BJ bases 5-20


Pretty much a regular
Morning Folks

zona/mia...two teams that suck right now...both L4/5...two pitchers with good numbers but not a lot of wins between them...3 to be exact...1 team win in the last 6 starts between these two...mia has scored 8 runs in last 4 and 19 in last 8....zona has scored 11 in 4....10 of the last 14 in this series have gone under....i expect that to continue tonight.....under

stl/mets....stl scoring 2 rpg over last 6 and playing a lot of unders while mets 17 in last 7 with the exception of one 14 run outburst....colon 4-0 vs stl 6-0 team so he has never lost...stl pen which was stellar been scuffling a little lately but mets pen solid....probable under play

philly/col....the over looks way too obvious as these two put a boatload of men on base....what one should note is that neither of these teams score a lot including col at home...4.1 rpg...and philly road...2.9 rpg....pass

cubs/sd...wada is reasonably new?...ross has allowed 2 earned his last 2....wada has faced sd once and got lit up.....pass

lad/sf....two pitchers who have allowed 5 total earned in their last 6 starts combined....but all five came in their last start...under

laa/tor....weaver/hutch...hutch tends to pitch in a lot of high scoring games....weaver starting to weave his majic again....weaver 9-2 vs tor...hutch 0-2/6.52/1.553 vs laa....laa 12-4 last 16 in this series and 7-2 at tor....i'll take the master at dog money over the aaa guy....laa

seatt/balt....initially thought over but total bet down so pass....cannot find one advantage either way here except balt does get to bat or nothing....pass

cleve/cws....i understand rodon a stud potential but he's wild and marcum off the scrap heap has never lost to cws...4-0...6-0 team...all 7 this year between these two have gone under....can see that happening again maybe.....pass

tex/bos....this may be the guy bos needs to get their bats going....or boston bats may make this guy look like sandy like they have every one else this year....kelley ever learns how to pitch and he could be dangerous but if he continues to throw 8/10 fastballs and occasionally over the plate then he will continue to get clobbered....maybe over,maybe bos in a ml would have to be crazy to lay 80 cents on this boston team against anyone right now

minn/pitt....minn hits lefties....12-5 this year....playing well...locke not bad...value in dog who is scrapping pretty good these days....pass

nyy/wash....warren pretty good for a young fellow and zimm rounding into shape....nyy bats have gone silent....under

mil/ not understand the mil love here....must be the dog money....greene if on could shut out mil....if off he could give up 10....pass

tb/atl.....mismatch in SP....tb

cinn/kc....marquis is horrible...guthrie has given up 2 earned in his last 2....fading marquis....kc

good luck all

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