Bob Kraft is P***y - Jerry Jones


Pretty much a regular
I used to dislike Jones but after he took matters into his own hands as far as the assholes kneeling for the anthem, I gained much respect for him. And now this. Someone not afraid to say and do what he means. Goodell is a fucking puppet with the audacity to think he is worth 49 Mil a year. WTF.
A. Fuck Goodell.

B. Why does this whining bitch think he and his team should be held to a different standard than all other teams? Fuck Jerry Jones. With a passion. He's a spineless, classless piece of shit who thinks he's better than everyone else, much like most of you think anyone in Hollywood acts. Surprised you support this trash bag.
Jerry gets no credit in my book for calling Goodell a pussy. He was all about it and supported Goodell when Ray Rice socked his wife on film, now that it is his player he is doing something renegade by throwing his normal temper tantrum? It is funny he thought he could just casually throw around the talk of law suits. Better be careful or they are going to try and Donald Sterling his ass. They would have to pry the team from his cold dead hands but still not sure why he is getting credit for his usual antics.
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