game. Devon Hester scored 1 TD, was close to breaking a 2nd ( which was just a long run that set up a FG), and had a 3rd TD that was called back on a bad call. I felt like Chicago should have won by more, but that is fine.

KC went out and played a boring conservative/Martyball type offense that Herm Edwards is known for. I think that Huard did a good job of doing that. If your just asking this guy to be a game manager, that runs that boring, dump off, conservative offense, then your fine. He will NEVER be that Peyton Manning/Carson Palmer thrower down field, but he looked good as a game manager vs the Bears.

Minnesota has god a lot of press for their defense, but I think that Tavaras Jackson is one of the worst starters I have seen since Henry Burress took snaps for the Bears a few years ago. He is terrible. I think Rex Grossman sucks, but he looks like Peyton Manning next to Tavras Jackson. The interceptions he threw against the Lions, were something you might not see again in the NFL for a long long time. He would just " throw the ball up" right in the middle of the field. The Lions safetys would catch those passes like a center fielder in baseball or like a punt returner. Tavaras Jackson doesn't even deserve to play in Canada. He is Reggie Ball bad.

Anyways, Holcomb or Bollinger might start for the Vikings, but I am hoping that Brad Childress starts Tavras Jackson.

The Chiefs defense looks like they are improving. Their LB core isn't that bad with playmaker Derrick Johnson, Donnie Edwards and Napleon. I'd go as far as saying their LB core is above average, and they might have the best CB duo in the game with Surtain and Law. I would love to have those 2 corners facing Tavaras " fade me" Jackson. I'd also say that Tamba Hali is a decent pass rusher.

The most important matchup though, is probably Brian Waters against Kevin and Pat Williams on the inside. Last week Kevin Williams sacked JT O'Sullivan on his " drop back" and caused a fumble/TD. The Vikings have got those defensive TDs, but they face a great LG this week, and their secondary is really banged up with Sharper and smith hurt.

The Strength of the Vikings defense is their DT's, but they face Brian Waters this week.

Let me tell you something, I think Brian Waters is the most underrated offensive lineman in the entire NFL. Last week he was faced against Tommy Harris ( probably the best DT) and you never heard his name.

If Waters could help neutrilize the Williams non brothers, then that will go a long way for the Cheifs.

Regardless, the Vikings will have a sup-par QB playing in KC against those good corners. The Chiefs will try and manage the game, and LJ is getting back into game shape.

KC traditionally has one of the best homefield advantages in football, and I see them winning this one. The Chiefs might end up being a 6-10 team, but I like their chances in this one game.

Philly ML ( 7 units)
KC -3 ( 2 units)
ATL sucker bet special ( no play)
You had to remind me, didnt you? LOL. Good luck today C-Gold. We'll change it around, lots of season left :cheers:
Good Luck C Gold, I completely agree with you on KC and Philly although I am worried about Mcnabb whining like a little bitch and may lay off that game. I will also probably lay off ATL, but only because I may have a nervous breakdown calling in a bet on Joey Harrington for the third straight week. Lets get some cash from the man this week.:cheers:
I have watched "X" entire games for these teams
Indy 2/2
NO 1/2
Philly 2/2
GB 2/2
Wash 2/2
Mia 1/2
Chi 2/2
SD 2/2
NYG 2/2
Dal 1/2
Cincy 1/2
Bal 1/2
Cleve 1/2
Pitt 1/2
Car 2/2
Stl 2/2
SF 2/2
Zona 2/2
Hous 1/2
KC 1/2
Tenn 1/2
NE 1/2

NE looks like the only real deal super power team. I still don't like the Colts defense, and the Steelers offense doesn't impress me yet.

I think Houston can be a decent team this year. The reason why they beat the Panthers was because of a huge 16 play drive in the 2nd Q, then the Panthers come back rusty the next drive, and Houston scoes again. They held the ball forever, and I like Kubiak coaching Schaub. He looks like a huge improvement over Carr, and Kubiak knows how to call plays/extend drives. The huge improvement is that Schaub gets rid of the ball a lot quicker than Carr, and the offense won't take 70 sacks this year because of it. The line wasn't always the problem, it was David Carr. Then you throw in that young talent Houston has on defense, and this team is in the right direction. They remind me of a younger version of those Denver teams Kubiak coached. That is good.

