Bye Bye Bobby Petrino - should we rip him like Saban???


Oklahoma Sooners
Just one year into a 10-yr deal that Petrino signed last season at Louisville,
and he's gone. The difference between him and Saban, is that Petrino didn't deny anything to the press, in fact he didn't say anything at all. But don't forget, it was just a few years back, 2003 to be exact, when Petrino had a "secret" meeting with Auburn during the regular season when Auburn was looking to get rid of Tommy Tuberville.


Three years in the pros, and I think Petrino will come back to college.

Don't get me wrong, I believe he's an excellent coach. But most successful pro coaches are guys who have always been in the pro ranks, beginning as assistants or coordinators.

Having great success leading a college team and then dealing with pro athletes, owners, etc, is usually pretty tough for coaches who make the jump. See Spurrier, Saban, etc, etc.
abcs said:
I guess he did it because brohm and bush will be gone

He's a great recruiter, so he would be able to repace Brohm and Bush. Bush was hurt in the first game and they still went 12-1. If Brohm leaves, Hunter Cantwell can come in and they'll be fine.

He did it for three reasons:

1) Money
2) Challenge of winning at the highest level - the NFL
3) Money

That's my feeling. I wish him well. He was good for college, and I have little doubt that he'll be back within 3 yrs.
I forgot to mention little simms is comin there to be the qb of the future..
BeLIEve811 said:
Bye Bye Petrino = Bye Bye Vick


Michael Vick, despite his less-than-stellar performance the past
two seasons, is considered a superstar talent. I'm not saying
I agree with it, it's just the way it is. This was his 6th yr in the
league, and the prevailing opinion around the NFL is that he still
has untapped potential. Don't forget that Vick has won a playoff
game in Lambeaux Field (2002 season) and took the Falcons to
the NFC Championship (2004 season).

The chance that Vick will not be the Quarterback of the Atlanta
Falcons in 2007 is slim and none.

Slim and none.
renew orleans said:
as a saints fan I hope they dont get rid of vick, he sucks :wacka wacka:

The Atlanta Falcons with Michael Vick have played in 4 playoff games since the 2002 season including an NFC Championship Game. They are 2-2 in said games.

Please remind me how many playoff games the New Orleans Saints have played in since 2002?

Never mind, I already know the answer.

Petrino was a 3 yr asst in Jacksonville. When he signed the 10 yr deal at Louisville, his contract stipulated no buyout if going to an NFL team.

It is amazing to me that this got done with no press leak.
Man I hope they let schaub play and get some defensive players for Vick and maybe some draft picks, but that wont happen, Vick fills the stands. period. Arthur is about his money.
majent said:
The Atlanta Falcons with Michael Vick have played in 4 playoff games since the 2002 season including an NFC Championship Game. They are 2-2 in said games.

Please remind me how many playoff games the New Orleans Saints have played in since 2002?

Never mind, I already know the answer.

Vick Has been to the NFC Champ game,Only Becuse the NFC Was at its lowest point in yrs ,Possibly the lowest ever ,AS Well as they had a very good defense.I know wrs,coaching,fans ,line, defense etc etc etc etc and oh yeah the Beer man Vendor all these suck ,but why is it when schaub goes in he throws for however many yards ? Petrino is a smart coach as well as every1 in here(owner too) petrino will seat vick on his rear end and schaub will start for the falcons this year ,The novelty effect has worn off (5yrs) with vick and fans as well as owner ready to go in diffrent direction.And as far as money goes a falcon team now in playoffs is more money then a VICK POSING AS A QB .Owner and Fans have had enough. not attacking anyone here just telling my opinon for what its worth,wich isnt much , gl all in playoffs and in the big college game:cheers:
majent said:
The Atlanta Falcons with Michael Vick have played in 4 playoff games since the 2002 season including an NFC Championship Game. They are 2-2 in said games.

Please remind me how many playoff games the New Orleans Saints have played in since 2002?

Never mind, I already know the answer.


Aaron Brooks is also .500 in playoff games in his career.......valid comparison? :spank: