Brewer, your new coach is...

reNew Orleans

Clubbin' with Rasual Butler
ESPN's Marc Stein is reporting that the Bulls will eventually hire Suns coach Mike D'Antoni as their new head coach, although it may not happen for several days.

GM John Paxson will reportedly also interview Avery Johnson, but it sounds like they are set on hiring D'Antoni for the job. The Chicago Sun-Times' Brian Hanley has been told that no contract has been offered to D'Antoni as of now, and it will be interesting to see how Paxson deals with D'Antoni's love of offense over defense. May. 6 - 12:06 pm et
Source: Chicago Sun-Times

Sorry if there was a thread made about this earlier, just saw this on PTI as well.
I'm die hard Bulls fan and this is amazing news.

Hinrich's whose career could have been wasted away will have new life. His game is all about pushing the ball and if nothing's there pulling up and setting the offense.

Guys like Thomas will become absolute monsters.

Even if we go slightly above .500, we'll be dangerous... and we'll be one of the best teams to watch in the league.

Sefa/Duhon?/Nocci/8th Pick

Pretty strong nucleus.... especially in a wide open offense.
I disagree that he's overrated.

He's no Pop or Phil Jackson...

but he's at the top of the 2nd tier.
Tyrus is going to go off/breakout next year. This is great.
Last edited:
Hiring him would be a 3-5 year move... the Pistons, Celtics, and Cavs will be blown up or rebuilding by then...
Yeah the Bulls get the defensive concept... Hinrich won't become Nash and look like he has one leg out there....

Deng won't lose his length or quickness...

and Noah won't start simply worrying about jacking up 3's
my point is, with an offensive coach, those numbers will go down....i think he is a good regular season coach, but nothing more imo.
the numbers didnt go down with Jim boylan so im not worried. and Jim was looney and shouldnt coach anything above HS level.
we'll see....will be interesting to see what happens in chicago the next few days.
Does Dantoni teach players that cant hit the side of a barn how to shoot?

I realize Tyrus will get alot of dunks, alley opps, and putbacks but you run whatever kind of offense you want the dude needs to learn how to shoot.
No excuse for having all that ability and not being able to knock down a 12 foot jumper. I love ole Tyrus but its obvious that his work effort limits his output.

But hey as a Bulls fan you got rid of Wallace who is the only less offensive player I know besides Tyrus. I would say in 3 years the Bulls will be really good.
Knicks' offer to D'Antoni may force Bulls' hand

May 7, 2008, 1:01 AM CDT

Another rumor-filled day passed without the Bulls hiring a coach, and, as so often happens in these episodes, one word came to the forefront Tuesday regarding Mike D'Antoni.


D'Antoni has made it clear to general manager John Paxson that he covets the Bulls' job. But D'Antoni also interviewed for the Knicks' job, and talk in league circles centered on D'Antoni's camp using the Knicks as leverage to drive up the Bulls' price tag.

That's a game Bulls Chairman Jerry Reinsdorf rarely plays, particularly when he's on the hook for close to $5 million to Scott Skiles, who now works in Milwaukee.

The cat-and-mouse game of musical chairs should end soon, with D'Antoni's camp telling both franchises it expects a conclusion by the end of this week. Despite several reports to the contrary, neither the Knicks nor the Bulls had presented D'Antoni with a formal offer as of late Tuesday.

What's clear is D'Antoni won't be returning to work for Steve Kerr in Phoenix, the GM who owes him $8.5 million over two years. The Suns aren't expected to seek compensation for D'Antoni's exit and merely are looking to offset their financial commitment over a failed relationship.

Given the sour turn D'Antoni's basketball relationship took with Kerr, money isn't the only driving force behind D'Antoni's decision. He is said to seek a strong comfort level with his general manager, a trait Paxson also stressed as important when he launched the search.

The lack of that dynamic is what doomed Rick Carlisle's chances, even before Carlisle emerged as the front-runner to land the Mavericks' job. Paxson also has interviewed Mark Jackson and relatively anonymous Nuggets assistant Mark Dunlap.

