bull sheet - week 11 - 2017


Coattailing Cheerleader
Last Week 9-8 FCS 5-6 FBS 4-2
Season 103-82-2 57-36 46-46-1

Managed to win a bit with unposted plays despite trouble with 5dimes.

Florida St +16 1/2. L
U Conn +39 1/2. W
L S U +18. L
Kentucky +2 1/2. W
Michigan St +17 1/2. L
Iowa +11 1/2 L
Maryland +17 L
Iowa State +7 P
Northwestern -5 W
Wash St -1. W
Arizona St ML +140

Harvard -3 v Penn. L
Cornell +4 v Columbia. L
Delaware -7 1/2 v Albany W
Kennesaw St -5 1/2 Charleston So W
Furman -13 v Citadel. W
Western Caro -2 1/2 v Mercer L
V M I +30 v Wofford L
Richmond +19 1/2 v James Madison. W
Butler -7 1/2 v Valparaiso. L
Southern Ill +12 1/2 v Youngstown W
Southern Utah -4 @ UC Davis. W
Northern Ariz -11 1/2 v Montana St. L
Samford -19 1/2 v East Tennessee. W

Wishing all a profitable Week
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Hey bull why are you turning on Colombia?
Columbia's stats were not impressive last week. Now they go on the road to Ithaca . Cornelll improved team and Columbia has flattened out.
Earlier they won some close games. If they win this one, I might still win my bet.
As an aside, I'm hoping for a 7 way tie in the Ivy League. Unlikely, but quite possible. For that to happen I need Penn, Cornell, and Princeton to win today.
However , I would agree anything could happen.

Penn was the only winner of the three above. Princeton did lead most of the game, but Yale finished strong. Ironic in that Yale’s only loss was by 1 point where they coughed up a two touchdown lead in second half.
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Maine are decent, s .. k. But if Mass tends to business, they should win. Game is at Fenway Park BTW
Thank You, Capt. I would welcome a Capt John selection or two sometime. Maybe Playoffs ?

Florida St +16 1/2
U Conn +39 1/2
L S U +18
Kentucky +2 1/2
Michigan St +17 1/2
Iowa +11 1/2
Maryland +17
Iowa State +7
Northwestern -5
Wash St -1
Arizona St ML +140
Thank you, mr ksimp. Trying to talk myself onto cocks, but haven't succeeded.
New job situation and family obligations have made it a tough year on me and just haven't had the time or quite frankly the desire to be knee deep like I need to be to feel comfortable posting plays. This is the least I've bet in Lord knows how many years. Only play I have is GA and I played it a couple weeks ago. I always check your plays and I hope to be involved come playoff time I am just so far removed from it I don't know how much it'll be worth quite honestly. Great day of ball coming at us and have a good one brother :cheers3: