Billy Donovan changes his mind


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Donovan may be in talks with Florida about return

By Andy Katz
Updated: June 3, 2007, 11:34 PM ET
Billy Donovan informed the Magic and the University of Florida over the weekend that he had second thoughts about agreeing to be Orlando's head coach, but it's unclear if the NBA team will let him go.

Orlando has a signed contract from Donovan and are making a decision as to whether or not to let him out of the five-year, $27.5 million deal that he signed Thursday, multiple sources told Sunday.

If the Magic do let Donovan out of the deal, they have to decide whether to enforce a financial penalty. Both sides aren't talking publicly since there are legal issues involved in such a decision.

Donovan's hiring on Thursday prompted the sale of 200 Magic season tickets by Friday afternoon. Magic communications director Joel Glass confirmed that number after Friday's news conference introducing Donovan to a standing ovation from the entire on-site Magic organization at the RDV Sportsplex in Orlando. Losing Donovan as coach would likely be a public relations hit to a franchise that needed a pop.

Donovan is coming off winning back-to-back national titles at Florida, the first time that has occurred since Duke did it in 1991-92. Donovan, who turned 42 Wednesday, agonized over the decision to accept the Magic offer after first being approached last week.

Florida athletic director Jeremy Foley flew to Richmond, Va., on Saturday to meet with Donovan's former assistant, VCU head coach Anthony Grant, about the opening. But multiple sources confirmed that the plane was on the ground for less than an hour. Foley left without Grant aboard.

Over the weekend, multiple sources said Grant was the top choice but that both he and Donovan wanted to make sure that all of their respective staffs were taken care of before any move was made.

Multiple sources said that the decision now rests in the hands of the Magic. A final decision is due by Monday.

On Friday, Donovan was emphatic about why he ultimately made the choice. He said that he wanted a new challenge and saw the proximity to his home in Gainesville and the young stars on the Magic roster like Dwight Howard and Jameer Nelson as well as $10-13 million in salary cap space as a primary reason for jumping at this job.
Say what?

The guy's already had the press conference. I watched it, he was all excited about the "challenge" and all that s**t. OK, fine, maybe his PR people wrote that and he memorized it, but that's not the point. If he backs out now he looks like a giantic p*ssy.

He also comes off just a little bit unstable.

What a weird, random thing.
He accepted the job with the Magic on Friday, but according to one source, Donovan was forced to make a quick and rash decision by the Magic management. Reports are that he immediately regretted the deal after agreeing to the contract. VCU coach Anthony Grant was rumored to be replacing Donovan at Florida, but those plans are on hold now until Donovan's future with the Magic is decided. If Donovan ends up going back to Gainesville and leaves the Magic out in the cold, it will be a tough pill to swallow in Orlando.
He will be let out of the contract tomorrow. I think its best for both parties.

Donovan deserves whats best for him at this point.
Donovan deserves whats best for him at this point.

First, let me say that I'm a big Billy Donovan fan. I liked when he got the job in Florida, I love what he's done for them.

But, um, huh?

I'm sorry, but this is not some suburban housewife who was left alone at the dealership and got pressured into buying a minivan by a big bad carsalesman.

This was a huge job opportunity, a life changing deal. His decision immediately impacted the lives of dozens of people and their families. He had to know that.

This isn't his first time at the dance. Yeah, it's his first shot at the NBA, but it's certainly not his first contract negotiation.

When you sign a contract like this, you know what you're doing.

Do I hope everything works out for him? Certainly, but you don't go into these things naive. This isn't a sweater you can return at The Gap after you bring it home and don't like the way it looks with your favorite pair of jeans.

I think there's more to this story than is being reported. But as it stands right now, come on, Billy, man up here.
Joel Glass, the Magic's vice president of communications, said that in the 24 hours between the story breaking Thursday and the news conference Friday, the team sold more than 200 new season tickets.

They better be let out of those "contracts" too.
How do you sign a contract like this and say, "I changed my mind" two days later?

might he EVER be contacted about an NBA position again...?

talk about lack of credibility.
so what if he decides he actually wanted to coach the Magic after he goes back to Florida?

Dude's a loony. make up your mind.
VCU's Grant hasn't been offered Florida job

GAINESVILLE, Fla. -- Florida moved quickly to contact Anthony Grant about its coaching vacancy, calling him soon after Billy Donovan left for the NBA.

But Grant still hasn't been offered the job, fueling speculation that the situation might not be resolved as quickly as the Gators had hoped.

Grant, a former Florida assistant under Donovan and the current head coach at Virginia Commonwealth, released a statement Sunday night that created several questions and provided few answers.

"I have been contacted by the University of Florida regarding their coaching vacancy," Grant said. "I have not had any in-person contact with any Florida representative, nor have I been offered the job.

"At this point in time, I will have no further comment on this situation as my focus is on my responsibilities at VCU."

Florida athletic director Jeremy Foley did not immediately return a phone message.

Foley had been scheduled to meet with Grant on Saturday. Grant's statement suggested that didn't happen. But Foley may have met with Grant's agent.

And it's not like Foley would need a face-to-face interview with Grant. He spent 12 years as one of Donovan's top assistants, including 10 seasons in Gainesville.

In short, the 41-year-old Grant has nearly as much imprint on the Florida program as Donovan.

He left the Gators for VCU in 2006 and led the Rams to the NCAA tournament in his first season. VCU upset Duke in the opening round.

Donovan signed a five-year, $27.5 million contract with the NBA's Orlando Magic on Thursday, leaving Florida without a coach for the first time in more than 11 years.

The Gators wanted to fill the spot as quickly as possibly, trying to minimize the chance current players and recruits would seek to play elsewhere.

What is Florida is supposed to do with Grant? The guy is a sharp candidate and if they have to burn their bridges with him then I'm almost sure they're going to regret it eventually.
he's gotta get shit together. the media is gonna have a frenzy with this one. gl to him. heh let the espn roast begin.
bad bad bad move. if he goes back the media are going to hound the squad the entire season, not a good way to start a campaign
he's put himself in a no win situation...

anything less than a 3rd consecutive title with florida will have his legacy tarnished forever
Very unprofessional IMO. We all understand it's the most important decision of his life, but take your time then. He obviously didn't think it over hard enough, and that's just unprofessional to me.
I've got to agree. I like this guy, but there's no way to spin this as anything other than unprofessional, particularly after that show he put on in their press conference.