Boston College @ NCSU

J Galt

Everyone's got a price.....
Anyone know who is starting at QB for both of these teams this weekend? Preferably pretty solid info rather than guesses, please.

For NCSU I will not know who is starting until at least Thursday. Wilson was not on the 2 deep. However, he wasn't on there in the two deep last week and was seen throwing balls to receivers in pre-game and he was listed as doubtful on the thursday injury report. I'll know more in a couple days, but TOB could be trying a little trickeration here. I sure as hell hope so because BECK SUCKS!
From what I gather, there is a chance you see Wilson at QB this week for NCST.

I have no clue on the BC side of things but I'm pretty up to date with what goes on for NCST
How is Russell Wilson doing and will he play this weekend?

"We don't know, so we'll have to wait and see. Right now, Beck is listed as the starter. We are going into the week with him preparing to play."

Will playing the teeth of the ACC schedule give the team a different outlook?

"Yes, certainly because we are back in the conference. With Clemson losing, that puts them back with us. Everybody has a shot. It is anybody's guess now who is going to win the conference. Every game is a championship game. It is certainly something that we look forward to. Boston College is coming in here and it will be a big game for us Saturday."

Are the guys not on the depth chart like Nate Irving and Julian Williams like Russell Wilson?

"Anybody who is not on the depth chart is that way. Indefinite until they make practice."

Is playing BC feel like old hat now?

"I don't know if it is old hat. It doesn't seem the same as last year having to go back in the second [game], having five games under, a little bit more removed. You look at the depth chart, a lot of names on there that I recruited and signed. So, a lot of people that I know there. It certainly has a much different feel to it that I've been here a year-plus."

What do you think of their new offensive personnel?

"Well, I'm not sure what they are doing. They've changed quarterbacks again Saturday, and seem to be playing two quarterbacks. I'm not quite sure if they are settled with what they are doing. They have changed their offense from a year ago. It is probably more with what [BC offensive coordinator] Steve Logan wants to do. It was smart keeping Matt in his comfort zone last year. It seems to be a lot of differences than there were last year."

What differences?

"There are more options, more reads and more spread style. The offense of the late 2000s."

Why are so many people running different versions of the spread now?

"We are great copy cats, coaches. Somebody gets an idea, you can steal it. Nobody sues you for corporate raiding. I think people have had success with it. You go back to when the wishbone came in, everyone went to the wishbone for a little while. You have the split-back veer option offense. We talked a couple of weeks ago, that is what it is. It's like the wishbone again. You are reading the dive, pulling and pitching. Instead of pitching, sometimes you throw the ball on the perimeter. I think the key is the field is now spread. You used to talk about defending from the line of scrimmage to the goal line. Now, you actually are defending from sideline-to-sideline, and line of scrimmage to goal line by spreading the field."

Did it pain you to change your offense?

"We change a little every year. I think you have to do it to suit what your personnel does best. The whole thing on offense is that you have to make your quarterback successful. This is an offense that suits Russell Wilson, if we can keep him healthy."

Are the defenses in this league good, or the offenses in this league bad?

"I don't know. We've only played one game, against Clemson."

There have always been teams in the top 50 nationally on defense and only a few teams in the top 50 on offense?

"In the top 50? Then you answered your question for yourself, so I don't have to answer it."

Is that good defense or bad offense?

"I think the defenses have been pretty good and if you look at the people who have been drafted in this league, it has been more defensive personnel. The defense has been ahead of the offense. I think it comes down to quarterbacks. We haven't had a lot of quarterbacks in this league drafted, and skill guys at the wide receiver position and running backs."

Did you call your last BC team a sophomore team, so now they'd be seniors?

"No. Last year was a junior-senior team. They had 18 fifth-year guys, and seven fourth-year guys on the two-deep. Now, you look on defense, it is similar. They are all juniors and seniors. So again, it is all fifth- and- fourth-year guys, with the exception of the one freshman corner that they are playing on defense. They are still that way on defense, but not as much on offense. They lost a pretty chunk on offense."

Have a lot of the guys on BC's defense have played for you?

"Almost all of them."

How did linebacker Brian Toal end up as goal-line back?

"When we recruited him, he was a tailback in high school, a running back. He played a little bit on defense. When he came to BC, we started him at linebacker and told him once he learns linebacker, that we would use him as a tailback in short-yardage situations. And what convinced us that we knew we were right was we were playing West Virginia, that was the last time we played down at Mountaineer Stadium. He took a kickoff, he took a power kick, and he just took off. Boy you could see him run. He was running over, through and around guys. Then we used him as a short-yardage back, he was a big back, has a lot of power and he can run."

The BC athletic director last year said that football was more fun with the new coach?

