Brawl at the rookie symposium


Power Boat Enthusiast
It does not get any better than this....How much more ironic can someone be. Getting into a fight at the rookie symposium is kind of like selling your tout services at a gamblers anonymous meeting.

Thursday, Jul 3, 2008 11:00 am EDT
The Budgets and Finance meeting is a good place to fight


The NFL's rookie symposium is designed to teach 1st-year players life skills, so that they can behave in a way that won't damage their future.
Naturally, this is the place where Buccaneers rookies Cory Boyd and Aqib Talib chose to brawl with each other.
Pro Football Talk is reporting that Talib, the Bucs' 1st-round pick, and Boyd, the Bucs 7th-round pick, had been exchanging words all day, and they finally got down to the fisticuffs in the "budgets and finance" meeting.
Fighting at the rookie symposium. That's superb. I know I'm probably supposed to be gnashing my teeth at the disrespectful nature of these young punks, but I just can't. It's too funny. I don't think it's sad at all ... I think it sounds like the most awesome budgets and finance meeting of all-time.
Of all the places to fight a dude, you pick the NFL's rookie symposium, where you're supposed to be learning to be a responsible adult. Brilliant. That's like going into a Narcotics Anonymous meeting, sitting down, tying off, and pumping some smack into your veins right there. Then everyone starts looking at you, and you look back and say, "What?"
Even Pacman Jones and Chris Henry made it through the rookie symposium without fighting anyone. This does not paint a bright picture for your futures, Boyd and Talib.
This article is dumb. You gotta be kidding me with this statement ...

Even Pacman Jones and Chris Henry made it through the rookie symposium without fighting anyone. This does not paint a bright picture for your futures, Boyd and Talib.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
I liked Talib, too, it'll be interesting to see if this is nothing or the first sign of a bad character pick.

It is true, though, the fact that you not only got into a fight, but you got into a fight with your own teammate at the rookie symposium is laughably stupid.
This article is dumb. You gotta be kidding me with this statement ...

Even Pacman Jones and Chris Henry made it through the rookie symposium without fighting anyone. This does not paint a bright picture for your futures, Boyd and Talib.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->

I don't think that this article is dumb, he is stating that this is the worst possible time for rookies to get into a fight. And that even trouble bound players managed to behave themselves. I don't think it is that far of a reach for rookies to not fight during a time which they are supposed to be learning what is expected of them off the field at the next level.
I can think of a lot worse times to fight then in a closed environment with nothing but your fists.

Like arguments and fights dont happen in the lockerroom that we dont know about? cmon.
This wasn't a lockerroom............This was at a function where they're supposed to learn how to act PROFESSIONAL.........

"The NFL's rookie symposium is designed to teach 1st-year players life skills, so that they can behave in a way that won't damage their future."

The point of the article was where they had the fight, not that the fight actually occurred.
Plus its Talib. Dude is 145 lbs after walking out of a pool.

Im just saying why most are shocked a fight would occur at this symposium. I rather have it take place here, although it going public is bad, than having it take place in a open environment (nightclub, bar, party, stripclub, street, etc.) where who knows what happens.

I cant imagine this fight lasting more than a minute or so and it being broke up. So again i really dont think much of it.

If Goodell or Tampa wants to suspend these two that's crazy.
I wonder if this season we are going to have a lot or a little of side stories from the NFL regarding this off the field type stuff.
Plus its Talib. Dude is 145 lbs after walking out of a pool.

Im just saying why most are shocked a fight would occur at this symposium. I rather have it take place here, although it going public is bad, than having it take place in a open environment (nightclub, bar, party, stripclub, street, etc.) where who knows what happens.

I cant imagine this fight lasting more than a minute or so and it being broke up. So again i really dont think much of it.

If Goodell or Tampa wants to suspend these two that's crazy.

If you are asking why people are shocked it's because this is a professional business meeting. Think of it like an orientation with a new employer. These two assholes cant show any maturity or professionalism for for a few fucking hours and it embarrases the league, their team, their college, themselves, and their families.

Tampa should suspend these two fuckin retards. Of course it won't do any good, I mean if they havent learned sense better than this by now they never will.

Dipshits like this need to learn that they need the league a lot more than the league needs them.
Talib is a thug, although I can't say I'm surprised to see these rookies lack maturity.

Cory is no saint, but he has taken his life in a much different direction in the last 2 years. No doubt in my mind, Cory did not start this but he will back down from no one. Kid is from one of the most dangerous hoods in NJ and its only 2 miles big
Immature or not, this definitely could hurt Boyd's chances of making the team as a 7th round pick.
talib has a notorouisly loud mouth, so im gonna go out on a limb and say he was the one who wouldnt shut up.....

boyd then hopefully put him in his place