Books week 2


On Johnny's Shitlist
Started off like I ended last year. Providing fade material.

1-4 posted -1.9 units
Total card 10-8 +$32 Whoopity-freakin-doo.

On to week 2. Not much I like.

Purdue -4
Pitt/PSU under 68
USF/UCONN under 67.5

Had a 4-tm ML Par, but the "U" was involved. Books hasn't cancelled, but it is coming. I am sure to have more closer to game time.

Does anyone know when the services start releasing picks? Which week?

As always,GL CTG.

BAMA 1st H -26.5 .5*
WVU 1st H -14.5 .5*

USF total cancelled. Looks like FAU is the only one from FL still on my board. I would think it goes sooner or later.
What I have learned after 1.5 weeks of NCAAFB is that I am blindly taking every FCS team next year for the first 2 weeks. The lines are ridiculous. No team will leave players in to cover a spread. EVA must be clipping 75% in these matchups.