bull's fcs sheet


Coattailing Cheerleader
I have half a dozen I'll be playing this week, but prolly won't play till Sat because I'm a cheapskate and that's when the joose goes down.
Xcept last week when 5Dimes kept the Villanova-JMU game at -120.
I suspect they will do the same thing this week with that Appy-Wofford game. Anyway, that one is a bit too tough for me except my gut tells me to stick with the champs.
I just played Appy -1 @ -108 with 5Dimes. Nice to see 5D give this game major league status.
Brown +3 @ Penn. - The winner of this game takes the lead in the Ivy League. I have to like Penn because we get a shot at them in two weeks whereas we already lost to Brown by 2. BUT, I think Brown has more offensive weapons and I like their chances here. I'll take Brown and 3.
UMass -12 1/2 @ URI - These were the points when I last looked and I might have to bet this sooner rather than wait for joose reduction. UMass clearly the better team and gives < 2 TDs. They have the added incentive because they are on the cusp of playoff eligibilty. And they won't take URI lightly because in extremely bad weather URI upset them 12-6 a year ago, costing the Redmen a home advantage in the playoffs. Bit of revenge going here also, although I don't take a lot of stock in that.
Princeton -1 1/2 @ Cornell - We beat Cornell 38-17 and struggled like hell to beat Princeton last week 24-20. So Princeton wins by 17, obviously. This one NOT for the faint of heart.
Fordham - 12 1/2 v Marist - Because I say so, just Don't ask any questions
Columbia +10 1/2 @ Yale. - Doormat Columbia has played everyone tough this year and come off a much needed win. Something wrong with Yale this year, which mystifies me. They flat out can't score so unless the Lions hand them some points, I see this as a huge impost for the Eli.
Like totals ?? Try Under 25 in this one.
Stony Brook +7 v Gardner-Webb. This game has toss-up written all over it. Although Keepers rates GW 7+ over SB , Sagarin makes SB a 4 pt Fav.
I will gladly take the 7 points here. Something tells me that GW won't like a visit to chilly Long Island.

Kyle- If you're watching, in your thread you asked for me best fbs bet of the week. Nobody wants my bets fbs bet ( Maybe ND ) but if you meant FCS , I hate to distinguish because my long experience tells me I could go 7-1 with the losing 1 being my " BB " .
Having said that, I would say you try UMass against Rhody. And if the points have moved beyond 13 1/2, try Stony Brook. GL
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I am reading. I meant FBS. I don't have the fcs outs readily available to wager on.

notre dame aye ??

Curious ..... will it be a high scoring brown type game or a low scoring penn like game ?

I am always watching ....
Bull, how can I go about getting some FCS game tape?

How are you getting your edge.
it really is quite amazing...I'm not sure I've watched on FCS game the entire year...GL bull...
I was leaning to Brown as well. Nice to see you like that one too.

I also thought that about Fordham, but they're so inconsistent, and Marist's QB is decent. Blah, I'll stay away.

McLeod can't run the ball any more, so that isn't opening anything for the new QB. Really strange to have a guy go from gaining 1700 yards last season, to averaging only 82 per? Columbia will certainly find a teaser of mine.

Umass is a good bet too. That Rhode Island/Mass game last season was played in a Monsoon, because of a big hurricane that moved up the coast. I think they were catching 33-35ish, and still running the option. That was an easy bet. Now they're trying to switch to the spread, and everything is just a cluster fuck up there. I smell a 42-14 possibility.

Good luck this weekend Mr Ivy.
Bull, how can I go about getting some FCS game tape?

How are you getting your edge.

Can't answer your question on game tapes. What I watch is live.
My edge -if one can call it that - is heavily laden with luck. Two years ago when I hit 75+% in FCS, I benefitted a huge amount by write-ups done by a guy named Matt Doherty of Sports Network. He left last year, and his successor is no where near as good. So it's prretty much on my own with alot of help from Hoops.

pags - thanks for the good wishes
hope you hit all 7 tomorrow

Kyle - always a feel good to know you are watching.
We have a lot in common this week - and most week's in the FBS .
Here's wishing you a good one.

Hoops - I was thinking VMI by themselves, but You have given me something to think about over the next 24. Maybe I'll just take each of my picks and tease with Campbell. LOL
GL tonite and tomorrow.
I benefitted a huge amount by write-ups done by a guy named Matt Doherty of Sports Network. He left last year, and his successor is no where near as good. So it's prretty much on my own with alot of help from Hoops.

Yeah, that Doherty guy was great, new guys sucks.

Any idea what Doherty left to do?
GL Bull, keep nailing them and yes I agree Matt Doherty really did a nice job. I was wondering what happened to him.
Guys- I don't know what happened to Doherty.
FWIW, I decided to take the champs tonite in a very tough call.
My logic ? Takes me back to a comment my late Uncle always made back in the heyday of the NY Yanks.
"Never bet agaainst the Yankees"
So that and home field is all I have going for me here.
I'm going back to post 1 and edit it with final selections.
GL everybody
GL tonight bull! Plenty of room between your Appy St -1 and my Wofford +8 for both of us to get the WIN!

Here's to hoping for a high scoring affair, with Appy St pulling it out by a Field Goal in the end!

GL tonight bull! Plenty of room between your Appy St -1 and my Wofford +8 for both of us to get the WIN!

Here's to hoping for a high scoring affair, with Appy St pulling it out by a Field Goal in the end!


I'll second that, Aztec
Very nice call on App Bull.

I really didn't see that kind of mess from Wofford.

GL with the rest today.