Speaking of Damon Huard as a game manager, he had a nice stretch of 8 or 9 straight completions against the Bears.

I will tell you right now that Matt Leinart is a much better Quarterback than Alex Smith. The 49ers have run such a boring/conservative offense that has struggled without Norv. Now Leinart is still running these " set plays" with easier reads, but he is much better at executing this far, and is the better player right now.

I will also tell you that Eli and his 6th rated NYG passing attack looks like it has turned the corner. He could become and elite ( although not Peyton or Brady) good, but step into that echelon with Brees, Palmer and Mcnabby. ( if he stays there).

It doesn't look like the Giants are " screwed" without Luke Petitgout and Tiki Barber. It just shows that Eli and the offense they run have the Pass setting up the run... not Barber being Mr. All Purpose everything. It sort of reminds you of the people that said that the Colts were screwed without Edge and his 2000 yards of offense.

The problem with the Giants defense is their linebackers inability to cover the pass. Their D-Line isn't the problem. The secondary is not good, but not as terrible as their rating. Kiwi should not be playing LB. Pierce isn't athletic enough to run in Pass coverage, and K.Mitchell has not awareness covering the pass in zone coverage. They have the worst LB coverage I have ever seen and they will contine to get beat by crossing routes, whip routes, Tight ends in general, and slants.

Tennesse has an interesting offense to run. They run some option ( like a college team) and 2 TE stuff. They are very fun to watch.

Tavaras Jackson is one of the worst starting quarterbacks I have ever seen. Not only do I think he should be fired, but the Coach in Minnesota Brad Childress should be fired for every playing that scrub.

Rex Grossman is terrible. If the team just had a " game manager" older/boring/conservative quarterback like Damon Huard, they would be in a lot better shape. I was thinking about that watching the game. Huard isn't good by any stretch of the imagination, but he is a lot better than a Grossman.

So many teams waste their time " grooming" quarterbacks of the future that never make it... why don't more teams throw in the towel and just play with a boring/game manager VET like Huard, and build up the rest of their team with draft picks. Brodie Croyel is that guy that they could waste time " grooming" that will never make it. He is more like a JP Losman without the mobility.
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Good Luck C Gold, I completely agree with you on KC and Philly although I am worried about Mcnabb whining like a little bitch and may lay off that game. I will also probably lay off ATL, but only because I may have a nervous breakdown calling in a bet on Joey Harrington for the third straight week. Lets get some cash from the man this week.:cheers:

See, I think Mcnabb crying racism might turn into a good thing. Now he has a chip on his shoulder and really doesn't want to lose to that ugly as sin quarterback Kitna in Detroit.

but yeah, Donvan definatly looses long term points for crying like a bitch and Jason Whitlock losses more points for that toilet paper column he wrote.

Donovan wants to talk about what quarterbacks get shit on the most when they fail... but who gets "hyped" up the most before they even start? Mike Convict anyone?

Everybody is talking about Tavaras Jackson and his "mobility" adding another deminsion....

dude, Jon Kitna and Matt Leinart have more rushing yards than him. Is anybody running around talking about Kitna as the "ultimate" weapon who can throw, and run, and has a strong arm blah blah blah. Nobody gives a shit about Jon Kitna and you don't see his ugly ass getting over hyped.
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So many of these teams with young quarterbacks " keep the training wheels on".

Alex Smith certainly does, and to a certain degree Matt Leinart does. You see these guys that don't even run everything, or have these 1 or 2 read plays.

Eli Manning had mixed success early on, but the Giants gave him a lot of freedom as far as what he ran, and what plays/audibles he was able to call. Now you see Derrick Ward picking up rushing yards, not because he is some great back, but because of the threat of the pass.