The Knicks interviewed former Mavericks coach Avery Johnson on Tuesday, although Jackson still is considered a stronger candidate for the job than Johnson.

The Bulls had expressed interest in meeting with Johnson, who would seem to jibe with Paxson's philosophy of defensive basketball and tough-minded accountability.

But as of late Tuesday, no formal interview had been scheduled. One source close to Johnson insisted the Bulls no longer were showing much interest.

Whether that is another signal D'Antoni and the Bulls are headed for a marriage remains to be seen. Not interviewing Johnson would run counter to Paxson's philosophy of talking to several people with different philosophies.

Like D'Antoni, Johnson would command a large salary, although the $12 million he is owed by the Mavericks would be offset.

As previously reported by the Tribune, Skiles negotiated to remove the offset in his original contract in exchange for giving back roughly $2 million of the guaranteed $7 million the Bulls owed when they fired him.
So the Bulls get D'Antoni, and they will be right back where they were with Skiles, a playoff bound team, that will never sniff title.

Does anyone honestly think the Bulls will win a title with D'Antoni? If he can't do it with Amare/Nash/Barbosa/etc/etc, why would he be able to do it with Hinrich/Gordon/Thomas.

A guy like Skiles has a better shot taking a team to a title, this run'n'gun offense is exciting, and that's it. Don't the Bulls fans come out anyways? Do they really need to put more people in the seats, this move baffles me.

I'd rather have Avery Johnson any day of the week. The Bulls missed the playoffs this year, but they'll be back for the next five in a row, and be 1st round knocked outs. A D'Antoni coached team has no shot against a team like the Pistons/Celtics/Cavs. Congrats Chicago, instead of 82 games a season, you now get maybe 88.
Lifesallover...I do agree that D'Antoni might not be better thank skiles or avery, but why would the bulls go back to a defense minded half court game when they already know that doesnt work for them? Change it up a bit and think offensive. The defense wont get hurt that much. PHX was only 4 spots lower than Chicago in Def FG%. Overall, Chi has a better D than Phx, but their offense needs a wakeup call. Before overhauling the players with trades and such, try seeing what the team can do with a running offense. Avery will not bring that to the team. Avery is a grind it out half court game. My only concern is that D'Antoni is very expensive for a trial and error period. I would think the Bulls need a more offensive minded coach
without D'antoni's price tag. If they do get D'antoni, then Chi has to aim to make the run in 3 years from now because the next 2-3 years is going to be dominated by Det, Clev, and Bos. Not to mention all the great West Teams they will meet in the Finals in the next couple years.
i didnt go to one game this year i went to four last year. im not paying the price of admission/food/beer to watch garbage basketball.

i can watch garbage basketball for a hell of a lot less on my tv at home.
How the fuck are Zach Randolph and Eddy Curry going to be able to play more then 20 minutes a game with D'Antoni???? This is gonna be another comical year for New York basketball. Jamal Crawford is primed for some nice scoring numbers.. NY Loses again
How the fuck are Zach Randolph and Eddy Curry going to be able to play more then 20 minutes a game with D\'Antoni???? This is gonna be another comical year for New York basketball. Jamal Crawford is primed for some nice scoring numbers.. NY Loses again

The offseason hasnt even started and your assuming that no moves will be made with eddy and/or zach? Crawford,Nate,Lee,Chandler will all thrive in a running system and if they get Derrick Rose well lets just see how it plays out
The offseason hasnt even started and your assuming that no moves will be made with eddy and/or zach? Crawford,Nate,Lee,Chandler will all thrive in a running system and if they get Derrick Rose well lets just see how it plays out

Both of them are going to be tough to move. I'll be shocked if they give up on ZBo after only one year, though I wouldn't judge them if they did. Both of them are dead in the water if you try and pu thtem in a run'n'gun system, and I think the whole world can admit to that. And they are, outside of Crawford, their best/only offensive threats. So until their moved, I can't imagine NYK doing anything. I do agree most their players would benefit from the change, because they're terrible defensively, and D'Antoni doesn't place much value on it. But it's not going to transform Nate/Lee/Chandler into something that great, espacially with Marbury/Crawford at point gaurd. They need someone that can distribute for his offense to run effectively, and Crawford isn't that guy. Great scorer, not a passer. Now if they can trade Eddy and Zbo (and one year less on their contracts, it's more possible than last year), but this personnel is going to be a trainwreck. Zach should be able to get more practice on his 3pt shot though:36_11_6:

oh yea hows Channing Frye?

