Breaking down the AFC

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
During Euro “2020,” BAR asked me if I would write up something for the NFL season. And, generally, I find that saying No to BAR when he asks for something nicely is sort of like turning down a reacharound, I mean, you can, but why?

Come to think of it, when BAR is asking for something nicely, a lot of the time he is asking for a reacharound. Huh. Really something to think about.

Anyway, this is going to be long, but what else are you gonna do this week, work? Please, don’t insult me. You’re better than that.

So, let’s talk about the NATIONAL. FOOTBALL. LEAGUE. *dun dun dun dun duhhhhh dun-dun, dun, dun dun*

Oh, two quick things about the league overall.

First, let me say this about Covid because it’s obviously still a thing and it will impact the season. And if you don’t care/don’t want to hear about it, I’ll denote when this part of the piece stops.

Also, to be extremely clear, what I am about to say about Covid IS NOT ABOUT YOU. If you read what I am about to say and get mad at me because you think I’m talking about you, that’s a you problem and while that’s sad, to be completely honest, oh well.

The thing about Covid and the NFL is that it is absolutely a competitive advantage to have your team vaccinated. It just is.

This year the NFL has basically said they don’t care. No, not about CTE or violence against women, that’s still all good, they don’t care if your team gets Covid. They’re not rescheduling shit for you, Baltimore. Or you, Tennessee. You’re gonna forfeit. Now, will that happen, probably not, but it’s out there. And any team that won’t get fully vax’d is risking it.

On a more individual level, if you are a selfish enough fucker who won’t get vaccinated, point blank, I don’t think you give two fucks about your team and I don’t believe you are truly committed to winning. End of fucking sentence.

Not getting vaccinated is a total fuck you to every member of your team that you sweat with every day, every member of their family, and every member of your organization. Because this is a team sport, and I guarantee you, Kirk Cousins, that there are members of your team who have small children who cannot get vaccinated, who have members of their family who are immunocompromised, etc. And when you refuse to get vaccinated, with a pandemic variant out there that is as contagious as chicken pox, you just don’t give enough of a fuck. You’re not really there to win, you’re there for some other selfish reason and while I hope you don’t die or kill anyone in your circle of people, don’t expect me to support your shitty, selfish decision.

Because, as a bettor, your shitty selfish decision makes it hard for me to back your team long term. At any point, Baltimore, you could have a QB room that ends up like Denver’s did last year. Where you either need to start someone incapable of playing the position or you forfeit a game. And in a league where lines are this tight, where season win totals are this tight, that’s a monster red flag.

Oh, and for what it’s worth, I don’t want to hear any bullshit about ‘I just need more information.’ Save it. Washington literally had the woman who developed the Moderna vax come in to answer questions for the team—maybe because their coach is a fucking cancer survivor. Anyway, after she was done Josh Sweat said he still wasn’t going to get vax’d because he still had questions.

The woman who made the vaccine was just there TO ANSWER THOSE FUCKING QUESTIONS, who else do you want to hear from, Josh, FUCKING AQUAMAN? Should we get Jason Fucking Momoa in here to tell you to stop being a fucking twat? Sorry. Where was I? Oh yeah, fuck Covid and fuck guys who don’t give two shits about their teammates.

*****End Covid rant****

Second, there was a time when I could bet this league semi-successfully. *sad music plays* Unfortunately, that was a long time ago. The league shifted in, say the late 2000s, and I fell apart betting-wise, to the point where losing sucked, I found the game boring, and pretty much tuned out for a long time. But everything changes and I believe the league has changed again.

Even up until a few years ago I think the NFL liked that as you got into the season it felt like everybody had a chance come winter. But I think they’ve since learned that you make more money when everybody ‘feels’ like they have a chance before the season, but once we get a few weeks into the season, it’s better for ratings if the public at large really only needs to care about a handful of teams—either to root for them or against them. Basically, I don’t think they really want parity at all.

I also think, and I believe we see this bear out in the numbers, they don’t want 23-13 football games ever if they can at all avoid them. And I think this year we might really see them lean into that more than ever. The biggest tell on this to me is that last year, the number of offensive holding penalties dropped in a big way. The league wants points. So, to me, that means find QBs that can play, find OLs that can block for them, find coaches that won’t Anthony Lynn you games in the fourth quarter, and then start looking at everything else.