Rex Grossman had a lot of that two, but he failed miserably. It's not like Rex had the Training wheels on... they gave him a chance, and he failed miserably. I don't think he will ever be a Drew Brees that one day just " gets it". I think Grossman is a lost cause.

I have been saying for a while that Eli is the best young QB. I see potential in Leinart and I think he could turn into something special, but Alex Smith dropping back and throwing screens all day to Gore doesn't impress me at all.
ATL +4...bet against the Panthers when they are a favorite...like last week C-Gold.
Daunte Robinson is a top notch cover corner. I'd put him right up there with Antoine Winfield and Chump Bailey.

Here is more proof about the cornerback position. Devon Hester is the first player to ever get a 100 speed rating in Madden. With that kind of recovery speed/agility, why isn't he the Bears nickel corner?

ahhhh the reason is because speed is overrated. Ty Law has certainly lost a step from his Patriots days, but he is a much beter corner than Hester would be. Law is a technition, that is outstanding at reading his keys. Corner is NOT all about speed. It is about reads/technique etc. A lot of zone coverage helps take that away, but stud corners with the speed/intelligence/insticts is hard to find.

It just helps show that if Devon Hester and his speed/agility can't play corner, how overrated speed is in the NFL.

Arizona starts 2 receivers that run 4.6's, but the Cardinals receivers are a strength of their team. Boldin/Fitz are one of the best receiver duos in the game... not because of their speed, but because of their hands/reads, ball skills etc.

I would rather throw a jump ball or end of the game hail mary pass to Larry Fitzgerald over any other player in the league.
If the 49ers are close with the Steelers at halftime, and I can buy a cheap 2nd half number for the Pittsburgh, I might do that too. I really don't see that overrated 49ers team winning today or having much offense.

The only reason why I am not on this game is becasue.
2 I am not sold on the Steelers offense, especially in the redzone.
Good luck today, man. You'll get the touch back soon enough.

Personally, I hate all lines today and will only play 2Hs.....looking to fade the 1H trend, of course!

I also think that Arizona could be a much better team this year. Leinart has been more of a game manager " with the option of becoming good", the Line is improved because Leinart gets rid of the ball a lot quicker than Warner, and the defense looks much improved.

I think Zona has played the best in the NFC west thus far. Seattle really "should" win that division with their vet coach/QB, but alexander looks like shit.

SF has the best record thus far, but I still see Zona as having more potential. I understand they lost to SF, but I thought they outplayed them week 1.

I am serious, that Zona defense looks a lot better than that 29 ranking they had last year. I understand that injuries were a major part of that.
C-GOLD man i do respect you as a capper and today we both do good my man

Just tell Donovan not to play the race card if he losses.

He has lost 6 of the last 7 games he started! Holy shit. He goes 1-6 in his last 7 starts, while Jeff Garcia very nearly takes his team to the NFC championship, but then Donovan blames his problems on the white man trying to keep him down.

I think Donovan is a top 5 quarterback... injured or not, but pleassseeee.

Philly is 0-2, and Detroit is 2-0, but the Books still know who the better team is here. Instead of scoring 12 points on 5 trips to the red zone, Hopefully Philly will score more along the lines of 35 points. I'd blame part of that on Donovan missing open guys ( it happens), and the other part is I wasn't too happy with the Andy BLEED playcalling.

I don't know what the over is, but I'd consider looking at it under normal circumestances. Phillys secondary is banged up, and Detroit can move the ball with their passing attack. Both teams have had their redzone troubles, which mask that fact that both teams can move the ball. If they DO end up converting, we could see more 7's and less 3's. I generally don't like playing totals though.

I'd take a look at the Seattle/Cincy one though. It has potential to be pegged a little to high after the Bungles game last weekend, but Marvin Lewis is really a defensive dunce ( the opposite of genuis). He is the most overrated defensive mind I have seen. Brian Billick and his ego is the most overrated offensive mind I have seen.

Brandon Lang gets on the radio show here in DC, and he hates Billieck too. He was talking about that " ego" to throw the ball and ruin that cincy game with that last mcnair pick, and the Bollier plays at the goalline. He likes the Ravens talent too, but hates the giant ego maniac in Billeck.

