

Pretty much a regular
Hey guys. I usually hear from our good friend when I message him. I haven't heard nor has he posted.
I mean no disrespect to those who have different beliefs, however those who are of faith, please pray for Bloodhound. I pray he is comfortable and is healing. If it is God's Will to bring him back home or it's to do more good work here on earth, let it be in peace.
Bloodhound is someone I met through the internet probably 15+ years ago. Ironically I've never met him in person but he's a dear friend and a class act. To not ever meet someone in person but still be moved by his current health issues speaks volumes about him.
Last thing he said was he could have 5 more years if this treatment works. That's what I'm hoping for.
I have the same sort of relationship with him but only over the last few years thru here. He digs me cuz I'm a chick! Always so nice to me, respectful and gracious. Hopefully, he will start posting again. I think about him a great deal even though I haven't met him either so I know how you feel. I would like to meet him someday soon when my travels take me thru the Smokies.

Very well said, I also met him about 15+ years ago on the net, have talked with him on the phone a couple of times when I was passing thru NC in an attempt to meet for a cocktail . We have emailed back & forth for years now. Though we have never met in person I know he is a wonderful person & my prayers are with him today & always.:prayer
been reading hounds stuff for years going back to that post blankets yellow and green message board i can't even remember the name of.

godspeed hound
Sent Blood an email a few days ago and haven't heard back. I hope he's ok and is definitely in my thoughts and prayers.