With that said, let’s start in the AFC because that means we can save my prediction for the Eagles going 12-5 and Jalen Hurts being the runner up as league MVP for another thread. In the business, we call that a tease. Which, not coincidentally, is also what Steed calls two fingers on the taint, but again, I digress.



Let’s start in the East, a division I normally don’t like, but man I like Buffalo. Here, though, is a case of one of those teams that is downright courting Covid. Not only is their QB Covid-curious, by now everybody has heard of the multiple dudes on the team who are basically Covid-compliant. As someone who’d like to be betting this team consistently throughout the year, this scares me to death. Still, if you look at this team’s schedule it’s just dripping with wins. According to ESPN, they have the 2nd easiest schedule in the league. In addition, I believe Buffalo ran the most four-wide sets in the league last year and has a top 10 OL. This team is going to score a bunch of points and they’re going to win a lot of games if they can avoid injury and the ‘vid.

I don’t think I’m going to go through the whole schedule for each team, because I also think (esp. with 17 games) this league will break down into thirds or even quarters more than ever this year. But I look at Buffalo as a team that should be 4-0 heading into Week 5 vs. KC. The week after which, it should be time to re-evaluate most teams. I say they win the division, but the numbers sucks and I won’t bet it, same with them to get to the playoffs. But I have already teased them in Week 1 as I think the matchup is terrible for Pitt, even though they should be at their healthiest and have revenge on the brain.

I don't know if they're going to win it all, but as long as they stay healthy, I think this team contends for HFA in the AFC.

New England
Second in the East, I have New England. Which is a tough call vs. Miami, but I’ll get to the fish in a minute. I don’t like that NE got rid of Cam—but if anything tells you about how being vax’d is a competitive advantage issue, it should be when noted Donald Trump supporter Bill Bellicheat kicks arguably the best QB (at least, as of right now) off the roster completely. Do you really want to tell me that Bellichick was going to ‘do Cam a solid’ rather than what makes his team better at QB2? Bullshit. Cam put that QB room et al at risk, Bellicheat went through that last year, and he won’t do it again. Done and done.

And why should he. He has a ton of guys coming back on defense. My guess is, this team starts slow on offense as Jones works through the rookie stuff all rookies have to, but that this team just gets better as the year goes on. I fully expect this team to push for double-digit wins—and do not underestimate how much Brady winning in TB last year motivates Bill this season. All that guy does is think about winning. You think he took all the talk about it being Brady all along rather than his coaching well? Does that seem like a thing Bellichick would do? Hahaha. Right.

One other thing that should embolden you if you’re a Pats’ bettor this year, last year they were 5-10-1 to the under. With the number of guys they get back on defense this year, my guess is that number stays shaded that way—and they jump up in wins.


In short, I like them, but I also don’t like them. I think they’re well coached, I think they have a lot of talent, but I also think they regress this year. Miami was third-best last year in turnover differential. That’s something that comes back to the mean. They’re also without Fitzmagic if and when Tua gets wobbly. Granted, I’ve always liked Brissett, but still. I think they’re going to be good, but not great, and I honestly think they miss the playoffs. This Miami team—IF Tua is good—strikes me as a team that could make the leap to challenging for the division ‘next’ year, not this.

That said, I do think Week One will be a very interesting matchup for them. It’s a game I’ve already bet the under on. I think both QBs struggle. This feels like 23-17 at the high end, probably more like 20-13.

In their first four, I have them going 2-2 at best, heading into their week five game at TB which should put them at 2-3 or worse and then they have to start answering questions they don’t want to deal with. At which point they coalesce, or it starts to come apart.

Last, Miami was great against the number last year, 10-6 SU, but 11-5 ATS. No other team was better and the other four teams around them all had better SU records. The next 10-6 or worse team near them (LAR) was 9-7 ATS. I feel this evens out especially when you figure in the turnover thing.

Because I don’t see the team being dramatically improved, in theory, the lines should catch up. That leads me to think that the line with Miami may really tell you what’s going to happen with them from week to week.