Dungy is the other bad coach in the axis of evil who was played by Jeff fisher last weekend. Those 3 passing plays in a row should have never happend. But who cares, Tony Dungy is a nice guy who goes to church and cares about social issues more than football. We should commend him.
Wheezy- You are in Fairfax?

I am still suffering day 2 of my 2 day hangover from my night out in Arlington on Friday night.

One thing to keep in mind today, man.....these 0-2 teams are all "urgent and desperate." The public got crucified last week, so some of these high lines (like Philly's) could be slammed to the north. Philly laying the high line is right side all the way.

I can't see the public getting bushwhacked again today. Law of averages.
Philly and KC are both 0-2 ( and at home)

Philly is a fade the public play, most people are on a 2-0 detroit team plus the points, and the public love the Lions as a "sleeper team".

People love the Vikings defense on their fantasy team, but they are facing a team with a dominant LG, and a game manager QB. The Chiefs defense might not be great, but they have decent LBs and CBs.

KC was also a terrible road team last year, and they have one of the best homefield advantages in the entire NFL, with the crazy fans, the huge stadium, and the "sea of red".

I don't see Bollinger, HoldCum or Tavaras " fade me" jackson going in there and winning.


I really want to watch Zona/Baltimore too, and I will probably rotate them with one of the games I watch.
Hey BOL to you C Gold Agree with most of your write ups,I am gonna play Minny (No Jackson) And the Ugly as Sin Kitna .I agree with ya on Eli he looks like hes ready to go ,Still makes a few bad mistakes but thats normal. Id like to see that O with a healthy team for a whole year hed flourish get into sync with wrs ,rbs to help his game.Anyways GL
Great thread...

I knew ATL was the fools gold/sucka bet this week..

I think they win it on the field

gl wit Phila
If I win both plays, I might attack some spreads at 4PM. Watch out bookies.

It is an absolutly gorgeous day here in Washington. I just went on my pre-game jog and I felt like I was in San Diego.

That bodes well for the Giants and their passing attack.
I wish I didn't KISS and take the Eagles/Lions over. Damn, I read that one like a book.
Maybe I shouldn't have kept it " as simple stupid".

I liked the Steelers and the Eagles over too. Oh well, I am happy to make money, and happy that the Washington Deadskins fell flat on their face.

I am also happy I won't have to hear the Jason Campbell hype for a little big longer.

He completed 1 pass to a wide receiver until the 2 minute drill at the end of the game! The redskins couldn't even get a freaking 1st down in the second half! Finally, Jason managed the end of the game horribly.
Wheezy- I floated around the whole Claraden, Mr. Days area. I think that area is overrated on a friday night.

fail to the deadskins

fail to the deadskins

fail to the deadskins

I made a little over 3 units today.
yup, brought back the skins nation down to earth again. not suprised. yea clarendon is a hit or miss. mr. days is alright, rooftop at the ballroom is solid.
I like DC a lot better... or maybe Guarapos or the Irish place next to it. I like the upstairs at Guarapos.

The people are too damn preppy and cocky at Mr. Dudes or Claradeon. You get those " uva types" that work that into every and any conversation they have.
Solid stuff.

Detroit is so fuckin prone to the screen pass...and a good o-line negates their solid front four and then secondary shows true colors
I like DC a lot better... or maybe Guarapos or the Irish place next to it. I like the upstairs at Guarapos.

The people are too damn preppy and cocky at Mr. Dudes or Claradeon. You get those " uva types" that work that into every and any conversation they have.

Guarapos is tight, my friend's older bro is a chef there. real chill place.

Yea no doubt, so many yuppies around the grill area, but on some nights, there are mad girlies out. DC is real tight, but you gotta be ballin in order to have a good time. i hate the drive back from DC wasted, haha
Those preppy corporate dorks make me laugh. Those girls are a joke.

Do you still go out to Adams Morgan?

sometimes Georgetown has too many preppy dorks too.

I can usually get some good hookups at the clubs.