Busted - Mike Vick with weed!


CTG Partner
TSA: Michael Vick Had Water Bottle With Secret Compartment At MIA

POSTED: 10:01 pm EST January 17, 2007
UPDATED: 10:11 pm EST January 17, 2007
<table class="storyToolsTable"><tbody><tr><td class="storyToolsTableTD" id="storyToolsTableTD1">
</td></tr></tbody></table><!--startindex-->MIAMI -- Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick was found Wednesday at Miami International Airport allegedly carrying a water bottle with a hidden compartment, TSA Operations Center Officials said.Vick was going through the Concourse G screening point to board an AirTran flight when officials said he was reluctant to give up his bottle of water.Airport officials said that it was a 20 oz. Aquafina bottle and the bottle's label concealed a seam, which separated the top and the bottom of the bottle.<table class="storyAd" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td class="storyAdObj">
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</td></tr></tbody></table>Both ends were sealed by clear partitions and what appeared to be a silicone sealant, TSA supervisors said.The concealed compartment contained a small amount of a dark particulate and officials describe a pungent aroma closely associated with Marijuana.Officials said that the lower half of the bottle was almost completely full of a clear liquid and the top half contained a small amount of that same clear liquid.TSA officials said that when the bottle was held upright, it appeared to be half full of water.A TSA screener identified the man who was reluctant to give up the bottle as Vick.Miami-Dade police have received flight reservation confirmation that Vick was on an AirTran flight No. 338 Wednesday to Atlanta.Vick has not been arrested and the substance found inside the bottle is being analyzed at a Miami-Dade Police Department lab.

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lmao he got trashed today on espn radio..

The guy is a bum, enough of tryin to make offenses fit for him. Lets get a real qb in atlanta and trade vick.
jimbof20 said:
Why the hell is he flying airtran.lol
haha he is endorsed by airtran ( a sponsor )

Puts new meanings to the highest paid player in the league. Collin had a field day with this on espn radio..

In the past 2 years the 2 vicks have
Stepped on a football player..
Pulled a gun on a 72 yr old
Had sexual relations with a minor
Bought alcohol for a minor
Pulled an unregistered gun on a group of kids
Pulled over for having an outdated liscenses
Flicked off the home fans
Busted for weed

Shit im forgetting some but the list goes on.. you can take the boy out of the hood..
These kids got rich too fast and dont know how to handle it. Mike has no leadership qualities and i would be shocked if the falcons keep him as the face of the franchise. ( Collin said wait til he has a good game then trade him, so hell build back up his stock.. cuz right now its at an all time low )
$$CMoney$$ said:
Throwback sold him that shit:smiley_acbe:
A look at Vick's involvement in past incidents

AJC staff
Published on: 01/18/07 Falcons quarterback Michael Vick has been involved in several incidents — directly and indirectly — that have brought negative attention to him.
— The Atlanta police department conduct an internal investigation into the disappearance of a Hartsfield-Jackson Airport security screener's watch. The incident allegedly involved a member of Vick?s traveling party on Oct 12, 2005. No charges were filed. Vick returned the watch to a member of the Falcons staff, who gave it to police, who returned it to the screener.
<!--endtext--><!--endclickprintinclude--><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=175 align=left border=0><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=1 width=170 bgColor=#cccccc border=0><TBODY><TR><TD><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=9 width=168 bgColor=#ffffff border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=body>MORE ON VICK
Read the police report (PDF)
Graphic: How a trick bottle works
BLOG ABOUT IT: SportsTalkBird Babe
Fans' reactions on The Vent

</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!--startclickprintinclude--><!--begintext-->— In a civil lawsuit filed on March 14, 2005 in Gwinnett County, Vick is accused of knowingly giving a women genital herpes in April 2003. The lawsuit alleged that Vick used the alias Ron Mexico to be tested and treated. The lawsuit settled in March, 2006 without trial.
— In July, 2006, just before the start of training camp, a photo surfaces on the internet showing Vick and his girlfriend in a limousine. Vick is pictured holding what a web site described as a marijuana "blunt." Vick acknowledged the photo but claimed he was holding a cigar.
— Leaving the Georgia Dome field following a home loss to New Orleans on Nov. 26, 2006, Vick shouted at fans and then issued an obscene gesture, first with one hand, then the other to the crowd. The incident is caught by television and still cameras. Vick apologizes the following day, but is fined a total of $20,000 by the NFL.
— Vick is involved in a $45 million lawsuit filed by Richmond sports agent Andrew Joel in December, 2006. Joel claims Vick reneged on an endorsement deal he signed with Joel Enterprises in 2001.
— Vick is under investigation for an incident at Miami International Airport on Jan. 17 in which a water bottle he allegedly possessed contained a secret compartment that held an undetermined trace substance and smelled like marijuana.
Vick's a moron, but how cool is that Aquafina bottle?

That thing is outstanding.

Oh, and by the way, Ron Mexico, the thing is f**king $20. Throw the thing away, don't make a scene and buy another one--or 65--with the money you have.
i wish the guy wouldn't keep screwing up like this. i love playing twice a year against a quarterback who runs for 100+ but can't throw it in the ocean.

this only brings us one step closer to the Matt Schaub era, which is not good times for the rest of the NFC south
I'm trying to figure which move is more stupid, the Ron Mexico alias story, or trying to sneak marijuana on a plane in a time when flying with ANYTHING on a plane can get searched.

I don't really care if this guy had herpes or smokes weed, but I'm concerned about his stupidity. I think it's great...
The guys a piece of shit. He and too many other black athletes make it bad for the good ones.

Thats right VICK...keeep stereotying your race - asshole

BOOT him OUT of the NFL.. This isnt the "Rapper" FL. Its the NFL!
Too funny! Yeah, I guess the flight did depart at 4:20, lmao. I have never seen anyone hold a cigar like that before. Look at both of their eyes. Yeah, it was a cigar alright, a freakin Bob Marley cigar.