Bloodhound Wk Nine


Sniffing out wins
wk 1- 33-38-1 -11.7U
wk 2- 29-14-2 +19.3U
wk 3- 16-16-1 +2.2U
wk 4- 30-29-1 +7.6U
wk 5- 27-27-1 +14.15U
wk 6- 31-24-1 +13.51U
wk 7- 42-22-2 +31.66U
wk 8 -38-23-1 +38.1U

103 North Carolina* -2½ -120 vs Pittsburgh U x2
103 North Carolina/Pittsburgh U* Under 55 x120 x2

105 Western Michigan* -20 -110 vs Eastern Michigan x2
105 Western Michigan/Eastern Michigan* Over 67 -110 x2

107 Buffalo U* -7 -115 vs Miami Ohio x2
107 Buffalo U/Miami Ohio* Over 50 -110 x1

110 Georgia Southern* -20 -110 vs Texas State x2
109 Texas State/Georgia Southern* Over 68 -110 x1

112 TCU* -13 -120 vs West Virginia x4
111 West Virginia/TCU* Over 75 -110 x1

114 Arizona State* -2 -120 vs Oregon x1
NP on total... my # is 66
You are amazing Blood, just great work. Was wondering if you hit any other openers? BOL my friend.
115 Louisville* -12 -110 vs Wake Forest x1
115 Louisville/Wake Forest* Under 42 -110 x1

118 Connecticut* +7½ -110 vs East Carolina x half
117 East Carolina/Connecticut* Under 53 -110 x half

119 Louisiana Tech/ Rice x2 I am going to wait this one out and hope it moves in my dir
119 Louisiana Tech/Rice* Over 64 -110 x2

122 Utah State* -23 -120 vs Wyoming x2 so this one doesnt count!! I played this on the open for two but has moved to 28 and I dont like it enough to even play for one there. I think Wyo is slightly better than 28 as they have covered their last 4 and 5 out of six
121 Wyoming/Utah State* Under 52 -130 x1
Nice work blood. Keep it up
Thanks SIGO, Hope the tm keep cooperating :) GL

You are amazing Blood, just great work. Was wondering if you hit any other openers? BOL my friend.
Tim, I only found 5 games to play on the open for more than one so I didnt go to the trouble to post...not sure it does much good as their havent been many around on Sun afternoon. I see where U played Tenn. I bought it to 7 and hit it for a nickle. Also played OleMiss FIU SoMiss Mich and UtahSt GL

Please save some W's for Bowl Season! Nice job blood!
Wise, Lets just hope my crystal ball continues to work :) GL

damn blood straight sniffing them out, love watching you work
KSimp. Thank U Continue ur find work my friend...and yes, a good hound on trail is a beautiful thing to watch :)
Im going hunting for winners - and Im talking the Bloodhound on my trip.

Great season my friend.
BOL this week.
Killing it....Could be the year of the Hound!
Thanks Dog, that has a good ring to it GL

Nice job Blood. We are seeing things pretty similarly Thur and Fri.
I hope we're both winners CMan GL

Well done, blood! Keep up the good work.
Thanks Frank but even though the bottom line for the wk looked good, the ten plays that I felt good about only went 5-5 so that was disappointing. The ingame and big plays came in so that made the day look good...but still pissed at the tms that i put a lot of time into and they let me down GL

Im going hunting for winners - and Im talking the Bloodhound on my trip.

Great season my friend.
BOL this week.
Sounds good...but I will be hunting for the winning favorites and I know u will be on the 'dogs' :) I havent found many dogs this wk to play, but still looking

nice card blood

Nice work, Hound, you blew it up on the two weeks where I struggled.
Cruncher, I have seen u work every wk, U will gettem this wk GL
Good luck Blood, our Thursday card looks identical. A few dogs I like are; SMU +3.5, BC + 3, Illinois +6, and thinking about the Gophers +14.