So, there’s been a ton of love in the preseason for Zach Wilson. I haven’t really watched the preseason, so I haven’t seen it. And maybe he’s going to be good. And maybe his mom will stop being a complete crazy person. Who’s to say! What I will say is that I don’t see the wins on their schedule. They should lose both games to Buffalo and NE. They lose at least one to Miami. That’s five losses. At Denver and Indy, that’s seven. They go to Atlanta so … 7.5? New Orleans and TB at home, that’s 9.5 losses without really trying that hard.

This is a long way of saying I bet the Jets’ season win total under for the season. I don't really like a lot about this team this year. I don't like their talent level, I don't like their schedule, I don't like their division. But other than that though ... Yikes.



Jesus, finally the team that really matters here, the CLEVELAND FOOTBALL BROWNS. I’ve seen a lot of talk about how this team will regress this year purely based on numbers. Here’s the thing, I don’t totally disagree. But I think this entire division regresses this year and that Cleveland is the best in their division.

Here’s the thing about the Browns. First, they had a great offseason in that they were really honest about where they fell short last year and specifically targeted those needs in free agency and the draft. There are teams that will not be this honest in their offseason and it can kill you. The Browns were not this team.

The keys for this team to succeed this year—the first year Baker is actually going to have some coaching continuity, btw—will be for them to stay true to what they did last year. Be a running team that sets up the pass. If they can do that, and stay healthy, I think (and have bet) this team to win the division.

Throw out their first game against KC—which I both think and hope they lose–I see this team then winning three straight (Houston, Chicago, at Minny) before they match up with the Chargers in Week 5. They have some tough road games on the schedule, NE, LAC, Denver, GB, but overall I like the way their schedule lines up.

Something to note, last year the Browns were 11-5 SU, but 6-10 ATS. You have to think a lot of that was about their pre-season hype (also, to be extremely fair, they had three games in extreme weather last year which skews those ATS numbers slightly. Point is, there's as much or more hype on Cleveland this year. On paper they've really improved their defense, but winning and covering two scores ATS can be two different things. Just sayin'.

Here’s another one of these Covid teams. All the QBs in the Covid-curious ward get me, but Jackson is near the top for one reason. This dude is negotiating a contract right now—and he doesn’t have an agent. Josh Allen’s contract was $258M including a $16M signing bonus and $150M of guaranteed money. Lamar Demeatrice Jackson Jr., what are you doing? Seriously, WHAT ARE YOU DOING.

Anyway, I like this team, and I think their schedule isn’t as hard as it’s ranked (~8th hardest in the league), but they’ve had losses in the trenches, and they just lost Dobbins at RB. I still think this team is good. I think they may compete for a wildcard, but I think they miss out on the division.

They have a pretty good opening few games. They should beat Vegas in Week 1, but then they have to go home for KC. Then to Detroit and Denver before getting Indy at home. I’m going to give them 2-2 in the first four, 3-2 in the first five as they beat up on Indy at home (of course, write this one down as I end up talking myself into the Colts in this game a month from now). That should set them up well for the next phase of the season.

Also, if they happen to have another Covid issue in the middle of the season like last year, that’s exactly when both of their Browns games are, and those games are for the division, imo.

Cincy is another one of those teams I’ve heard a lot of noise about in the preseason. Burrow is a mess, Chase can’t catch up to the offense after sitting out last season, etc. Again, I haven’t really watched it so I can’t really say how true or not any of that is. However, I think Cincy has a bigger problem and that is that they are, pretty clearly, the third best team in their own division. This is never a good place to be and almost always ends up with you on the outside looking in, if not looking for a new coach.

They’re not better than Cleveland, they’re not better than Balty. So what’s their path to the playoffs? Not to mention, to me, any time a QB is coming off a huge injury you need to show me before I buy into the idea that you’re back. A huge injury at the most important position on the field? Until Burrow shows me he’s back, I don’t like it. I also don’t think this team has the talent to really compete yet.

