Bonds just hit 755...

I just saw it, it was an amazing shot. I feel blessed to have seen it live. What an amazing night- Bonds HR and Football Hall of Fame
the most feared hitter to "EVER" play the game. say steriods this and that all u want, but u still gotta be able to hit the ball. The man is the greatest ever!
But I am glad that one of the buddies of the guy who caught the ball had a big black "*" held up right next to the guy who got the HR ball. They were all ecstatic and nearly jumped out of the stadium, but the guy had that sign held up the whole time.
Heard the six million dollar man steve austin will be in dodger camp next spring. steroids , bionics what's the difference? He is a cheating piece of doodoo and he by all accounts is a complete dick. ( Though in the grand scheme of athletes who are asses, he cannot compete with the ray lewis' and the pacman jones' of the world). What is a shame is that he was a good player before he started to massively cheat (and thereby steal money from other players and contributed to some players not even having a career) but now all he will be remembered for is being a cheater. Frankly I wish sammy Sosa would slam his corked bat up Bonds' ...........nevermind.
Barry Bonds head fifteen years ago --------->:tiphat:

Barry Bonds head now ---------------------->:smiley_acbe:
Most sports now a days are a joke. Honesty and integrity are thrown out the window. Bonds can rot in hell. He is an asshole and a cheater just like 90% of athletes. What a priceless reaction by Selig when the camera panned on him. You think he cares about Bonds' record. haha