Brad Stevens...


The Truth Is Out There
Overrated and can't win a big game in this league.

Also 97% to blame for the C's 'condition' right now.

In context dude is basically the CP3 of coaches.

CP3 thread will be bumped accordingly in April.

Cliff may change the narrative this season though, Brad not so much.

Also, maybe this is the thread that gets NBAfan to make an appearance.
Kyrie Irving sucks. Perfect Robin to Lebron for that year. That's about it.

Stevens been to a ECF G7 with a team full of scrubs sans Tatum last year.
Kyrie Irving sucks. Perfect Robin to Lebron for that year. That's about it.

Stevens been to a ECF G7 with a team full of scrubs sans Tatum last year.

And lost (at home) to a team of bigger scrubs sans LeCramps, that Cavs team was beyond awful.

When did he last win a big game that mattered ?

C's are 47-67 SU vs winning teams post-All Star break in his tenure.

I'd give Brad 3%. The rest being Kylie.

Kylie shot the dagger that killed the greatest 'winning' team of our generation and won a Finals off the back of it.

Dude gets a pass.

Would say the problem is the other dudes on the roster who may think they're better than Kyrie because they somehow beat up on a weak as piss Eastern Conference for the most part of last season.

East is stronger (more experienced) this season and it's telling no lies about the C's this time around.
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I will say that Emkee is slightly off base here but he has a point in that Brad has not put the hammer down and managed the kids as well as he should nor has he managed the rotations like he should. In Brad's defense he has had a ton of talent to manage and he's trying to figure it out. But it's time or over due. The biggest problem with the C's is the kids who do not or have not figured out that you have to play HARD in this league to be successful. That's on the kids not Brad,not Kyrie, not Horford not Smart but the young guys that don't get it. Tatum, Brown are the biggest examples. Brad needs to sit the guys that don't play hard and let the chips fall where they may. As far as Brad being over rated that's just bullshit, he has been successful every step of his career until this very point so to say he is over rated is just small minded thinking. Is he challenged at this point of his career, absolutely, should we bury him because of the C's selfishness and under performance? I don't think so. IMHO
While we are posting records that suit our argument why don't we post Brad's record against elite teams this year. I think it's pretty good. But i also think Brad has under achieved this year just like his team. He will figure it out
Playoffs will tell us if he can coach or not, that's where all your flaws get exposed, wouldn't make a verdict on him yet. Kyrie and Tatum are brutal defensively, he needs to figure that out, and maybe do not play them together as much.
And he's a total professional in a league full of whiny ass cry babies who play the game and a bunch of coaches who follow the whiny ass baby act crying about every call that goes against their team. It's hard to watch and Brad is above that so he should get credit there. inho
And yesterday's game which was a disaster for the C's was a clinic by Harden and Gordon (when does gordon go 6/7 on his first 3 pointers) and their offense. They probably beat most anyone when they play like that. We were slow on our defensive rotations but that was also an example of their very very good execution
All that said the celtis suck....they are a bunch of lazy ass entitleist who make me want to follow the knicks....kidding on the knicks
Nah, I'll stick by overrated until he proves me wrong.

He obviously has no locker room pull and it must really hurt his feelings about Hayward being a total waste of a roster spot.

The biggest key to being a great coach in this diva league is managing personalities and he's doing a poor job right now.
Who else has won a game that “mattered” besides Pop and Kerr?

If he was the Sixers HC they would have cruised to finals last year. Now they’re making out 30 year old Jimmy buckets and the process is dead.
He is just passing time until the Duke job opens up

He may entertain UNC if/when ole Roy retires this year
I’m not convinced he can manage superstars like Kyrie ( which is big in NBA).. Edit - basically what Emkee said above , didn’t see that until after post

Everything else he is high quality
I’m not convinced he can manage superstars like Kyrie ( which is big in NBA).. Edit - basically what Emkee said above , didn’t see that until after post

Everything else he is high quality

I agree with that he probably can’t coach the divas in today’s NBA.
Who else has won a game that “mattered” besides Pop and Kerr?

If he was the Sixers HC they would have cruised to finals last year. Now they’re making out 30 year old Jimmy buckets and the process is dead.

LeBron was pretty good at coaching in games that matter until this season.

As for Philly, that team was green man.

Virtually zero postseason experience outside of JJ and of course 'The Whistler' Brett Brown who couldn't coach his way out of a paper bag.
Love threads that get the New Englanders out of bed to get all homerish. Best thing in sports.
If Gordon Hayward wwas the player he was with the Jazz, Boston is #1 in the east. We forget how good he was, he is a shell, that injury was outrageous.
I'm not a fan of Boston spots. But man, they're the best.