Their first four games aren’t too bad, Minny, then going on the road to Chicago and Pitt before coming home for Jax. But you have to think at best that’s 2-2, probably more like 1-3. For the sake of argument, say they’re 0-3 going into the Jax game. They win. Next they have to play Green Bay. Honestly, this team is under .500 before they know it. And that’s before they’ve even played Cleveland x2, Baltimore x2, the Chargers, Chiefs, Niners or the Broncos. My guess is, it doesn’t start great for Cincy, and then it starts to go off the rails somewhere between that GB game and their bye week in Week 10. After which it’s literally seven weeks of games they should lose but for maybe Pittsburgh at home or Vegas in Vegas.

Pittsburgh sucks. Not the city, the city is awesome. But this team sucks. And I know you all want Mogo to fix them, but he is in charge of fixing the Penguins who have a lot of difficult choices to make over the next 18 months. Don’t get me wrong, I hear you all being like, “But Joe, don’t sell Mogo short, have you seen the nalgas on that guy? Can’t he multitask?”

And look, I’m not here to talk down Mogo’s abilities, let alone his nalgas. I’m here to uplift Mogo. But he’s only one man. Stop being so selfish, ya jagoffs.

Look, everybody is talking about what a mess Pittsburgh is and it happens to be one of the conventional wisdoms I buy. Big Ben is old. And he may start off fine like he starts off fine most years, but this time his OL is just not there to block for him.

Also, last year this team feasted on turnovers, 5th best differential in the league. That always evens out. That ain’t good.

I think this team is going to progressively get worse over the year—and I don’t really think they start in a great place. So whereas last year they were 11-0 before the collapse, I think this year they kind of hang around .500 before it falls apart. They have what is accepted as the hardest schedule in the league this year and it comes at a horrible time. In his career, Tomlin has never had a losing season. Looking at their schedule, I think that changes this year.

I’ve bet their season under and in their first four I have them at 2-2 before Denver and then Seattle comes into Pittsburgh. If they get super lucky, I think that makes them 4-2. But their bye this year is in Week 7. And next 11 weeks include Cleveland x2, Balty x2, Tenny, @LAC, @KC, @Minny. It’s bad news and time to rebuild.


Someone please tell me Tennessee has overcome their love of Covid. Please. Because I bet them to win this division at -115. I just don’t see another real challenger barring injury. They’ve been good for the last two years, I don’t see a ton of losses in talent and they got better on the outside at WR. Now they can spread you out like Steed on a Saturday night.

The one major downside for this team is that last year they had the single best turnover differential in the league. That won’t happen again. And if it full-on reverses, that is bad for me. Real bad.

If I’m missing about this team something please let me know, but as it is, I think they win this division. Their schedule, to me, starts off pretty great. Arizona at home, @Seattle, the Jets, Indy, the Jags. That screams momentum. So long as they can handle Indy again over the course of the season, I think this team is just better.

Also, fun fact about Tenny, they were the best over team last year. You wouldn’t think it, but they were 12-3-1 to the total, Buffalo was second with 11 overs.

Well, well, well. Speaking of players who do not give two single solitary fucks about their teammates. Good to see you, Carson Wentz, you bumblefucking goatfucker, you. Look, Philly is going to be worse than Indy this year, but I swear to you, I would rather have Jalen Hurts this season than Carson Wentz. No, I am not kidding.

That he’s one of the most arrogant players in the league is, or should be, well known by now. And that he’s actively trying to catch Covid and put his team at risk, well, that pretty much fits. Because he’s just who he is.

Oddly enough, if he can stay healthy (something he’s never done, btw, but IF) I actually think this team will be pretty good—right up until they’re not. The question is just how long that takes. Will he get Covid before he stops listening to his coaches? Tune in to find out!

My feeling with the Colts is, bet them early. If they win and it holds up, you can ride the wave until it crashes. But I also feel pretty comfortable the crash is coming at some point. At which point, if we know anything, we know that the crash will be anybody else’s fault other than Carson Wentz.

Something else to note with Indy is that they were another team that absolutely feasted on turnovers last year. They were second best in the league. This generally evens out. What’s interesting here in a related story is that your top three teams in turnover differential last year, were all from the same division. So if you assume they all regress in a similar fashion, it may hurt them league-wide, but not specifically in their division.