How'd you do with the bruins? Is the season over yet?
A couple of SEC games that I played big

139 Mississippi* -7 -120 vs Auburn x5

171 Tennessee U* -7 -120 vs Kentucky x5

I think both of these are in the 12 to 14 pt range. Tenn was 7 to 7.5 and this morn at 9...still an easy winner imo.
I actually think the OleMiss games will get ugly and Tenn is just the much better allaround tm. And I just dont see Tenn have any trouble at all with Kentucky

I havent made a play on the Ga/Fl game yet. I am not sold on Fl to blow out Ga but 3 isnt enough to entice me. This is another classic bitter rivalry and prob a close game all the way thru

I made USC a +17 pt dog with TA&M and would consider that if the line moves up
I was starting to wonder about you, Blood. I'm superstitious and I don't like to change anything when I'm on a good streak, so I wanted to make sure you had a thread this week.

Had a pretty good week as far as winning money, but my handicapping wasn't the best. Everything had to break right for me to win on Arkansas, I had two dogs who didn't show up to play at all, and I was dumb enough to give points on the road again. I didn't even know there were locker room problems with aTm which shows how poor my handicapping was on my losses. But I won my first max bet of the year so I'll learn from my mistakes and try to clean it up this week.

I've bet against W Virginia all year in conference games so will take TCU if I can get that number you got. That's the only game you're on I have any interest in.

Going to make a rare bet on the horses this week since it's the Breeder's Cup. I used to handicap the ponies, but I'm so far out of practice it is just an educated guess. I'm taking the #10 horse, Beholder, in the Classic. Probably go off at 3-1.

Week 8
Cal +6 Lose
Temple +3 Win
Oklahoma -14 x6 x4 Win
Penn State -6 Lose (0-4-1 giving points on the road this year)
Arkansas -6 x2 Win
aTm +6x Lose
Wash State +7x x2 Win
Money Line
Ohio State Win
Houston Win

Week 8
Multi-Unit Bets
Max Bets
Units For Year
3 more multi unit plays

153 USC* 5 -118 vs California x3 ...I make this 10-12 pt win

184 Southern Mississippi* -20 vs UTEP x5...i played this on the open and its @ 24 now and i still like it to 30

138 Iowa* -16 -130 vs Maryland x5 ...I stole this from Tim and bought it to 16, when a man goes against his tm, it says a lot...and I think this has a good chance to get ugly
128 Appalachian State* -23 -130 vs Troy x2 # is 27
127 Troy/Appalachian State* Under 55 -110 x1 ... i made this 51ish

125 Marshall* -19 -110 vs Charlotte x2 # is 24
125 Marshall/Charlotte* Under 52 -110 x1 I made this 48 or less

Navy/SoFla,,, will put Navy in a ML par Sat morn
trying to go thru the rest of the games before thay move to much to play or post

UMass/BallSt NP but slight lean to UMass and Over 66

Wisc/Rut -20 NP on side as I made this 21, looks like Bdgers qb out
131 Rutgers/Wisconsin* Under 51 -110 x2 ..this looks like a 42 pt game to me

Clem/NCSt NP side or total

142 Arkansas State* -18 -120 vs Georgia State x2
141 Georgia State/Arkansas State* Over 59 -110 x2
if some ask me I could not recommend Arki St @ -18 even though I am playing it. GaSt cant rush the ball and that leaves their passing against a ArkiSt tm that is very good against the pass. Both of my #s were low @ 14 and 17 and my #s have been good to me this yr but going against them here.