His production certainly tailed off after that "untouchable" rookie year. But at the expense of getting rid of Zbo, I'll give him an A-. That midrange jumper is nice, but he's soft as wet tissue inside:pillow:
knicks on opening day

Final score:

knicks: 120
Team X (whoever): 145

mikey dantoney you selfish bastard, you will get filthy rich, however you'll eat a ton of loses as well
from a bullsfan perspective:

First of all, there are ton of conflicting reports to what happened w/ mikey dantoney. First, there are reports that dantoney chose love, money and support from walsh and will do anything to support him (very Yag by the way). Second, Bulls never got to offer even if they showed interest. Third, it looks like there was a lack of communication between reinsdorf and dantoney, they were meeting, they didnt get anything done, JR wanted to meet again but dantoney already agreed to the knicks

Random Thoughts:

1. Dantoney would be sorry, he got the cash and security, but the team and players are a joke. It is obvious that the bulls are a better choice w/ deng, gordon and tyrus. I actually cant understand what happened w/ this guy, at the beginning he expressed interest in coaching the bulls, guess we can say money matters

2. Reinsdorf is one cheap ass b*tch, he didnt want gasol a few seasons ago because chitown would go into luxury tax, now he cant pay for dantoney. Guy just wants money and cant damn pay for shit

3. PAX PAX PAX, what the hell is wrong w/ this guy? building a young team off great college programs, signing a winner in noch from europe is a good thing. the bad? overpaying wallace and joe smith which led to nothing, aldrige for thomas? wallace over tyson? too many questionable moves, geez... cant land a star is another, what happened to the gasol rumors? nothing, kobe rumors? nothing, now dantoney........ pax should be fired. i bet his desire for a defensive oriented coach and hesitation played a part of losing on dantoney,if he cant be or wont be fired, when does his contract expire? anyone?
from bullsfan perspective part 2

what could have been w/ dantoneyyyy

maybe we cant win a championship w/ him nor go deep into the playoffs but he could have sure brought back the excitement to chicago. bulls need an offensive coach, they already experienced and learned to play hard nosed defense under skiles (too bad it didnt work out)

the players

a.) captain kirk is no nash but under dantoney he could set plays better offensively and maybe get better court vision especially in the open court

b.) gordon- is not as good at finishing nor as fast as barbosa but he can shoot way better and turn it on anytime

c.) deng- the bulls best finisher would be way better at dantoney type of play, just too long, finishes well at the rim

d.) tyrus- could play like marion, above the rim, offensive glass, put backs, dunks, all over the floor, he could have been a perfect fit, and his potential could be maximed under dantoney

e.) noah- a good running energetic big man that would fit in dantoney's game

f.) thabo- could be a diaw type of player, setting plays and bringing that ball down, w/ slashing etc

g.) the sure gonners- gray, duhon, adrian griff

h.) the not sures- gooden, noch

i) pls get him out- hughes

what could have been, oh well
from a bullsfan perspective part 3

Who's left?

