Bjorks Week 4


Secretary of Fondy Fanclub

Not going to lie, happy with my start! JINX

Memphis -6

Stanford -15.5

BYU +6
Navy -6
Penn St -10
Ohio St -28
Ole Miss -24.5
New Mexico -1.5
LSU -23
Georgia Southern -14.5
Miss St +4
USC -6
Chattanooga -22
Portland St -26

Central Michigan - missed 31
Nevada +2
Georgia Tech -9.5
South Dakota St -42
These aren't bets I placed today. I post bets when I have the time. Thanks for questioning.
"New" is a relative term. Like I said, if picking all the most favorable numbers and posting them whenever it's convenient (and keeping a posted record) is acceptable here, someone just has to say so, and I stand corrected. I said straight up he wasn't the first person that seems to be doing it here, just the first one I've commented on. I've been in forums for many years and I've never seen this fly, which is why I was wondering if everyone was cool with it and it's not an issue. And I was completely civil with my questions, which isn't what I've received in a PM reply or this other comment.
thanks bjork, nice snag on some of those plays man loving navy and memphis you thief BOL

Cruncher you see other people posting low lines when they grabbed them low. We don't all have the same lines come game day on our posts. And I think the issue was with the way you delivered it not that you had something to say.
It's my general understanding that in forums one should only post plays with lines widely available online at the time of posting.

My 2 cents of the cool things about this site is that I have never gotten the feel that posting plays is all about a big dick swinging contest....unlike many "other" forums out there that have very strict rules, but nobody fukkin actually talks about "WHY"....and I have never, ever seen Bjorks pound his chest about his plays/records.

The true "value" around here comes from the exchange of information.....if bjorks (or anyone for that matter) posts a play that I want info on, I ask about the rationale and feedback and conversation and exchange of ideas/thoughts/info.

but then again, maybe the big dick swinging contest is your thing.....
I apologize for coming off a bit brusque to a long time member here. Does it really not matter where the lines come from and if those numbers are currently available? Of course not everyone is going to have the same posted number come game day, but as far as I know one should post a number available off the ticker when posting a play. Again -- that's what I know from every other forum and if those standards are relaxed here than I apologize for that misunderstanding. I don't even think it's a bad thing to be more casual here if that's the accepted vibe.
Ok, thanks jimmymo, really! I like this forum and the higher % of quality posts and the way some people like clowncar focus their analysis on their losses and not their wins. I'm pretty sure if you look at my stuff you'll see I'm not here for dick swinging. As you acknowledge the other forums have strict rules, so am I not to be forgiven for not knowing that this forum was different than any others I've participated in? lol
dam fine job Bjorks...sportsCruncher a lot of guys pounce on opening lines, use locals etc. Sometimes the lines move against them as well but for the majority of guys with early lines make $$ which is fine with me. I don't know if that explains things but thats how I see it.
Hate to say this but I completely agree with sportscruncher. And I really don't mean that as any offense to bjorks, Who is and who has been for a while a really really good member of this forum. But I have always only posted plays with lines that are available at the time I post them, and kind of thought that was the rule of thumb. We are here to help each other but it's not helping anybody win if I post a line that i got that is now 5 points higher. Just my 2 cents, but I certainly don't mean to accuse bjorks of any foul play or anything, I just don't understand what the point is of posting a play in a forum when nobody else can get that line. If you got a good number that's awesome, that means you're great capper, but posting that # doesn't do people who value your opinion any good if they can't get it. Maybe a solid compromise would be to post how high he would take it up to?

I don't care that much, i see both sides & bjorks is good people
Just so I'm clear, if I can't post Sunday night I can't post anything at all? Got it. Bye fellas. Good luck with your year.

The fact this is an issue after 8 years is fucking laughable.
Rarely post, always enjoy reading threads on this site..with that being said...have to speak up...

So...the guy who has been here for 8 years (bjorks), who offers good insight and is 47-30 on the year so far....leaves after thesportscruncher (who has been here for like 8 days)...and D-woww (3-12 in NFL posted picks this year/also consistently bad for a couple of years)...give bjorks unnecessary shit about what lines he is posting.