CM/Zips would like to play the Zips at home but CM's D is just to damn good

147 San Diego State* -3 -120 vs Colorado State x2 ...CollSt has no D and I have to admit that SDST looks impressive
149 Stanford* -12 -110 vs Washington State x1 ...Wazzou is hot but I like Stanford to grind this one out and cover by at least 2

Temple/ND I will wait to the last min and hopefully be able to get a few more pts with Tem

155 Notre Dame/Temple* Under 51 -110 x1 # says 47
GT/Vir hell if i know, my # says something like 27-24 type of game but this game is not for me

Lean TT+ over OkiSt and lean Over78 but no play on either

Okla/Kansas I dont like these 40 pts types of games but I do think the roll...I will buy it down in a par

Tex/IowaSt NP, my # says 4-6
Southern Miss at 20 looks like a good play, I missed that number. Stanford is another one that I had on my lean list, but a little reticent to go against Wash St. as well they have been playing. Need to look at that one some more. I was going to ask you about GT, and see that you don't like that game. Maybe a tough spot for them coming off the big win, but I was impressed with their D.
Ill/PennSt NP I make it 3-5

Vandy/Hou NP lean Hou as I made it a 14 pt game

174 Utah* -24 -110 vs Oregon State x2 ...Utah better at all positions and OregSt will have trouble finding ten pts imo
Any further thoughts on Houston game? RB worth that much of people buying the vandy D? I took -13.5 early and watched it plummet
Good luck Blood, our Thursday card looks identical. A few dogs I like are; SMU +3.5, BC + 3, Illinois +6, and thinking about the Gophers +14.


How'd you do with the bruins? Is the season over yet?
Zane, Thanks for the feedback on ur dogs. I took a look at all and this is what my #s say
Tulsa -5 total of 69..although Tulsa has an outside chance at a bowl game, Smu can but pts on the brd and could scrape out a cover/win but to close for me to play

BC -5, oh if BC only could find some O I would be with u on this one but without the O this could be a 9 pt win for VT

Ill +5, yes I can see an outright win here but after watching PennSt passing improve along with their D, I cant do it.

Minn+14, I made this one Mich by 20 and played Mich on the open -12 -120 x4 I dont believe Minni will do much on O against Michs D

A tail to tell on the bear hunt when I get time

out damn standing Hound :bow:
Thanks Capt, GL

I was starting to wonder about you, Blood. I'm superstitious and I don't like to change anything when I'm on a good streak, so I wanted to make sure you had a thread this week.

Had a pretty good week as far as winning money, but my handicapping wasn't the best. Everything had to break right for me to win on Arkansas, I had two dogs who didn't show up to play at all, and I was dumb enough to give points on the road again. I didn't even know there were locker room problems with aTm which shows how poor my handicapping was on my losses. But I won my first max bet of the year so I'll learn from my mistakes and try to clean it up this week.

I've bet against W Virginia all year in conference games so will take TCU if I can get that number you got. That's the only game you're on I have any interest in.

Going to make a rare bet on the horses this week since it's the Breeder's Cup. I used to handicap the ponies, but I'm so far out of practice it is just an educated guess. I'm taking the #10 horse, Beholder, in the Classic. Probably go off at 3-1.

Week 8
Cal +6 Lose
Temple +3 Win
Oklahoma -14 x6 x4 Win
Penn State -6 Lose (0-4-1 giving points on the road this year)
Arkansas -6 x2 Win
aTm +6x Lose
Wash State +7x x2 Win
Money Line
Ohio State Win
Houston Win

Week 8
Multi-Unit Bets
Max Bets
Units For Year
""I've bet against W Virginia all year in conference games so will take TCU if I can get that number you got.
That's the only game you're on I have any interest in.""

