Byron Scott/Stackhouse Exchange Words

reNew Orleans

Clubbin' with Rasual Butler
From the mouf of Stackhouse, in response to something Byron apparently said during a playoff game.

"I don't think Byron Scott is the best coach or I don't think he's the best guy to deal with -- you know what I'm sayin? -- from some things that I've heard from other players and just some dealings that I had with him earlier in the season. I was about ready to kick his ass -- you know what I'm sayin? He was sitting on the sideline and we just got into a little conversation or something and he was going to tell me, you know, 'Talk to me when you get a ring.' I was like, I told that fool, 'If I played with Magic and Worthy and Kareem I'd have a ring, too. So, you know, he's a sucker in my book, but that's a whole other story."

Use if for what it's worth...
basically, no reason to give the Hornets any more motivation down 2-0.

We already are content with a split on the road, I'm pounding the Hornets game 4 if we lose tonight.
I'm pounding the Hornets game 4 if we lose tonight.

I loved the over in Gm2...

I have a bad feeling about tonight's game. I think Kidd has a good game, and we lose. I think we are good enough to adjust and cover the 5pt spread (or whatever it will be) in Gm4 and possibly win SU.

This series goes either 5 or 7... I'd bet on that!
I'm guessing 5, at best :tiphat:

I just feel like the end of the season had too much of an influence on our public perception, plus the whole inexperienced thing. Byron was just getting the bench more playing time and Chris Paul literally just looked like he was just trying to get everyone else involved in the offense the last few games before the season finale. Felt we were holding back a bit before the playoffs started. Thats just me, no way to prove it but we're played completely different in Game 1&2 than down the stretch, plus PEJA is heating up at the right time. I wouldn't be surprised if we won SU tonight, I just don't know what to expect because Dalls SHOULD be ready to beat us down, but I can definitely see them fucking it up.

It's plain and simple, Dirk trying to double team/slow down CP3 when he gets a high screen WILL NOT WORK, Dampier trying to do the same WILL NOT WORK. They better play some Zone... otherwise D. West and Tyson will be open all day for the sweet mid range jumper or alley
They better play some Zone... otherwise D. West and Tyson will be open all day for the sweet mid range jumper or alley

That's the problem!

Dallas plays man, West & Chandler get mid-range jumper or alley.
Dallas plays zone, Peja & CP3 get perimeter shots. And like you said earlier, now is not the time to give Peja perimeter shots.

Thankfully we have the Hornets to serve as a distraction to the Saints. Payton will find some way of fucking up this year, it's a lock!

yea... true lol.

still you have to think you have a better shot taking D.West out of the game, if thats even possible, than Peja.

There bench is also truly worse than ours... lol. Sure you get Stack or Terry off the bench but then what... nothing. Thats a hard task to accomplish, having a worse bench than ours.
yea... true lol.

still you have to think you have a better shot taking D.West out of the game, if thats even possible, than Peja.

There bench is also truly worse than ours... lol. Sure you get Stack or Terry off the bench but then what... nothing. Thats a hard task to accomplish, having a worse bench than ours.
Stack and Terry is already better than your bench. Throw in Bass too. Antoine Wright would be a contributor too if Avery didn't have a pole up his ass when it comes to playing young guys. Avery is dead to me.
you cant have both Stack and Terry as your bench, one is a starter.

theres a reason we got rid of Bass, i dont know why but Scott didn't like him enough so no reason to pull his name out. punk ass shouldve stayed in school anyways.
Blue Chip, no worrries with Peyton tommorow. " With the 4th selection, the Oakland Raiders trade with the Saints and the Saints select Cedric Ellis from USC".
Blue Chip, no worrries with Peyton tommorow. " With the 4th selection, the Oakland Raiders trade with the Saints and the Saints select Cedric Ellis from USC".

Shit! I hope we don't move all the way to #4 to get Ellis; he should be around at the 7-9 range.
Stackhouse is right though. As a Lakers fan, I saw that great dynasty and Scott was a great player and a terrific shooter, but Lakers had Cooper to shoot as well and we should be honest, Scott was part of the dynasty, not the reason for it. I can compare him to Shaw in the Shaq-Kobe dynasty, I think that is about right...
Yeah, you right, but I have guessed that he wouldn't just start mouthing off about Scott's rings as a player, that just dumb...