Bobby Petrino Resigns As Falcons Coach


Friend of CTG
Just saw it on ESPN that Bobby Petrino has resigned to take the Arkansas head coaching job.

I bet Arthur Blank is pretty pissed off right now, as last night on ESPN's MNF he was saying how he and Petrino had a plan for the future, and he was in agreement with Petrino's plan to draft a "stud QB and let him sit for a year and learn".

After falling to 3-10 yah...I guess Bobby wanted to go back to his ranks.
Sidenote...imagine if Arkansas had BOTH Jones and McFadden working under Petrino, with his knack for a passing game it'd be scary just imagining what he could've drawn up for the Razorbacks.
Good Riddance...My fucking Grandma is harder than Patrino.....He cant hack it in the NFL....He wont hack it in the sec either...He shoulda went back to the BIG LEAST so he could be dominate again.
Surprised a bit MICH didn't get in a bit w/ Petrino..

13 games wow...but man he got dealt a raw deal and bad luck in absolute mess down there...

I think u can assume no more college coaches to the pros for a bit w/ Spurrier, Saban, and Petrino all throwing up goose eggs.
Your right Jump...I think the nfl is a too much of an adjustment, However, petrino won't even try to finish the season. He doesnt have the ability to manage the pro level ego's. He had a decent squad in atlanta but he wasnt able to use the players he had and improvise. He brought in a vertical passing attack with no qb, he should of utilized the vetrans more and relied more heavily on the running game....He has Norwood and he is a game breaker yet he continually was underutilized. Pertino could of succeded but he was unable to adapt...fuck em let him go, let someone else come in and clean up the mess, all we need is a decent quarterback and for some of our young players to grow up.
thank god he turned down the Raiders 2 years ago. Fuck him. I will say he will make Arky better if he can find a QB. But what a fukin pussy ass butch to quit like that finish your shit like a man. Kiffin is a way better NFL coach so far. Best rookie coach.
I agree it was classless to finnish his NFL coaching career like that. Is arkansas job a lock, would he be considered for teh michigan job/
Yeah, classless is the way to describe it.

I heard him described on ESPN as a serial job hunter, which is fine I suppose, but that guy just burned his bridge in the NFL probably forever.

To see him hold a press conference a day after he was coaching on MNF is just disgusting. Were I a player for the Falcons I'd rip this loser to every paper that asked, and were I Arthur Blank I'd probably sue him to get back some money unless Arky offered to pay me some money to let him out of his contract.

But to watch this guy up there like he's got some sort of moral fiber or is someone who we should believe in or emulate is both laughable and disgusting.
And another thing, I realize you're happy to have a new coach, but watching what this guy did, or what a Nick Saban did, and applaud them during their press conference?

When they eventually win, I get that, but how could you possibly reward this guy immediately for turning his back on a team like this.
POSTED 11:13 p.m. EST, December 11, 2007
An industry source tells us that 49ers assistant head coach Mike Singletary is the guy whose name has initially popped up in discussions regarding the potential successor to former Falcons coach Bobby Petrino.
Per the source, Blank wants Singletary; Petrino was hired at the behest of G.M. Rich McKay.
There are multiple potential benefits that would flow from such a move. First, Singletary will be (in our view ) a great NFL head coach. Second, the thinking is that he'll straighten out a dysfunctional locker room. Third, the Falcons have the highest concentration of African-American season-ticket holders at 52 percent; in the wake of the Mike Vick fiasco the hiring of an African-American coach could go a long way toward reconnecting with an important segment of the Atlanta fan base.
In our view, however, skin color shouldn't be a factor in any hiring decision. The best person should get the job. But it would be naive to think that Blank isn't thinking about the potential impact of hiring a coach who is of the same race as a majority of the season-ticket holders, especially as the franchise moves forward without a player who is still beloved by many Falcons fans, whether white, black, purple, green, yellow, or red.
Stay tuned.
Oh, well, according to him he prayed on it. So I suppose that makes it all right.

You could tell this pussy was about to cry when they were gettin crushed last night, too bad D'Angelo Fall/Crumpler didn't kick his ass before he left

Another slap in the face to Blank who was going on and bout Petrino's plan
well no shit ... petrion runs. dont suprise me the least. now i know he is not only brainless but, also, heartless. some man.
thank god he turned down the Raiders 2 years ago. Fuck him. I will say he will make Arky better if he can find a QB. But what a fukin pussy ass butch to quit like that finish your shit like a man. Kiffin is a way better NFL coach so far. Best rookie coach.

does anyone else find this hilarious?

Dude coached Monday night then bounces Tuesday?

haha...seriously this is really funny.
Classless bum pretty much sums it up, guy obviously was way over his head in the pro game and with the decisions he made. I mean every week it seemed another veteran players was pi&&ed off at him & even when they were winning he was still making dumb moves.

When will college coaches learn they will never have it as good in the nfl as they do in college?

Besides coaches like Holmgren, Belicheck, Cowher (hopefully chicago's next head coach :) I can dream can't I) who really has or could say they had job security in the nfl?
What a fucking bitch

Although if I went there for Vick, and then Vick got the axe....:eek: I might be gone too
See, I can't even agree with him losing Vick then mailing it in. Because everything I've heard says he likes a system QB who will run his system, obviously Vick has proven he's not a system guy.

Blank, at least publicly, said he was going to let this guy find his QB in the draft this year and give him time to build the program as it were.

But basically this guy was over his head and weaseled his way out in about the most heartless, classless way he could.

