Boston's greatest weakness?


CTG addict
imo its the interior defense. Perkins is fair, but after Perkins who backs up? Scal? Pollard? I'm not sure if Boston has the bodies to bang with any Centers in the league. I mean Garnett is Defensive all-team, but it is more because of his versatility to guard mostly from 2-5 fairly, guarding 3-4 strongly. He doesn't have the size to pick up the Shaqs/ Dwights of the lague imo. I could be terribly wrong, and someone say so if I am, but someone who has watched and followed Bosotn intently tell me. I mean yea they're 11-2, but they've played Wash, Toronto, Denver, Atlanta, NJ, Indi, NJ, Miami, Orlando, GS, Lakers, Charlotte, and Cleveland. Name any real inside presences there: Shaq, Dwight... uhh? (miami lost by 1, Orlando won) i could be really wrong, but if not, me thinks a confident big team in NY could hang w/in DD. thoughts?
Im a little confused. Every teams weakness is interior d in my opinion maybe except 2 or 3. There arent a lot of good bigs in this league much less good back up bigs. You named 2 teams with great bigs, whose left besides Yao?? So thats 3 teams in the league with legit post players. Sorry but i disagree
Boston cracks me up...

Well the idea they could win 70 games and such.

This is very good team. They have three stars working together and KG has helped the overall team defense. That being said, they are just starting to play other teams that count. Their schedule has been garbage so far. ESPN Nation typical hype job. Not saying they are not good, because they are, but in the West they would be about a 6-7 seed.
Boston cracks me up...

Well the idea they could win 70 games and such.

This is very good team. They have three stars working together and KG has helped the overall team defense. That being said, they are just starting to play other teams that count. Their schedule has been garbage so far. ESPN Nation typical hype job. Not saying they are not good, because they are, but in the West they would be about a 6-7 seed.

You sound like Q
All those teams have issues though. Dallas looks old and slow and still not over last year. Phoenix just isn't clicking and might be prone to injuries with Hill and Amare. Spurs look damn good, no issues there. Utah is a very nice team that I'm high on, but does anybody honestly see them winning the finals? That's a tough sell. Houston injury prone too, and they don't know how to win either.

Can't wait to see how Boston does on their west trip.
Killa, thats true, but at same point its early in the season.

Phoenix will get on a nice run at some point. They show signs one game then look like garbage the next. Same with Houston. Houston will be an excellent second half team this year.

I am just saying, Boston isn't the best thing since sliced bread...they have a solid core but thats about it. Over the course of the season once they start playing teams of substance they will come back to the level they should be at.
Over the course of the season once they start playing teams of substance they will come back to the level they should be at.

I think the most intriguing part of Boston is going to be how the big 3 handle the minutes they're playing. They're all averaging career high's in minutes and that's a small concern. The larger concern is that those 3 aren't exactly used to going deep into the playoffs. With the extra minutes they're playing and another 15 games added to their season I'm going to be interested to see if they run out of gas come playoff time.

I think the C's would honestly benefit from having some nicks and bruises keep each of the big 3 out a few games this season to keep them fresh.

In a nutshell I wonder if they're blowing their load before their date shows up.
I think the most intriguing part of Boston is going to be how the big 3 handle the minutes they're playing. They're all averaging career high's in minutes and that's a small concern. The larger concern is that those 3 aren't exactly used to going deep into the playoffs. With the extra minutes they're playing and another 15 games added to their season I'm going to be interested to see if they run out of gas come playoff time.

I think the C's would honestly benefit from having some nicks and bruises keep each of the big 3 out a few games this season to keep them fresh.

In a nutshell I wonder if they're blowing their load before their date shows up.

Ask Detroit and Dallas last few years how cool it is to win 64 and 67 games and then not make finals?
Just wait until they lose 3 in a row. The public will cool off then, the hype will go down. The Ottawa Senators started the season on a 15-2 run, now they're regressing. And they're really better than most teams out there, Boston isn't. The Celts are a rather new bunch, they stepped up big so far but they don't know each other that well, they don't have a super talented coach who can lift them psychologically when it counts. Perhaps they become a very solid team with time, but right now I would take a healthy Detroit team over them hands down, if we're talking a postseason game, as I doubt it any regular season game has the intensity of a playoff game, let alone Game 7.