Umm...any chance we can trade Dwoww and Sportscruncher and get Bjorks back?
"New" is a relative term. Like I said, if picking all the most favorable numbers and posting them whenever it's convenient (and keeping a posted record) is acceptable here, someone just has to say so, and I stand corrected. I said straight up he wasn't the first person that seems to be doing it here, just the first one I've commented on. I've been in forums for many years and I've never seen this fly, which is why I was wondering if everyone was cool with it and it's not an issue. And I was completely civil with my questions, which isn't what I've received in a PM reply or this other comment.

Fuxx you
yea bjorks shake it off, plenty of people appreciate your opinion and i was in the same boat with posting late sunday night plays on monday morning with hanging with the lady and other work.

I like this site fore the exchange of information. Can't get mad at Bjorks or Schrute or CC or anyone for grabbing an early line. You still may like that line a point later. Only point Dwoww made that was good is posting what you may like it to but that is for the person reading the thread to ask if he would like, not the guy betting the already better line.
Not a very well known entity here, or anywhere else for that matter, but just to put in my 2 cents, FWIW.

I use a local as well, and they normally give me favorable lines as long as it's available at any one of the books they use, though they normally go by Bookmaker odds for most everyone else. So I post my plays at the # I bet them at, regardless of when I post them. As long as bjorks or I or anyone else doesn't pound their chest and advertise their picks like they're some sort of sports numbers genius, I really don't see the problem. Take the guy's picks as it is because nobody is forcing anybody here to follow anybody else. This is also not a contest, but just a site where people can share info/picks/leans/etc. Bjorks winning his games has no bearing on anybody else winning or losing theirs.

If you don't like the picks or the lines, or think it's shady, just don't follow along.

Again, just my 2 cents, and I hope I don't offend anyone.
Bjorks - this is not an issue for 99% of the people here. I use multiple locals and get significantly different lines from time to time. If you bet a team at -3 post it at -3 - if they are now -4 that's a problem for the person tailing not for you. Why in the hell would you post a current line when that's not what you bet the game at? It is really annoying that people would actually come in to your thread and complain about this bullshit.
Love Bjorks. Great member and in no way do i think he is doing anything intentionally wrong.

So I am making this statement as more of a blanket statement about what I think (and that doesn't mean I am right) the forum should be doing in regards to this. And to me it is pretty clear that you should be posting what you played, when you played it. If the line moves in those few minutes from when you bet (some people even move lines when they bet making their number instantaneously unavailable) that is one thing. But posting plays days after the lines have moved leaves the door open for anyone to do that. So you can have a member, like Bjorks, since this is his thread, that we are almost 100% positive is on the up and up (and the guy isn't a horn tooter or braggart) do it and we can all come in and defend it because we feel like we are defending him ... but it leaves the door open for others to do the same thing and that makes for a bad forum, especially for the new folks who are new to betting, new to betting forums, trying to figure out if they want to tail a poster, etc. etc. ....

We actually had someone post the over in the Montana/North Dakota State over as the game neared halftime ...with 49 points scored. Don't remember who it was, don't really care personally .. but the practice of doing that is bad for the forum and bad for its members. Imagine the guy who does that for the wrong reasons for two months and no one says anything ... and then people who don't know better start tailing him. I don't know how many lurkers there are for every one of us posters but it has to be a couple.

The site isn't just about all of us who have been here a long time, it is about new people too.

So I can have a mancrush on Bjorks (love ya brah) and still realize that Sportscruncher's point is spot on. And further... it is going on all over the place here. I mentioned this a month ago in the feedback section about how little the picks are policed these days.

If it was a new guy doing this and you noticed, you would all be ripping him a new one and while I agree that we shouldn't rip Bjorks a new one, we definitely shouldn't accept this as a common practice.

My two cents .. did I kiss enough of your ass to not be mad at me Bjorks, feel like I know you after all these years and would hate for you to take what I am saying personally because it isn't like that. I know you got all those numbers and life catches up with us and we can't post .. and then you want to post to help other people, and you post the plays. But like i said, just because I am confident you got those, I am not so confident about every random poster getting them.
I would prefer to know what bjorks' bets are, that he dictate his thread how he sees fit, and nothing else.