In other words, you may be stripping one or two wins from Tenny this year, but you’ll be doing the same from Miami and Indy. Just a thought.

Last, Indy’s schedule does them no favors to start, after Seattle at home, it’s LAC before three road games including Tenny, Miami, and Balty. Then they get a break to get well vs. Houston at home before going to SF to get just full-on face-fucked. If they can get the Seattle win (I’m not sure they can), 2-3 before Houston? 3-3 after Houston, 3-4 after SF? That seems right to me.

I’m honestly not sure which team will be worse this year, Houston or the Jags. I don’t think Lawrence is bad, but I’m not sold on Meyer yet, and more so I just don’t see the talent especially after losing Travis Etienne.

I admit, I could totally be missing the boat. Still, I don’t see it. @Houston, Denver, Arizona, @Cincy, Tenny, Miami in London. That’s their open before the bye. Feels like two wins max to me and 2-4 is no way to go through life, son.

Does this team even have a QB who will start on Sundays? Does this team have a front office that wants to field an NFL caliber team? I don’t think the answer to either of those questions right now is Yes.

Houston looks like they are set up for a really good run of historical fuckery, and I may be finding ways to capitalize on it. After Jax this opening weekend, they have @Cleveland, Carolina, @Buffalo, NE, @Indy, @AZ, LAC, and @Miami before their bye. I don’t see more than two wins in there. Honestly, there may not be one win if they can’t get it against Jax which is where I think all their motivation will be.

You have to think this team is sick of hearing about their offseason and just wants to go hit someone. But if Jax can sneak out a win on opening weekend, unless Carolina is feeling charitable, I don’t see a win for Houston in their first nine weeks.

And people tell me that’s a bad thing.


Kansas City

Kansas City is good. Seriously, what more do you want me to say. My only regret about KC is I forced myself to look past their injuries in the SB last year. That was dumb. But KC, like Cleveland, looked at where they needed help and went out and got it. Their OL is projected to be among the strongest in the league which means bad things for everyone else.

Something to note, KC was 14-2 SU, but 7-9 ATS last year. So when they’re asking you to pay that premium price again this year, ask yourself if it is going to be worth it or if there are other ways to attack the team. Team totals, teasing them, etc.

They have one of the tougher schedules in the league, and I know everybody expects them to beat Cleveland Week 1 (including me), but that’s a huge revenge spot for Cleveland. What if KC loses—after all that -6.5 looks pretty tempting, right? After that, they go to Baltimore and get LAC at home. There’s a possibility they’re 2-2 heading into Week 5 vs. Buffalo (before going to Washington and Tenny). Again, they’re going to be good, and favored a lot, but ATS it may be smart to pick spots to let teams get inside the number on them.

Les Chargers
Another team there’s a lot of hype around and, ya know, I kinda buy it. I do think Herbert has some natural sophomore issues, including the fact that fans are back. I haven’t mentioned it much with other teams, but there are going to be guys for whom this year just hits different and Herbert may be one of them. Going into a full Arrowhead or a full Mile High is light years removed from last year.

But again this is another team that I think was really surgical in attacking their weaknesses during the offseason. Their OL is better, they’re going to get guys back from injury including essentially the last two whole years without Derwin James on defense who when last healthy was considered the heart of that D.

Honestly, I think this team has a lot of potential, and their strength of schedule is good for them, it’s bottom third in the league. I think this is a 10 win team and am on their season win total.

One thing to note with them, their schedule starts significantly harder than it finishes. At Wash, Dallas, @KC, Vegas, Cleveland, at Baltimore then their bye in Week 7. It’s possible they’re 3-3, maybe even 2-4 heading into the bye and people start writing them off. Even right out of the bye they get NE. But then (other than KC once more and Denver x2) it opens up.

My sense is, Herbert struggles a bit out of the gate, but comes on late and the Chargers make a run to get to the playoffs. Or I’m wrong and he never struggles this year and they go like 12-5.

Los Raiders
Two words. Rebuild. No, wait, that’s one word. But that’s the word.

