Browns ship Droughns to Giants ...

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... for WR Tim Carter.

Also signed Bengals DL Justin Smith to an offer sheet.

Also axed CB Daylon McCutchen.

Busy few days for Phil Savage, like the activity.
McCutchen (sp?) was gone, I think we knew that was coming.

This Carter thing kind of baffles me, though.

He's not going to replace Northcutt, they've got Cribbs to do that, and really, Cribbs' role should expand this year to more of a rounded out Randel El role.

So then you think is he depth behind Joe J.? Because Jerivicus (sp?) was the only guy who could hold on to the rock last year, and that's when Frye could shut Winslow and Edwards up long enough to throw to the guy.

I sort of hope this is just the middle of more deals to come, because this team needs bodies at DB, not WR.
Oh, I should add, it's great that Savage got anything at all for Ruben, because that guy was going to get cut in like a week. So, something is always better than nothing.
I thought wilson would take some of northcuts time..yea I dont like that
Joe, I think they were happy to get anything at all to take a peek at. They were going to cut him by St. Paddy's day, I'm sure they would have rather received a draft pick, any round, probably the best they can do for a glorified fullback off a cruddy year.

I like them screwing with the Bengals again and signing their franchise player to an offer sheet. Hope they steal this guy.
jimbo, local radio reports. Browns, Giants have not announced this yet.
OK.Im listening to Roda...He is thinking they will use him to return kicks..I guess he is super fast but cant catch the ball..Who knows
I haven't seen this anywhere yet either, Sir, but I don't think Tip would lie to me about the Browns. He knows what a delicate soul I am and how much it would hurt.

Good call on Wilson, good grief, that guy needs some time. Talk about a team loaded at WR, and yet, still not great at the position.

I'm serious, I think there's more to come.

I'll be interested to see if they can get this Justin Smith thing done, too.

But here's the weird thing about their moves. Assume the Justin Smith thing happens.

That would mean that the Browns in this offseason have picked up and OL, DE/LB, DL, RB, and WR.

Absolutely every one of those positions are considered on their draft board as well.

Now, I'm happy they know their voids and are trying to fill them, but if these things don't throw what they're going to do in the draft up in the air, I don't know what does.

The only thing they haven't done is bring in a QB. Which scares me because it means they might be overvaluing Quinn at number three.

But overall I just wonder what they're planning for the draft and it feels to me like this is far from over.
Now Ive heard roda talking about a Shawn Smith..I didnt know who he was talking about..Your saying Justin Smith and that would be great..But roda is still saying Shawn Smith
To return kicks? So he is a replacement for Northcutt in a way. Interesting.

This team better be promoting Josh Cribbs, not looking to get rid of him.
Kenny Roda keeps calling him Sean Smith ... I think he's got that wrong. Justin Smith has the Bengals franchise tag. Not sure if there is a Sean Smith on the Bengals DL. (Roda's such a dweeb.)
I think the Justin Smith thing is 50-50 or less, don't teams usually match the offer sheets (reluctantly)?

Joe, I'm starting to warm up to Quinn a bit. Still want Thomas more, but Quinn's making some sense to me too.
I really do have this little voice in the back of my head that won't shut up about something. (Well, actually, it won't shut up about a lot of things, including a constant craving for tequila, but that's a different story.)

This feeling says to me that the Browns are going to trade Braylon Edwards and draft Calvin Johnson.

I'm pretty sure there would be a cap hit and I'm positive people would wonder what the hell they're doing given all their needs. But I swear I just can't get this thought out of my head.
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=bg2 vAlign=center align=right height=17><TD align=left>90</TD><TD align=left>Smith, Justin</TD><TD align=left>DE</TD><TD align=left>6'04''</TD><TD align=left>275</TD><TD align=left>09/30/1979</TD><TD align=left>6</TD><TD align=left>Missouri</TD></TR><TR class=bg2 vAlign=center align=right height=17><TD align=left>66</TD><TD align=left>Smith, Shaun</TD><TD align=left>DT</TD><TD align=left>6'02''</TD><TD align=left>325</TD><TD align=left>08/19/1981</TD><TD align=left>3</TD><TD align=left>South Carolina</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

From Cinci"s roster
Oops, there you go. Shaun Smith. At least they went for the fat guy, 3 bills plus.
Yeah, I'd say teams are usually 50/50 on offer sheets. Remeber the Ravens matched the Browns' offer sheet to Chester Taylor two years ago.

Here's the interesting thing, the Browns would have to give up draft choices if that's the case. I don't know how many or which ones, but that then absolutely starts to suggest they'll be trading down.

Unless they're going to build the whole team through free agency which we all know doesn't work and would mean Phil Savage simply wants to get fired.

My feeling on Quinn is that there's not going to be much of a middle ground on him. I think he's either going to be pretty damn good or he's going to be Tim Couch.

Either way, nobody's taking that guy at number three unless something huge happens in the run up to the draft. He's 8th at best, so even if the Browns do want him, I don't want them to pick him at three simply because I don't see the value in that when you can trade down and still get him lower, for less money, and while getting another pick in the process.

Of course, I'm not an NFL GM, so I could have my head completely up my ass.
Ah ha, well if it is Shaun Smith, then you know what it is, it's a stop-gap replacement for Ted Washington at the nose.

It has to be.
I keep reading Quinn's stock is rising in NFL GM eyes. Workout warrior at the combine, Charlie Weiss is selling him hard ... I don't know if he's going to be a Brown but I'll bet he goes higher than #8, top 5 or 6 I think. But I'm not even looking at the order or what the teams are supposedly looking for.
That's exactly it, other than the Browns and Lions, there aren't teams that are even looking for a QB until you get to the Vikings at seven.

Behind Cleveland it's TB (4), Arizona (5), Washington (6), then Minnesota (7), Houston (8), Miami (9).

So he will likely go somewhere from seven to nine assuming neither the Browns nor Lions take him.
What could get interesting is if the Browns deal with Houston at eight.

Because they desperately want a QB and with Minny right ahead of them sitting on only Tavaris Jackson, they may get twitchy. But if they bring in Plummer, maybe they want Calvin Johnson to give them a very solid corps on the outside. And CJ won't go any lower than four.
Figures i am offline for 24 hours and all this stuff happens.

Well i am pleasently surprised with getting rid of reuben. I like the guy but i think we had him on the tail end of his career. Shaun Smith sounds pretty good a DT, well at least his physical characteristics sounds pretty decent to me.

I like the deal with houston at 8. Quinn could still fall that low. That would be a decent spot to pick up quinn at. Plus i am sure crennel has the inside scoop with Quinn as his old buddy from new england weis is giving him all the details.
I was wrong on Shaun Smith, apparently since he wasn't drafted, the Browns wouldn't owe the Bengals any draft pick compensation for signing this guy.

Big body, could be a good signing if it goes through.
I would like seein him mold into a younger more athletic ted washington. I know that is wishful thinking but that is what i would like.
I actually hope they do get him. Because NTs are hard to find and if they think this guy can do it, great. It's such a key position in the 3-4 and it would be, as you said, taking away from a division rival. So it could be a total steal.