Brooks Fired

interesting move...

I guess OKC bigs expect more. One thing that I'm a bit puzzled by is they fired him after a season where they really never had a healthy squad.
I'm guess there's more to it then just the results.

If anything the chemistry of this team is really questionable. Who's team is it anyways? Maybe they should just trade one of these guys lol
He led us, man," Durant said of Brooks. "He made sure everybody was emotionally stable because we had a lot of guys in and out of the lineup and he kept everybody together. That's what your head coach is supposed to do. I can't really say nothing about it because he did his job. He kept us together."
interesting move...

I guess OKC bigs expect more. One thing that I'm a bit puzzled by is they fired him after a season where they really never had a healthy squad.
I'm guess there's more to it then just the results.

If anything the chemistry of this team is really questionable. Who's team is it anyways? Maybe they should just trade one of these guys lol

Based on the Durant injury i would most certainly see what kind of return you would get.... I dont think he will be the same player he was and if he does make it back all the way - it wont last ...big decision to be made- max contract and have all that cap money tied up for a 50/50 chance...(probably less)
no need to start a separate thread...

Private equity billionaire Antony Ressler is leading a group that is finalizing a deal to purchase the Atlanta Hawks, league sources told Yahoo Sports.

Ressler’s group will purchase the team from majority owner Bruce Levenson for a figure somewhere between $750 million and $900 million, sources told Yahoo Sports.

Former NBA All-Star Grant Hill and Atlanta entrepreneur Jesse Itzler will be investors in the group, sources said.

The new ownership group, which will need to be approved by the NBA’s Board of Governors, is planning to retain Hawks CEO Steve Koonin and keep him in charge of the organization’s day-to-day business.
I would've figured he'd have been blackballed by the NBA. I certainly wouldn't trust him...

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Brooks was a terrible coach on the court. Good motivator. You have 2 of the top 5 players in the league and no ships and trending away from finals it's time to move on.

And Durant may not be the same but OKc has no alternative. Building a winner without him capable of winning a ship will be impossible. They have to be all in.
Brooks is a bum. Dude allowed Perkins to linger around as a starter for too long. Too stubborn with his lineups.

Donovan or Ollie would be solid hires. If I can't have one of the two, then I'd talk Hoiberg.

Donovan won't pull the same stunt again. If he jumps to the NBA he'll stick it out. He has a lot more talent to work with on the OKC roster than he did with the Orlando roster. I'm sure that was a contributing factor.
If Hollins won't continue with the Nets for some reason, he can be a great fit. Teaching big man some defense and he has the experience.
Wouldn't go near college coach in such a crucial year.
Presti should go too, not that Brooks was a good coach but Presti did more damage to that team getting nothing for Harden
Presti not at fault. It's Thunder's owner, Bennett's fault for not being ready to go over the cap.
Harden was on very low contract, so Thunder couldn't sign anyone that got good paycheck - so he did the best he could - got draft picks and few promising youngsters.
Why would Ollie turn this down .. Start the rumors, but did Durant tell him he is not resigning?
I was surprised he got dumped during an injury prone season, but then again he was a bad x/o type coach. I think there problems are deeper though and as mentioned above they should have stepped up to the plate and spent some more money when the opportunity and window for success was there.