Not a proud day to be a Hog, really. If he wins it all in the future it will make up for some of this, but it's tough to get respect back after you've completely lost it.
Kiffin wanted the Arkansas job, haha

An industry source tells us that Raiders coach Lane Kiffin was "pissed" that he didn't get hired as the next head coach of the Arkansas Razorbacks.
The job instead went to former Falcons coach Bobby Petrino.
Here's our question. Since when did Arkansas become such a plum job?
Regardless, and as we hear it, Kiffin wanted it. He manifested his displeasure by, as we're told, slamming doors and cursing.
It's bizarre. The guy is the head coach of an NFL team. He has done well in his first year. Why in the heck does he want to give up what could be a promising career at the highest level of the sport?
So if Kiffin wanted Arkansas, then we assume that he'd be interested in other available college jobs. And that, as a result, he's possibly not long for the Raiders.
As to the Raiders' position on all of this, we're told that the belief is that owner Al Davis would be happy to let Kiffin go.
"It's the same deal there as it was in Atlanta," the source said. "No one is real happy."
I had no idea Kiffin would be this upset over the Ark job, I thought he was doing ok job with Oakland and getting things turned around but I guess not.

An industry source tells us that Raiders coach Lane Kiffin was "pissed" that he didn't get hired as the next head coach of the Arkansas Razorbacks.

The job instead went to former Falcons coach Bobby Petrino.

Here's our question. Since when did Arkansas become such a plum job?

Regardless, and as we hear it, Kiffin wanted it. He manifested his displeasure by, as we're told, slamming doors and cursing.

It's bizarre. The guy is the head coach of an NFL team. He has done well in his first year. Why in the heck does he want to give up what could be a promising career at the highest level of the sport?

So if Kiffin wanted Arkansas, then we assume that he'd be interested in other available college jobs. And that, as a result, he's possibly not long for the Raiders.

As to the Raiders' position on all of this, we're told that the belief is that owner Al Davis would be happy to let Kiffin go.

"It's the same deal there as it was in Atlanta," the source said. "No one is real happy."

found this out last night
got slaughtered monday hahah

yeah, but a win wouldnt have made a difference. 1 meaningless win doesnt change a decision like this.

Which means he entered that game not giving a fuck. And needed a bad loss in order to (further) *justify* his decision.

I'm sure all falcons backers would like to say to this turd,

fuck you very much.
From covers (lemonsky)...

Posted: 12/13/2007 1:44:28 AM

I understand this is only one man's opinion (it's in bold), but damn, he has a hell of an imagination if it's made up

I was browsing the 49ers message board and of course they had a thread about Petrino resigning. So there was a debate going on and one poster was saying that he didnt blame Petrino for leaving the Falcons because he was sold a bill of goods and here was another posters response.. Read it all because it's extremely interesting.

"Knobs, while I agree that coaching college is a better deal, you should know some things about Petrino and his family before you start defending him.

Bobby was always "daddy's" star. His dad coached him through his college years at Carroll, where he had amazing stats (don't lose site of the fact that his father coached all three of his sons as qbs, and tailored the offense to fit them). Bobby was NEVER foced to apply for a job after college. His dad gave him the OC gig without a word to the Athletic board(while his brother Paul played qb), and then shopped him around for his first HC job. Bob Petrino was, and I emphasize WAS........ a legend in Montana. The Saints won several conference championships with poppy at the helm, but it wasn't until he left and they got a REAL coach that the Carroll College Saints started winning National Championships. Three in a row, and lost the fourth by 4 points.

Bobby and Paul were legends on campus, but not because of their accomplishments. We were force-fed the Petrino line for years, and Bobby's ego is a result of that. Everything Bobby got as a kid, he thought he deserved. Paul is twice as bad, and has an even worse temper. If you want to see someone throw a temper-tantrum when things don't go his way, just watch Paul.

I honestly thought Bobby had outgrown his spoiled childhood, but he obviously hasn't. It comes as absolutely NO suprise that he bailed out on Atlanta. He couldn't get the players to buy into his "my way or the highway" coaching style. Just watch..... in the next few weeks, some of the horror stories will emerge from the Altanta Falcon's organization. Bit by bit we will hear how he treated the players, how his POS brother Paul treated the players, and how Bobby treated the coaches that weren't a part of his "core".

On a side note, some may wonder why Paul isn't a head-coach somewhere at a College (after all, he was OC in Louisville and he was an assistant in the NFL). My answer to that question is simple. Background checks. The only way Paul gets a HC gig is if the place hiring doesn't do them.

Bobby was born and raised a spoiled brat, who had a legend (in his time) for a father, and was blessed with a moderate amount of skill to play the option offense for a small college in Montana. His attitude concerning players, teams and fans is in his DNA. He simply doesn't give a **** about anyone except himself and his family.

I don't think he gave two minutes thought about how his leaving would effect the Falcons, the organization or the fans. He simply isn't able to care.

So, please don't simply think that he left because he was frustrated with the way things were going. He left because he couldn't handle grown men with brains of their own. He couldn't handle losing. He couldn't handle the pressure of expectations. He took the Arkansas job because he knows it won't take a whole lot of work to win some games and look like a savior.

Bobby is an arrogant, self-centered ***** who cares as much about the Razorbacks as he does about the Niners.

How do I know this?? I was there when he coached at Carroll. I saw the kind of guy he was, the kind of guy his father is, and I saw what kind of a family they were when Paul couldn't stop getting into fights.
I saw how the entire family circled the wagons and pulled the strings to get Paul out of jail. I personally heard Paul, in a drunken rage during one fight yell "this is MY town you ****ing loser"

I saw how the family pressured the alumni to help out when Paul was up on felony assault charges.

This guy deserves NO praise, NO excuses, NO understanding, NO applause. He is simply showing his true colors, and as I said, the stories will start to emerge from the players and the coaching staff about what an unpleasent human-being this guy truely is.

Arkansas is in for a long ride.

In my humble opinion."