"Don't quote me last year, it's a whole other year. I don't care what he said. I think A.J. [Carr of the Raleigh News & Observer] asked me the same thing last year, and my response is the same, that's over with and I don't have any comment."

How well do you think the schedule has prepared you for the last seven games?

"It's hard. I guess we'll find out. It's tough to judge because of so many injuries that have occurred. We don't have any continuity in the program right now. It seems, I said out there that we are the Dutch boy in the dike, sticking our fingers and trying to stop the flooding, here, there and everywhere else. If we were hole, and everybody was playing, then you certainly would think that it would be beneficial to us. You can't start guys out playing their first game and playing two freshmen like we did Saturday night on defense, like we did against a team ranked 10th in the country. It is tough to tell."

Do you follow the Red Sox as much now as you did then?

"Sure, the [Cincinnati] Redlegs and Red Sox. National League team and American League team."

Have you noticed helmets flying off more than in the past?

"Not in our games, no."

After the USF game, you said that they attacked Dwayne Maddox. How would you assess his game?

"They threw the ball. They threw the ball into the boundary the first three passes went in there. It's typical for a first-year, first-time player. They must have worked the same passes 20 times. He bites the first time where he shouldn't be, and they throw it behind him. Then he backs up and they throw it beside him. It's just inexperience, nothing else. It isn't for lack of effort or he didn't want to do it. He just didn't have the experience. If Nate Irving is in there, they probably don't do it or he makes a better play. You look at all the plays that Nate Irving has made for this football team, he's gotten us off the field personally quite a few times. Dwayne played his first game, and hopefully, he'll get much better this week, and be much better this game. I'm sure they'll go after him again. He's got to start making plays and then they'll stop."

How different would it have been if Maddox wasn't here in the spring?

"He'd be like Sterling Lucas, the backup who had to go in when [Ray] Michel got hurt. Sterling did a nice job. Both those kids have been playing a bit, 10-to-15 plays a game. Certainly, not the 50-play load that Dwayne had to carry Saturday night, 61 plays or whatever."

Are drops a difficult thing for a freshman linebacker to recognize?

"Recognizing routes, and drops and being where [you are supposed to be], it puts somebody under you and then you have to backup because it puts somebody behind you. Then they can throw to somebody in front of you. It is the old, take the cheese, jump the guy underneath and then they throw behind you."

Is that something that they don't do in high school?

"Oh no, unless you play a pass offense like that. I don't know if there are 15 teams in college that have a pass offense as skilled as they do with their offensive line and quarterback and wide receivers."

How good was the USF offensive line?

"They are very good, they are big. They are big and they are powerful, and they know their protection and different blitzes. They turn guys loose every once in a while, but when they turn them loose, the quarterback gets rid of the ball or makes you miss. The first pass that he hits against DeAndre Morgan, [Antoine] Holmes is right in his face. He makes a great throw. DeAndre is right there, but the kid makes a play. That's good football on their part."

Is Boston College's defensive line similar?

"They have two draftable defensive tackles. Both [Ron] Brace and [R.J.] Raji are 320-pound guys that can run, and are big. Their ends are both juniors, so they aren't drafable right now. The two inside guys and [Brian] Toal are the three seniors in the front seven, and certainly are all draftable guys."

How did you come up with the idea of having players run out with the flags?

"We talked about it in the offseason and tried to get it done by the first game. We've seen Virginia Tech has done it in the past. Being they state school, that is what we ought to do. What we do is we choose the defensive scout team player of the week, and the offensive scout team player of the week. That is their reward. They are honored by carrying the flags out of the tunnel."
I watched all of BC and UCF. Let me say now Crane is a turnover machine---any time he gets pressure or flushes outside the pocket he throws an interceptable ball, at least 4 or 5 in the UCF game. He is awful, not the serviceable veteran backup to Ryan I thought coming into this year. Now he makes questionable decisions now, as Bob Davie would say.

That BC Oline is nothing to write home about either. BC is a team certainly that I cannot back and quite frrankly I see alot of value on them I would like to bet against but NC State is not a team for me that is much different.

---I see alot of Under value in BC games this year. That defense is great.
I think Wilson will be the starter in this one. He was practicing (wearingi green jersey) but we have to have him to win another game. Anthony Hill also was in full pads. Nate Irving and Cash are not going to based on the reports Ive heard
I agree with you dmoney. Wilson is a whole different animal from beck and with him back I think we can keep it within one score against a bc team that really hasnt proven anything to me yet.
Agree...hope the defense does better this week with Maddox in there and not Irving
Wilson def makes this offense move a lot better than anyone else they got, still hate not having Irving though. I think you have big balls to bet BC with the points though on the road