rumors indicate:

a.) Avery johnson-- i personally dont like him to coach the bulls, relates to the players but offensive sets are very bad, rumors are said he might take some time off and eat his money from dallas

b.) Dwayne Casey-- i also dont like him, defense oriented stuff didnt work before he went nowhere in minny... rumors are also indicating he'd join carlilse in dallas as an assistant

c.) michael curry-- is said to be a flip saunders' successor, dont know him, a bit intriguing by looking at the stons play d

d.) mark jackson-- a big no no for me, no coaching experience, dont want to start as an asst coach, knows the game though

e.) tom thibo from boston (cant spell his name)-- if given the names of these five guys, he would be my choice, im impressed how boston improved defensively as individuals and as a team, he could be my pick also because of his experience around the league and he could be cheap (yeah JR you can pay and afford him)

my worst case scenario (no specific order)
a.) avery johnson
b.) mark jackson
c.) PAX decides to coach this team on his own (WORST)

my best case:
-i dunno who else is on the market but basing on the rumors my pick is tom thibo from boston

Best of luck to the bulls next season

Bulls Chairman says money wasn't issue with D'Antoni

<DL class=byline>By K.C. Johnson | Tribune reporter <DD>11:24 PM CDT, May 12, 2008 </DD></DL>Calmly yet meticulously in a Monday night phone interview, Bulls Chairman Jerry Reinsdorf detailed the sequence of events that led to Mike D'Antoni spurning the Bulls for the Knicks.

Befitting his law background, Reinsdorf pegged matters to the minute, saying he's still waiting for D'Antoni to return his call placed at 10:05 a.m. Pacific Standard Time on Saturday.

"I'm disappointed in him," Reinsdorf said. "I don't know what else we could've done. He chose to go to New York knowing there was a good chance we would make him an offer. If he had really wanted to be in Chicago, he would've waited. Instead, he misled us. It's not the end of the world, but it is somewhat rude."

The "misled" accusation stems from their 2-hour-15-minute meeting Friday at D'Antoni's Phoenix-area home that is mere yards from Reinsdorf's, a meeting Reinsdorf said he left at 4:45 p.m. local time.

"The second subject, I said if we need to get something done this weekend we shouldn't even bother talking because it will take longer than that," Reinsdorf said. "He said nothing had to be done over the weekend.

"I also said if this proceeds to where we want to make an offer, we don't deal with coach's agents. He said that's not a problem and that money wasn't the most important thing anyway. He said he wanted a job where he was going to be happiest. He said he didn't want to coach the Knicks."

A call to Warren LeGarie, D'Antoni's agent, went unreturned. In a Saturday phone interview with the Tribune, LeGarie praised the Bulls' efforts.

"Chicago made a terrific, last-second pitch, but at that point, Mike was emotionally committed to New York," LeGarie said then. "[Bulls general manager] John Paxson did a magnificent job to bring Mike on board, and Mike was quite taken with John.

"This has nothing to do with money. Mike sees a great challenge in New York."

The Bulls now face a challenge in the court of public opinion overcoming the perception they dawdle and/or can't pull the trigger on major decisions.

D'Antoni's defection comes on the heels of the Bulls failing to acquire Kevin Garnett or Pau Gasol in trades and—in an incorrect perception since the Lakers never seriously entertained trading him—whiffing on Kobe Bryant.

"I can't worry about perception," Reinsdorf said. "I have to worry about making the right decision. This is a very critical hire. If you make a mistake, you set yourself back. Tim Floyd didn't work out, Bill Cartwright. Scott Skiles, we thought we had a good one, but he's gone with two years left on his deal. We've been set back.

"The answer is this is a very important decision to make and we didn't want to make the wrong decision. I don't think we moved too slowly. As soon as the Suns gave permission to talk, John was on a plane to meet with him. We did not move slowly here."

Asked why, if D'Antoni was the target, the Bulls didn't make a pre-emptive strike offer before the Knicks, Reinsdorf deferred to the sequence of events.

Reinsdorf said he met with Paxson last Tuesday to review the general manager's two interviews in Phoenix with D'Antoni, as well as other candidates on the Bulls' list. Paxson had flown to Phoenix on May 4, the day Suns general manager Steve Kerr granted D'Antoni permission to interview.

Knowing he would be in Phoenix over last weekend, Reinsdorf said he called D'Antoni last Tuesday and set up the Friday meeting. Reinsdorf said as he left that meeting, he told D'Antoni he would speak to Paxson and talk to D'Antoni again on Saturday.