Do we really know how a team responds when Garnett goes 0 for 7 in the 2nd half and they fall behind by 15? These guys don't have the same level of cohesion and strength an experienced team has.

So they will regress from this 11-2 record sooner or later. You don't get 95/96 Bulls just like that.

Maybe some day they will excel in a big way, but any talks about them being the boogie man of the NBA all of a sudden...I don't buy it.
Boston has a tradition of winning with stupid coaches and smart players. Rivers is certainly stupid and KG, RA, and PP all know what to do and direct the younger players. Match up of the year comes when they meet the Spurs. Think about the various histories involved in that game.
You think Perkins and Garnett are a sub-par inside defensive presence in this league? Not sure any part of this defensive is their weakness. They are leading the league in field goals % against and Pts against. Hard to argue those numbers. If i had to find a weakness in this team it might be not getting up for games later in the season against weaker opponents. If this team gets up for a game they can and will beat anyone in the league. I can't wait for one of the western power houses to come to the Garden. I am gonna jump all over the C's on a short number at home. They are going to be a really good home team all year. I went to the opener this year; i have never heard the place so loud. They haven't lost their yet, and it is gonna take an awesome performance for a team to go in there and beat them.
I don't want to sound like a homer. I can and will bet against my c's when i see bad spots, but i feel like people are just trying to find reasons to not like them and bet against them instead of trying to find good spots for them. They are gonna go nuts on the lebron in a few days.
If this team gets up for a game they can and will beat anyone in the league.

I have this same faith in the Timberwolves, but I know they are taking it easy on the league since they already got snow and all that jazz up there in the North :tiphat:
I think the most intriguing part of Boston is going to be how the big 3 handle the minutes they're playing. They're all averaging career high's in minutes and that's a small concern.

KG is averaging the least minutes in his career since his rookie year. That's what you call career high minutes? :D

Allen is averaging near 40, like every years in his Seattle career (last 5 years).

And PP had at least 3 or 4 years with this kind of average minutes too.
Do we really know how a team responds when Garnett goes 0 for 7 in the 2nd half and they fall behind by 15?

I'm not sure KG missed 7 shots in a row in his whole life. :D And the Celtics are for real. King James is great, but i think Boston and Detroit will play in the EC finals, and Boston will win.

And to the post that they would be 7-8 seed in the West: is it a joke, right?

I think they would match up very well against the Spurs for example. Garnett is one of the few players who could go with Timmy when it matters. Bowen could guard PP or Ray, but who will guard the other? Finley, Manu? They will have they own "Horry", who can make 3s as a PF in Scalabrine. They have Rondo, who doean't have much experience, but he is a very good defender, i can see him going with Parker. House and Posey are great from the bench, with experience. And both shot the 3ball very well.

All in all, if the C's can stay healthy, they have a legitimate chance to win it all imo.

And I was quoting a news source on the high minutes part. I think KG could play 48 a night and never get tired. Much like AI. Allen and Pierce are the ones I'd be nervous about.
I was shocked to see the Celts are 2-1 to win it all and the Spurs/Suns are 3.5-1...I get that they don't have near the competition in the East playoffs, but still..

The fave?
I was shocked to see the Celts are 2-1 to win it all and the Spurs/Suns are 3.5-1...I get that they don't have near the competition in the East playoffs, but still..

The fave?
Its a joke.

Listen, the Celtics are a very good team. Garnett adds that to any team because he can do so much. Over the course of this season I say they go about 60-22. I would rather they blow their load like DET/DAL have in recent years and then come up empty in playoffs. They have taken care of business so far...granted, they have yet to play a TOP team in either conference. Yes Orlando is streaking right now but they had the same exact start last season.

I will stand by they would struggle to get HCA advantage in the west playoffs.

We havn't even reached December yet...its not a sprint..its a marathon.