I've never been a member of any other forum. If you tail, oops to you, and why I probably have always liked this place...if you want to use it as guidance, fine. If you want to ask questions fine. If you want to treat this as some kind of handicapping contest and dick swinging festival, I would lose interest pretty much now. Sounds like that's what happens elsewhere, thankfully not here.

Keep it up b, the guy that called you out pretty much back tracked and seemed sincere. Do your thing, if people bitch about "how forums do it", go there, thankfully this place is different.

I really couldn't care less what anyone's record is.
Personally I'd rather see what he played it at. Easy to say you would play a game at -6 when you actually have -3 in real life.

I think it can go both ways. Someone could post at current lines, then on Saturday say oh well I actually played it at open, so I won.
But overall agree w/ KJ. It's Bjorks thread, he can run it as he pleases. If you don't like it, don't read.
Sorry for posting in your thread Bjorks.. was probably best left for a separate thread. For others, when I moderated here it was one of our primary functions/duties to ensure the integrity of picks posting. So when you say this is why you always liked this place, KJ, it doesn't really ring true to the reality of the history of the site. Maybe the site stance on the subject has changed, dunno.
Rarely post, always enjoy reading threads on this site..with that being said...have to speak up...

So...the guy who has been here for 8 years (bjorks), who offers good insight and is 47-30 on the year so far....leaves after thesportscruncher (who has been here for like 8 days)...and D-woww (3-12 in NFL posted picks this year/also consistently bad for a couple of years)...give bjorks unnecessary shit about what lines he is posting.

Umm...any chance we can trade Dwoww and Sportscruncher and get Bjorks back?

first off, go fuck yourself. im a season removed from a 67% season and this year we are through two weeks, so chill out chief alright?

Secondly, read my post. Tell me if I was the slightest bit disrespectful to Bjorks. I went out of my way to NOT sound like I am coming at him and to give him props for being a great contributor, but I do have the opinion that when you post picks in the online betting community (twitter, forums, etc), the lines should be widely available. That is all I said and I said it respectfully. Be real, if it was not Bjorks, who ppl here like and respect, and it was some newbie, the whole forum would be "dude you gotta post available lines, what are you trying to go tout or something?" All I did was state my opinion and what I thought was standard for posting picks...and I even said by all means post your picks at ur numbers for record purposes but maybe discuss what you would take them up to so we can know what you are thinking.

Honestly, what good do picks do if the numbers are long gone? This is a fair question, I am not being a dick to bjorks, I am simply asking. If he posts in a forum he likes Team X at -3, but for the last 24 hours they have been up to -6, what good does it do to people reading his page? That is literally ALL i was asking. Even if you disagree, it can't be argued that it is a debatable topic that people are going to have differences of opinions on. But not I, not even SportsCruncher was rude to him, or came at him or accused him, we simply stated our thoughts on posting liens that are not available anymore.

If he is going to get all "im taking my ball and going home" because two people mentioned something that, agree or not is a valid side of a discussion, instead of discussing it with us, then he is being a giant baby about it.
I would prefer to know what bjorks' bets are, that he dictate his thread how he sees fit, and nothing else.

I've never been a member of any other forum. If you tail, oops to you, and why I probably have always liked this place...if you want to use it as guidance, fine. If you want to ask questions fine. If you want to treat this as some kind of handicapping contest and dick swinging festival, I would lose interest pretty much now. Sounds like that's what happens elsewhere, thankfully not here.

Keep it up b, the guy that called you out pretty much back tracked and seemed sincere. Do your thing, if people bitch about "how forums do it", go there, thankfully this place is different.

I really couldn't care less what anyone's record is.

both of the ppl who questioned it were respectful and gave props to bjorks as a person and a capper, but just questioned the act of posting non-WA lines. Nobody was rude, and nobody came at him and accused him of anything serious. That is why I am so shocked he just said "peace"
Personally miss Bjorks, a man who said he was gone and actually stayed gone........Rare SHOCKER!

Miss ya man