When Paxson called LeGarie on Saturday morning, the agent informed Paxson that D'Antoni had accepted the Knicks' job. As Paxson attempted to sway LeGarie to listen to the Bulls' offer, Reinsdorf left his Saturday morning message for D'Antoni.

"I never tell the general manager who he has to hire, but I do have veto power," Reinsdorf said. "After meeting with Mike, I told John I was inclined to negotiate a contract and John made it clear he wanted Mike."

Paxson subsequently talked to D'Antoni, which is perhaps why the coach didn't return Reinsdorf's call.

Reinsdorf disputed LeGarie's statement that the Bulls seemed hesitant to enter into another multiyear deal after swallowing close to two years and $5 million of Skiles' contract.

"I assumed we'd have to go four years," Reinsdorf said. "We gave Scott Skiles four years. That's kind of the going rate for coaches now. And money isn't an issue. Believe me, we can afford to pay coaches. Even if Skiles hadn't spread his money out (over four years), we can afford to pay top coaches. And we were prepared to do so."

Now, the Bulls are preparing for what appears to be a lengthy search, starting from scratch. They'd like to interview former Mavericks coach Avery Johnson, but nothing has been scheduled.

Many league observers suspect Johnson, who is owed $12 million from Dallas, will sit out a year.

Beyond Johnson, the Bulls will ask permission to interview Celtics assistant Tom Thibodeau and Pistons assistant Michael Curry, although the latter might not be allowed to leave.

Another intriguing candidate is Lakers assistant Brian Shaw. And Reinsdorf isn't hung up on needing to hire a "name" coach.

" Phil Jackson wasn't a big name, and he turned out to be a great coach," he said.

Reinsdorf also shrugged off a question about how critical this hire is to Paxson's future.

"John's one of the better decisions I've made," he said. "I have total confidence in John. He's done a great job and he's an even better person."

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I seriously dont know why I keep updating this thread, though all bulls' fans should rejoice :cheers: (just check the damn title of the article)

Avery Johnson no longer in Bulls' plans

May 17, 2008
Recommend (2)

BY BRIAN HANLEY Staff Reporter

The Bulls believe Avery Johnson is not interested in becoming their next head coach and the team has no plans to further pursue him.

Johnson told Dan Patrick on WSCR-AM (670) on Thursday that he had spoken to the Bulls last week, but the former Dallas Mavericks coach indicated his options included taking time off.

That is the message the Bulls have heard loud and clear from Johnson. The Mavs owe Johnson $12 million for the three seasons left on his Dallas contract until he takes another job.

Bulls general manager John Paxson has scheduled interviews next week with coaches currently on the staffs of playoff teams, including Utah Jazz assistant Tyrone Corbin. Those interviews could take place once the second round concludes.

Other assistants expected to be interviewed by Paxson include Boston's Tom Thibodeau, Detroit's Michael Curry, and Brian Shaw of the Los Angeles Lakers.
maybe he is a reader of mine.

we need an offensive minded coach who stresses shots in the first 7 seconds of the shot clock. who that coach is i dunno ...

we also need a true center and a true pg. we have enough bench players for 2 teams.
this guy from the jazz would be nice if he installs utah's offense but i know nothing about him. i love that offense tho. :)
The Bulls are reportedly looking at Eric Snow as a candidate for their vacant head coaching job, despite the fact that he has no coaching experience.

Bobcats coach Larry Brown also wants to hire Snow, but first Snow will have to resolve his contract situation -- the Cavs owe him $7.4 million next season and will likely buy out his contract. May. 21 - 9:40 am et
I like Corbin from Utah.

I would really like to see us run something similar to what the Jazz run with D Will and Boozer with Rose and Gooden (that is if we take Rose like Paxson's history says and identify that Rose is the correct pick).

Corbin, also, has ties to a guy who played his basketball as a Chicago Bull and had his number retired here (Sloan) and played his college ball at Depaul.