I don’t believe in this team at all. Personally, I think this is what happens when the city moves heaven and earth to bring VK’s football team to town and he leaves. LEAVES! Like, ‘No, it’s cool, I never really wanted an NFL team next to my house, letting me charge $80/per for parking.’ It’s unbelievable. Crying? No, I’m not crying, it’s just very dusty in here and maybe you should mind your business.

Where was I? Oh right, the Raiders suck. I think they lost too much along that OL which was a strength, I don’t think they know exactly what they want to do on defense, and I think Derek Carr is basically now Matt Stafford from his Lions days, a guy who’ll get you numbers, but only after this team is down 20-3 by halftime. And if you want a stat to make you feel better about that, the Raiders were 13-3 to the over last year.

They’re lucky they get the NFC East this year, which might make them seem better than they are, but they still have to play their division teams twice and honestly, I think if they win one of those they’ll be lucky.

Denver’s offensive decisions this offseason remind me of the time long ago in CTG lore when Alex got bored and decided to dunk his nuts in Sriracha and then see if he could get a shelter dog to lick it off. But then he realized the shelter might not let him in with a bottle of Sriracha so he pre-dunked his junk only to spend the next 45 minutes in the shower voraciously scrubbing his balls while screeching, “THE TIP! MOM, THE TIP, IT BURNS!”

Which isn’t to shame the guy, really. I think we’re all far enough removed from the incident that we can laugh about it now. I mean, most of us laughed at the time too, but still, great moments in CTG history.

Anyhoo, I don’t understand the Broncos. What I do understand is that everyone—EVERYONE—tells me how good their defense is. You can all stop now. I get it. And maybe this is one of those teams that’s going to win games 20-13. If so, God bless them. But again I think they have that problem of competing to be the second best team in the division. Is that enough for the playoffs? I don’t think so.

I do think Bridgewater is an improvement over Lock, but I also think it’s going to take some time for whatever that offense is to jell. But, good news for Denver. Last year they were the worst, BY FAR, in turnover differential in the entire league at -16. Which is honestly stunning. SF was next at -11 and the top team in the league (Tenny) was only +11. So to be -16 is really something. These things even out, so you have to expect this to swing way back for the Donks this year which, almost by default, should get them some more wins.

I keep coming back to their Week 1 game, thinking I should bet them. After all, if their defense is this good, and the Giants’ OL is so bad (another tease!), shouldn’t I bet them? Maybe. But the line is begging you for Denver money at -2.5. Who wants to lay points with what might be a .500 team on the road? Especially when there really are a lot of unknowns with the Giants. Knowns that may become less un once you read the next installment of this nonsense in a day or two.

Holy shit, look at that wrap-up, with a kicker to get you to click on another 4,000+ words? I should write clickbait for all the sites. Why aren’t you people paying me? Also, do you think this is just a rash? And what’s this button labeled “turn off the internet” do?
Very entertaining. Think you are underestimating the Steelers though. Cleveland will prob win the division but I think they are in better shape than Balt and Cincy for this year. Next season is where they fall off.
Dont understand the Carr slander

He was 8th best qb per pff last year, they also had him 9th in adjusted completion, 5th in big throw rate, and 6th in y/a

Hes also so so so bad in garbage time, so not sure where that comes from

If hes a problem at qb, the qb position is an issue for everyone in the afc outside KC and buffalo
Love that LAC bet...

I was never a huge Justin guy on college but man he just translates to the NFL.

Good stuff on the football write-ups JP. Appreciate it, and the humor as always is top notch.

Come say hi in LV in a few weeks on NFL Sunday :)

Looking forward to the NFC edition...
Dont understand the Carr slander

He was 8th best qb per pff last year, they also had him 9th in adjusted completion, 5th in big throw rate, and 6th in y/a

Hes also so so so bad in garbage time, so not sure where that comes from

If hes a problem at qb, the qb position is an issue for everyone in the afc outside KC and buffalo

I may have expressed this poorly. I actually think Carr is maybe the best part of what is increasingly a bad team. Him and Waller really. What I'm saying is that I think this year the Raiders look increasingly like a Stafford era Lions team. A team with a QB who can—and will—give you points, but that those points really aren't going to matter much because his team will always be behind.

