Brodie vs Utah Fan(s)...

Stay classy Russ. Saying he'd fuck up the asshole's wife is a little too much in this climate.

#metoo squad not gonna be happy.

That aside, OKC a dangerous team this season. Will make some noise in the playoffs.

Billy D will fuck it up in the end but they'll be dangerous to a point nonetheless.
Pat pat and russ saying the fan told him to get back down on his knees like he is used too

Those utah fans are worst in the league
Good outcome. Throw out the trash...

they handled it right. the guy clearly had it out for russ as his prior tweets make abundantly clear. at the same time, while I don't think athletes should be robots who don't get angry, you just cant threaten a dudes wife. league got it right all around here.
they handled it right. the guy clearly had it out for russ as his prior tweets make abundantly clear. at the same time, while I don't think athletes should be robots who don't get angry, you just cant threaten a dudes wife. league got it right all around here.
Russ protecting his family. I respect that. As he said, he's never had an issue with domestic abuse etc. I actually have no problem with him saying that at all(after thinking about it more). The league fining him is just to set an example so all the players don't start thinking that fan interaction can escalate.