Books starting to inflate big time

I disagree. This is probably the best time to bet baseball. The teams have revealed who they are by this point of the season and it's far easier to cap games now than in May. Lots of teams have quit on the season and it's an easy fade most of the time.

Maybe that's unique to me, but I'm not going to bet baseball regularly in 2009 until after the All Star Break.
disagree all you want but fav's are cashing in and baseball usually public is all over fav's...and if you go on various message boards have thousands of "What a great weekend" posts....i have always been a chalk bettor and if the lines are so skewed towards the doggies tonight that even im looking then i think we've reached a point where books are overinflating. Just not my style to bets the Nats/Pitts of the world.
tend to agree with you man..some teams are in it to win it.. some are testing shit out.. plain as day
1st exhibit:

toronto: -200; just played finished playing 18 hours ago on the opposite coast. lineup is a bunch of nobodies; great recent stats due to being in texas; gallagher has pitched more than adequately and Oak does not suck defensively
granted it is doc and oak has no offense as well but to me best line is Oak +1.5 or Oak MLl but like i said me betting road teams below 500 rarely ever happens.
first wager of day
was debating on Oak +1.5 -130 but like ive said cant put money on a team that has lost 6 in a row on the road

first 5 innings under 4 Tor-Oak to win 1 unit -125
It just sounds like your metality has gone from being a fave bettor to being a dog bettor... nothing wrong with that, mets. GL w/ your bet tonight.
naa man im a fave bettor...cant put hard earned money on crap teams..havent done it in all my time gambling..but as a fave bettor the end of the NBA season is tremendous..NFL can be great but MLB does not translate..and today is a day i feel the public will get their arse handed to them. (i.e Halladay Haren Dempster Cook).. though i still may wager on COOK!
fade the halos and cubs tonight

baltimore and houston have played well recently

moehler 7ip 1r against cubs earlier this year

saunders has been torched by baltimore twice this year
2nd play tonight (treading lightly)

Cleveland Indians ML +!05 first 5 innings; Lee has been tremendousm Crawford and Bartlett are out; if cleveland was able to score better this would easily be an ARL play but ill stick with LEE for 5 innings
i dont know why you are so surprised, this is the same shit that happened last year and in years past

remmeber when the yanks were laying -300 throughout most of the 2nd half last year?
if they were at home, no matter who was on the mound it was -200 or more. EVERY single game