What concerns me with the Raiders is that they had what was accepted as a really quality OL, maybe what top 5 in the AFC when they're 100% healthy, and they seem to have given that up with no real plan to replace it. I mean, I think they'll tell you they have a plan, but I'm not sure they really do.

Also, have they really done much to make this defense better?

When they played good teams last year, this team was kind of a turnstile on D.

Carolina: 30
NE: 36
Buf: 30
KC: 32 & 35
TB: 45
Atlanta: 43
Indy: 44

And in those games they were 2-6.

This year, thankfully, they have what appear to be fewer high scoring teams on their schedule, but you know the team better than me, have they made changes that you think will significantly improve this defense?
Very entertaining. Think you are underestimating the Steelers though. Cleveland will prob win the division but I think they are in better shape than Balt and Cincy for this year. Next season is where they fall off.

I'm also very interested in this take. Are you basing this on their defense or that they still have enough offensive weapons to keep them in/win them games—or both? Is the assumption that Ben is what's holding them together and once he leaves that's when the wheels truly come off because they don't seem to have a true replacement on the roster?
Yes, by all accounts Ben looks better than he did last year. He has better zip on the ball and says he feels much healthier second year removed from surgery. The weapons are there - 3 very good receivers and he seems to like the rookie TE. The Steelers have not had a RB they can rely on in a few years now - think they solve that with Harris. The offensive line is a huge question mark for sure, but most people around here think it will be better than last season. Seriously, their short yardage play cannot get any worse. Pouncey retirement is a good thing. Yes, he was a leader and he and Ben were butt buddies, but he has been bad for a while now. They did pretty well last season despite having poor offensive line play. Defense will be a strength again, even after losing some pieces. And, let’s face it, whether you like it or not this is a winning organization with a winning QB and a winning head coach. Once Ben is gone, they could be in trouble, but he seems rejuvenated this year and if he stays healthy I think they will finish in 2nd place behind Cleveland.
And, let’s face it, whether you like it or not this is a winning organization with a winning QB and a winning head coach.

Oh, I definitely agree with this. As I mentioned, unless I'm mistaken, Tomlin has 'never' had a losing record for a season. Which is bonkers. I also think the info about Pouncey being addition by subtraction is good info if it pans out, because that guy was good for so long that, at the end, if he was living more off his rep than his skill, it is a positive.

To me there just seem like there are so many questions, all of which could go the wrong way almost from the jump, that this team worries me. Two things though, one I would not be surprised AT ALL if Ben starts hot. Honestly, assuming they can block, I kind of expect it. I'm throwing out whatever happens in Buffalo, but I do kind of expect it. That said, I also very much expect him to taper off and wear down as the season goes along. It happened to him last year, it happened to Brees last year, it's hard to ignore that.

However, back to Tomlin, that guy's smart. And he's basically admitted publicly that they got away from what Pittsburgh does to be successful last year (running the ball) and he knows that contributed to Ben's arm nearly falling off. So, to your point, Tomlin just being Tomlin, he could coach around these landmines, find a way to keep Ben fresh-ish, and have this team pushing for 10 wins and a wild card. It's a story that would make sense with the weapons they still have on the roster.
I may have expressed this poorly. I actually think Carr is maybe the best part of what is increasingly a bad team. Him and Waller really. What I'm saying is that I think this year the Raiders look increasingly like a Stafford era Lions team. A team with a QB who can—and will—give you points, but that those points really aren't going to matter much because his team will always be behind.

What concerns me with the Raiders is that they had what was accepted as a really quality OL, maybe what top 5 in the AFC when they're 100% healthy, and they seem to have given that up with no real plan to replace it. I mean, I think they'll tell you they have a plan, but I'm not sure they really do.

Also, have they really done much to make this defense better?

When they played good teams last year, this team was kind of a turnstile on D.

Carolina: 30
NE: 36
Buf: 30
KC: 32 & 35
TB: 45
Atlanta: 43
Indy: 44

And in those games they were 2-6.