Sorry there is only one game we agree on...that doesnt say much for my capping does it. BOL on whatever U decide on...I know they will be winners

Southern Miss at 20 looks like a good play, I missed that number. Stanford is another one that I had on my lean list, but a little reticent to go against Wash St. as well they have been playing. Need to look at that one some more. I was going to ask you about GT, and see that you don't like that game. Maybe a tough spot for them coming off the big win, but I was impressed with their D.
Tim, I think SoMiss is still good at present #.
Stanford could be close but still like it by 14. I looking for Stan running O to play keep away from Wazoo.
And becides the lettedown effect with GT, I think their overall tm can win bu 7...I just cant play this game. GL

KSIMP, """"Any further thoughts on Houston game? RB worth that much of people buying the vandy D? I took -13.5 early and watched it plummet """"
I made this a 13-14 pt game with an initial lean on Houston because of the turnover margin for Houston was +13 to Vandy -9. If U are already on it I would let it ride. Vandys lack of O compared to Houston +30 pts in 11 straight games makes for a compelling play. I stayed off because I will be pulling for the SEC Vandy tm but I really dont expect them to do much scoring. I think the line drop is do to Vandy win over Mozou last wk but remember Mozou doesnt have the O that Hou does GL

Appreciate the feedback
Thanks and GL fellas
wk 1- 33-38-1 -11.7U
wk 2- 29-14-2 +19.3U
wk 3- 16-16-1 +2.2U
wk 4- 30-29-1 +7.6U
wk 5- 27-27-1 +14.15U
wk 6- 31-24-1 +13.51U
wk 7- 42-22-2 +31.66U
wk 8 -38-23-1 +38.1U

103 North Carolina* -2½ -120 vs Pittsburgh U x2
103 North Carolina/Pittsburgh U* Under 55 x120 x2

105 Western Michigan* -20 -110 vs Eastern Michigan x2
105 Western Michigan/Eastern Michigan* Over 67 -110 x2

107 Buffalo U* -7 -115 vs Miami Ohio x2
107 Buffalo U/Miami Ohio* Over 50 -110 x1

110 Georgia Southern* -20 -110 vs Texas State x2
109 Texas State/Georgia Southern* Over 68 -110 x1

112 TCU* -13 -120 vs West Virginia x4
111 West Virginia/TCU* Over 75 -110 x1

114 Arizona State* -2 -120 vs Oregon x1
NP on total... my # is 66

mr hound, I have been so bad on games not played on Saturday - - 0-6 and counting - that I am grabbing onto the tail of your coat on each of these. Friday's , too.
AND, I take it at the top your first post in this thread there are some week by week numbers and the last numbers at the far right are cumulative ??
Thanks and Good Luck.
mr hound, I have been so bad on games not played on Saturday - - 0-6 and counting - that I am grabbing onto the tail of your coat on each of these. Friday's , too.
AND, I take it at the top your first post in this thread there are some week by week numbers and the last numbers at the far right are cumulative ??
Thanks and Good Luck.
Why not, U know I follow ur plays each wk and do well. I appreciate ur confidence
Mr Bull, I never guarantee a play but only post what I have played or in a few cases what I havent played and why. The plays that U tailed are just my thoughts on games that I played and hopefully winners. I do think we have more winners than losers on Thurs and Fri nites and think we win some coin with them.
The numbers in the column in question are cumulative weekly winnings. Add the righthand column for a season total. I calculate winners and losers on Sun morn each wk when I when I am sober and feel confident that what I post is somewhat correct. I do make a lot of ingame plays that are sometimes posted and sometimes not do to time restraints so I have to weed those out of my books figures but I try hard for accuracy. Keeping win/lose records is no easy task when playing the amount of games that I typically each wk but I try.
GL to us MrBull
176 Cincinnati U* -27 -120 vs Central Florida x3...should have caught this on the open for a 5 unit play but missed it.
It true that Cinci is unreliable to play from one wk to the next, CentFl owns the worst O in football and Cinci should be able to keep the ball and score consistently.
TCU was the only one that interested me out your FIRST FOUR, Blood.

I'm interested in several now that you have posted a full card.

You mentioned you had considered Fla/Georgia, but passed. What are you thinking on that one? Rumors circulating that Richt went to Miami yesterday to discuss the job at his old school.

