Breaking news: Nuggets line just jumped to -8 at Bookmaker.

Ginobli injury concern, and Ducnan and Parker are just resting after last night
lol. I have -5 (-120) big, and ML in a medium sized ML parlay with Houston (at -119). just added small at -10 (-105)- and may middle that one at 12 if it comes
Honestly though what the hell is Popovich doing? They've got 4 days off after this game and then play 3 games before the ASG. Very un-pop like.
Yea, I don't get it. Why would they give up 1 game in the standings, when they are only 2 ahead of Denver?!?!!?
I grabbed Denver ML @ 605 when the line was -10 and grabbed SA ML for a unit when I saw +14XX along with the spread. Great middle for some free cash. My condolences for those that got Denver at a high #. They screwed it up bad.