This year, thankfully, they have what appear to be fewer high scoring teams on their schedule, but you know the team better than me, have they made changes that you think will significantly improve this defense?
Oline is a definite risk, but Andre James the new center they thought last year made a huge jump, he's not Rodney Hudson but they really like him, Leatherwood replacing brown at RT is an upgrade on last year, just in that brown was out of shape and in covid protocol a lot of last year, Leatherwood . Miller at LT is very good and the guards are the same, incognito healthy would be an upgrade on last year too. I think they take a step back, but I don't think it's a huge issue, not as much depth as last year though, an injury to James would be an issue.

Defense was horrible last year, and every year Carr has been there, saw something that he's never had a defense ranked higher than 20th, and has had 30th or lower 4 times. I do think it will be a bit better. They added ngakoue in the pass rush and already have Maxx Crosby. Should be the first year they have a decent pass rush since trading Mack, it's a deep unit too with ferrell and Nassib rotating.

Linebackers have been issue forever, Littleton was brought in last year and didn't fit scheme, but should with Bradley's. They are gonna play a lot of 2 linebacker sets, Bradley's defense plays mostly nickel as the base package. Which means Abrhams at Safety may play in the box a lot.

Moehrig was the best safety in the draft class and should be a difference maker.

Biggest change is Bradley though, when they fired the coordinator last year, way to late, but with 2 games left it did look somewhat better and the talent is step up on the d line and secondary Significantly

I don't think it will be a great unit, but I think around the low 20s, if they can get into the middle of the pack it's a playoff team.

I don't think division is all that great after kc, everyone is so high on herbert and I really don't see it yet, he was near the bottom in y/a at 7.1 and he made a ton of mistakes, way higher on burrow than him this year even with the knee injury
Oline is a definite risk, but Andre James the new center they thought last year made a huge jump, he's not Rodney Hudson but they really like him, Leatherwood replacing brown at RT is an upgrade on last year, just in that brown was out of shape and in covid protocol a lot of last year, Leatherwood . Miller at LT is very good and the guards are the same, incognito healthy would be an upgrade on last year too. I think they take a step back, but I don't think it's a huge issue, not as much depth as last year though, an injury to James would be an issue.

Defense was horrible last year, and every year Carr has been there, saw something that he's never had a defense ranked higher than 20th, and has had 30th or lower 4 times. I do think it will be a bit better. They added ngakoue in the pass rush and already have Maxx Crosby. Should be the first year they have a decent pass rush since trading Mack, it's a deep unit too with ferrell and Nassib rotating.

Linebackers have been issue forever, Littleton was brought in last year and didn't fit scheme, but should with Bradley's. They are gonna play a lot of 2 linebacker sets, Bradley's defense plays mostly nickel as the base package. Which means Abrhams at Safety may play in the box a lot.

Moehrig was the best safety in the draft class and should be a difference maker.

Biggest change is Bradley though, when they fired the coordinator last year, way to late, but with 2 games left it did look somewhat better and the talent is step up on the d line and secondary Significantly

I don't think it will be a great unit, but I think around the low 20s, if they can get into the middle of the pack it's a playoff team.

I don't think division is all that great after kc, everyone is so high on herbert and I really don't see it yet, he was near the bottom in y/a at 7.1 and he made a ton of mistakes, way higher on burrow than him this year even with the knee injury

This is just a great post, tbh. I thought about mentioning Ngakoue twice, both for the Raiders and as a loss for the Jags. I forgot both times. Really good call, and a really good break down on your Raiders, 'Teed.
Another add here:

I think there's value in Belicheat to win Coach of the Year at +1000 or better.

Think about all the people they have coming back. Let's say he can protect Jones and get this team into playoffs. That might be enough based on the turnaround from last year and his name recognition. Also, think about this, the last time he won it was 2010. To have a guy in the league go a decade between wins is a great story for the league and really, that's what a lot of those awards are about anyway, generating press, etc.
The Ravens have now lost CB Marcus Peters for the year. This team is starting to feel like those Chargers teams who consistently have injuries coming out of camp and have to start the season like 2-5 because of it.
The Ravens have now lost CB Marcus Peters for the year. This team is starting to feel like those Chargers teams who consistently have injuries coming out of camp and have to start the season like 2-5 because of it.
This will be a Harbaugh rabbit out of the hat if they make the playoffs at this point