I agree with you on BC. I never bet any game unless I have the best defense and BC is one of the best, but their offense is almost non-existent. I still can believe they put up as many points as they did on Clemson. I'm also with you in waiting for the line to go up on N Dame/Temple. I have bet N Dame all year, but I am always willing to take a great defense and points at home.

Keep posting, it gets me thinking and helps me analyze things.
Thanks so much, mr hound. yo, I have a slight profit on my Threads so I'm glad you're aboard. Like you I play a lot of gamesbut lack qualifications to post and influence people on FBS games- except for rare exceptions like bama v A & M.
Thurs Nite Football

Played these earlier this wk
103 North Carolina* -2½ -120 vs Pittsburgh U x2
103 North Carolina/Pittsburgh U* Under 55 x120 x2

just added
103 North Carolina* pk -105 vs Pittsburgh U x2
103 North Carolina/Pittsburgh U* Under 61 -121 x1


  1. 10/29/2015 7:00 PM College Football 103 North Carolina* +7 -340 vs Pittsburgh U
  2. 10/29/2015 7:00 PM College Football 103 North Carolina/Pittsburgh U* Under 68 -345
Risking 400 To Win 279
i have fucking internet probs tonite so post will be hit miss

  1. 10/29/2015 7:30 PM College Football 105 Western Michigan* -7 -700 vs Eastern Michigan
  2. 10/29/2015 7:30 PM College Football 110 Georgia Southern* -10 -600 vs Texas State
  3. 10/29/2015 7:30 PM College Football 112 TCU* -465 vs West Virginia
Risking 500 To Win 320

  1. 10/29/2015 7:30 PM College Football 105 Western Michigan* -17 -140 vs Eastern Michigan
  2. 10/29/2015 7:30 PM College Football 107 Buffalo U* -6 -135 vs Miami Ohio
  3. 10/29/2015 7:30 PM College Football 110 Georgia Southern* -17 -180 vs Texas State
  4. 10/29/2015 7:30 PM College Football 112 TCU* -9 -170 vs West Virginia
  5. 10/29/2015 10:30 PM College Football 114 Arizona State* -130 vs Oregon
Risking 50 To Win 602
Joining you on TCU. Blood, but I had to lay 14. Still like it because I don't think WV can come close on the road.

TCU -14 x2
2nd half

103 North Carolina* pk -115 vs Pittsburgh U for 2nd Half x1
103 North Carolina/Pittsburgh U* Under 28½ -120 for 2nd Half x1
Great job tonight blood, I took La Tech -9.5 what were your thoughts on that play? I thought rice secondary would get exposed by La Tech
Hey Blood, long time no talk! You have been crushing it these last few weeks, and as always thank you so much for everything you do. I've been tailing you for a few years now, and I know we have interacted a few times so just wanted to say thanks for always remembering us little guys. This weekend i'll be heading to my first Pac 12 game-day experience. Being from the south (I'm an FSU alum), I really don't know what to expect, and hope the tailgating/pregame atmosphere is close to what i'm used to. I'll be attending the Washington vs. Arizona game, and would like to have your thoughts on this late night battle. The current line I see on 5dimes is Washington (-4.5). Interested to hear your thoughts to see if I can potentially make a wager and have some additional interest in the game. Thanks again Blood, keep up the good work. I know for a fact you have a ton of silent bettors that tail you week in and week out. So on behalf of the beginners on the board, thank you!


It was nice to wake up a winner this morning. Thank you, mr hound.

on board tonite, sides only. The totals have moved against me. G L
Best of luck tonight bud
Have a Big wkend Fondy GL

