bitches!!, how can Penn State -15 not be on your week 2 lists?


Helmut Nation
This team returns almost everyone from last seasons team except for Morelli and that might actually be a good thing. Last season they won all there home games by 20+ except the game against #1 rated Ohio State and a game against Purdue where they out gained them by 150 yards. They have a strong rushing game and if the game against Coastal Carolina is any indication of how the will do this year, looks like it will be another big rushing year as they rolled up 334 yesterday. They have also implemented some spread offense this season so I look for more offensive production from this unit this season. If Stanford which was a terrible rushing team last season had no problems rushing on Oregon States defense the Lions should have a field day. Rememeber last season when a much better Oregon State team traveled out east to play Cincinnati they got killed bad. I wouldn't be surprised to see the young inexperienced QB Moevao turn it over a few times as last season he had 6 int's compared to 2 td passes. I'll gladly lay 15 knowing I have 106000 fans on my side.
under 3 td's (which at 15 it is) means i'll be on them... 15 is a dead number for me... so want to see if it goes 16 or 14 direction...
I'm with you. Won't bet penn st. dd this year (unless it's vs the Gophs)...

After watching the post game interview with Brewster you would have thought they just won their 5th consecutive national championship. Jeez they barely beat Northern Illinois at home and failed to cover the spread. When asked about all the thugs he recruited and why they were to stupid to gain eligibility he would not answer any questions and only wanted to talk about Northern Illinois. They will be underdogs in every big ten game and will likely go winless again in the conference games. I would take almost any coach in the country over this guy even Kragthorpe.
Brewster is all talk no results. Minny gave up over 300 passing to NIU, BG's strength. NIU and Minny were equal on the ground, BG should contain them.

This PSU game is easy. Best Oline in the country against a front 7 depleted to graduation and run all over on by Stanford.
After watching the post game interview with Brewster you would have thought they just won their 5th consecutive national championship. Jeez they barely beat Northern Illinois at home and failed to cover the spread...

Agree. He's got a little too much Jim Wacker qualities too him as far as how upbeat he is when his team has underachieved and not done shit. They should have lost that game on Saturday night, too. Still not enough horses in the stable.

...When asked about all the thugs he recruited and why they were to stupid to gain eligibility he would not answer any questions and only wanted to talk about Northern Illinois...

He has not handled the Gray situation well, IMO. But, I had the opportunity to meet one of Tubby's assistant coaches this weekend, and had a very candid conversation with him about Brewster, his staff, and his recruits. In short, the guy thinks Brewster will turn the program around with a little time.

His biggest criticism of Brewster was his failure to adapt to his personnel last year and his arrogance. This assistant (who claims to be very close friends with Brewster) has had many talks with him about handling the media better and not coming off as being such a cocky fuck. But the guy also said his players love that swagger Brewster has. I asked him about the locker room trouble last year (bjorks brought it up last year in a thread), and he confirmed there was dissension last year, but it was Mason’s players raising a stink about playing time. Mostly, in his opinion, it was the frustration of losing. I asked him if his players liked him, and he said "No. They love him. Do all his players love him? That’s ridiculous."

The whole Gray situation is a disaster, and it has put a lot of stress on Brewster. This assistant I was talking to said the odds of Gray playing for the Gophers someday is less than 10%. That's just a big kick in the head to this program. When I stated that I didn’t think Brewster handled the situation very well, he agreed, but said that there were privacy/confidentiality issues that dictated what he could comment on. Obviously, it would make it very difficult for him to comment on the matter during any interview or press conference. Plus, he didn’t want to embarrass the recruit any more than he undoubtedly was already. I still wish he would have done the scheduled interview and scheduled a press conference and simply answered questions with "I am not allowed to comment on that right now" or something similar.

I dont' agree with your assessment that he recruits thugs. He doesn't. I'm not aware of any trouble this kid had in the past, nor do I recall any of Brewster's recruits being trouble-makers. Last year was his first real recruiting class. He deserves some time to get his system implemented with his players running the system.

...They will be underdogs in every big ten game and will likely go winless again in the conference games. I would take almost any coach in the country over this guy even Kragthorpe.

What Brewster can do is recruit. This assistant coach said that Brewster is as solid of a football recruiter as he’s been around, and apparently this guy has been around a bit (according to my friend that introduced me to him). That’s what Minnesota needs badly. You think Bowden and Paterno are great X's and O's guys? Look at those assistants they've had over the years.

The guy deserves more than 13 games to prove himself.
Brewster is all talk no results...

So after 13 games you're ready to pronounce him a loser. How exactly do you believe he should act? He should not be excited about winning a game? They lost their home opener last year. They won this year. You want him to pout around the place? How do you suppose his players would react to that?

He's trying to build a program. I doubt it would be a productive endeavor doing it with negativity and pessimism.

Thanks for that buckeye perspective.

BTW, I agree that Bowling Green is the play, and if I'm lucky enough to be getting points with BG, I'll be playing it along with the ML.
Even if you think he's a loser, he's the head coach, and I think he deserves some more time.
It' sad when the program as fallen to a level where you have to get the Bronco's TE coach to run the program. After 40 years of losing I want somebody better qualified.
I second that, but I'll give Maturi the benefit of the doubt on this one. At least another 2 years. If after 2010 I don't see considerable improvement in both athletes AND record, I'll be the first to oust the guy