Ha plenty of relatives went to BU, uncle Harvard so I do have a lot of love for Boston

But some asshat Patriots fan sucker punched me at a bar once, obnoxious as fuck, we didn't even talk during the game. Once they won, he pops me in the jaw on the way out...think maybe I was playing against Gostkowski in fantasy or something, maybe I said something then. Completely obnoxious yolks....and this city is full of transplants, but they bar far are the least curtious.
If the NBA gets rid of the age rule... Brad Stevens would dominate college basketball for 30 years.

His Butler teams made it to back to back ships. That's insane. If he could recruit the best college players at a Duke/UNC and then coach them up and have them actually hang around... and not have to compete vs. one and done teams. Whoa.
He'll be in a better position when Hayward goes, Brown goes, Kyrie stays and KD joins them next season.
Where's Hayward going? His contract is toilet paper after the injury. GL with that.

And hard to see KD go to that media mess, why would he?
Lol em

Going to be entertaining when KD stays in the Bay Area to christen the new arena and LAL get no significant free agents
If the NBA gets rid of the age rule... Brad Stevens would dominate college basketball for 30 years.

His Butler teams made it to back to back ships. That's insane. If he could recruit the best college players at a Duke/UNC and then coach them up and have them actually hang around... and not have to compete vs. one and done teams. Whoa.

Yes what he did at Butler was pretty incredible

I’ve always thought he would got back to college , I think Duke would make him the highest paid coach in all of basketball( nba and college )
Yes what he did at Butler was pretty incredible

I’ve always thought he would got back to college , I think Duke would make him the highest paid coach in all of basketball( nba and college )
Do you not think he goes to whichever opens up first between Roy and K?
KJ...sorry about that obnoxious fan...but come on no fan base is worse than the Philly fans....not only are they the most rude by a mile they are proud of the fact that they are rude may be correct about Brad in the locker room but it's possible that some locker rooms just can't be fixed by anyone and I think this C's locker room may be one of's full of a bunch of diva's (kyrie the worst) who don't like each other
All that said the celtis suck....they are a bunch of lazy ass entitleist who make me want to follow the knicks....kidding on the knicks

Hey now. Knicks get Zion. KD, Kyrie we are relevant again. Mark my words. In 2 years Mitchell Robinson will be the best center from last year’s draft. Better than Ayton, better than Bamba, and anyone else picked that year. Dude is a shot blocking/rebounding machine. Once he figures out to monitor his fouls he’s gonna be a problem. He’s actually got a decent offensive game even tho all we’ve seen are lay ups and dunks.
How do you not trap or run traffic at Kemba in the 4th quarter of that game in Charlotte.

It's not on him.

Brad Stevens can't coach superstars, can't manage egos. Kyrie doesn't respect him.

Well I don’t think the Celts are going fire Brad

And it would be Kyrie”s third team in 3 years , so probably some of the problem is him
Well I don’t think the Celts are going fire Brad

And it would be Kyrie”s third team in 3 years , so probably some of the problem is him

Would be a first for an organisation to take the coaches side over the player.

Kyrie is a championship winning player and one of the best offensive players in the league as well as being a potential drawcard for another superstar like KD etc.

You don't keep the coach in this league regardless of who good he is supposed to be, people don't show up to the arena to watch Brad Stevens.
Ainge doesn’t seem like the type of guy who is going let Kyrie handpick his coach .

I’m not sure Kyrie would stay even if he could , almost seems like his scheme to exit Boston without taking any of the blame
Lol. Wouldn't pay Kylie the minimum. Over dribbler in a league where dribbling is a thing of the past.

Had a nice last couple minutes in G7 of the Finals a couple of years ago. Other than that... dude was leading 25 win teams without Lebron.

Dude sort of, sucks.
Where y'all at right now with this dude ?

I know where I stand...

as a long time STH...this team has been a real struggle to like much less root for...dysfunctional and no chemistry.

Brad needs to adopt a more fiery stance on the side lines and with the refs.

Egos and headline reading sank this team from the jump...Trader Danny has work to do
there was an offer to close,
topic avtor
to reprimand
and no longer return to this issue

real whiskey only irish


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Dude is still underrated. Won 60 games with a guy who plays 0 mins on the Nuggets and old Al Horford.

Kyle a career loser. Amazing Brad took him to the playoffs, because the only other person to do that was Lebron. .30% winner outside of those 2 on his own.