Great job tonight blood, I took La Tech -9.5 what were your thoughts on that play? I thought rice secondary would get exposed by La Tech
KSimp, I wanted to play Rice +14 but the line is not cooperating so I have no play on the side yet and my Over play is nt looking good either?? My #s have this an 8-10 pt game for LaTech so U got a decent line on the open.I typically need a 3pt differential between line and my # to make a one U play.I am a big believer in revenge in college games assuming the rev tm is capable of making a gaming out of it. Looking at the #s, LaTech,their big O line and qb Driskel 'should' have no prob putting scores up on a Rice tm that has allowed 20 TD thru the air but one has to remember that Rice has this game circled after last yrs ass whipping and HC Bailliff is 13-4-2 at home against the spread with revenge. No, I never play a game on revenge alone so look at Rice's 200 yrd avg on the ground and I think Rice stays in this game all the way thru. I dont give recommendations but if I were in ur position I would think about trying to middle this game if the line does move up to 13-14 GL

Hey Blood, long time no talk! You have been crushing it these last few weeks, and as always thank you so much for everything you do. I've been tailing you for a few years now, and I know we have interacted a few times so just wanted to say thanks for always remembering us little guys. This weekend i'll be heading to my first Pac 12 game-day experience. Being from the south (I'm an FSU alum), I really don't know what to expect, and hope the tailgating/pregame atmosphere is close to what i'm used to. I'll be attending the Washington vs. Arizona game, and would like to have your thoughts on this late night battle. The current line I see on 5dimes is Washington (-4.5). Interested to hear your thoughts to see if I can potentially make a wager and have some additional interest in the game. Thanks again Blood, keep up the good work. I know for a fact you have a ton of silent bettors that tail you week in and week out. So on behalf of the beginners on the board, thank you!

Thank U for being part of this thread and Thanks for the kind words Chub.
This is a tuff game to capp with all of the injuries to both tms. Until closer to gametime and we know whose playing whose not, I want even try and play this side myself. We can look at the trends and see if they tell us something.
The trend in this series favors the home team and the favorite, so that bodes well for a Washington team favored by four to five points depending on your shop. The home team is 6-1 ATS in the past seven meetings, and the favorite is 4-1 ATS in the past five. The Wildcats are also just 3-7 ATS in the past 10 against a team with a losing record, and 1-7 ATS in their past eight road games against a team with a losing home mark. Washington is 0-5 ATS in their past five at home against a team with a winning road record. The total trends are conflicting in this one, too. The over is 8-1 in Arizona's past nine games, and 4-1 in their past five conference tilts, while the under is a dominant 18-5 in Washington's past 23, and a perfect 7-0 in their past seven conference battles. The under is 20-6 in their past 26 at home, too. In this series, the over is 8-2 in the past 10 in Seattle and 6-2 in the past eight meetings overall.
Ariz D is almost a joke with their injuries but Wazzou's O is almost a joke also. I have done well thiy yr playing Zona Over every wk but here again, hard to tell here.I think Wash only had about 214 yrs total last wk.
OK, if I had to make a play right now, my feelings are Wash -4 buying the hook and Over 58 but only for one each.
And I cant inagin the pregame tail gate being anything like ur used to with the SEC but then again I have only been tp two tail gates with the pac tms and they were ok....but 40 yrs ago so no comparisom to today I'm sure. I have found it much more enjoyable betting the Over in a game thay Im attending where I dont have a dog in the fight :)

Well done last night blood
Thanks C, the crystal is still working ...for the most part :) GL

It was nice to wake up a winner this morning. Thank you, mr hound.

on board tonite, sides only. The totals have moved against me. G L
Great to hear MrBull. Hope our sides do well tonite for us. I will talk about the totals close to gametime.

Nice work Blood, you really nailed that NC game.
Thanks Tim, I just didnt see Pitt running all over NCs D but thought NC ballanced attack could do well against a two man Pitt tm...especially after listening to mark may talk about how his tm was going to whip ass :) GL Tim

Joining you on TCU. Blood, but I had to lay 14. Still like it because I don't think WV can come close on the road.

TCU -14 x2
Lets see if we can get another winner tonite Tahoe GL

BOL guys
thanks Blood was thinking the same thing once I saw the line dip back down. Appreciate the thoughts