Bills looked good

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Prolly more delightful than getting kneed by you in pickup basketball!

Im in no condition to being close to quick enough for that to work, at this point I just have to tackle a Mfer after he blows by me, hard to play that off as a accident tho then I get beat up. I’m so broken and out of shape I’m not even gonna pretend to be half the bad ass I used to think I was, lol. My sternum still ain’t heeled right since I got in that wreck, I swear shit felt so much better around Xmas then I did some lifting of heavy things and has hurt again ever since, makes me so uncomfortable I can’t freaking sleep right, there no chance im playing any ball anytime soon, I dunno wtf to do with myself after 40ish years of being indestructible and now so many things breaking down the last 6-7 months. Shit depressing.
Im in no condition to being close to quick enough for that to work, at this point I just have to tackle a Mfer after he blows by me, hard to play that off as a accident tho then I get beat up. I’m so broken and out of shape I’m not even gonna pretend to be half the bad ass I used to think I was, lol. My sternum still ain’t heeled right since I got in that wreck, I swear shit felt so much better around Xmas then I did some lifting of heavy things and has hurt again ever since, makes me so uncomfortable I can’t freaking sleep right, there no chance im playing any ball anytime soon, I dunno wtf to do with myself after 40ish years of being indestructible and now so many things breaking down the last 6-7 months. Shit depressing.
I think at this point people take extra pride in their wisdom to make up for their awareness of their physical decline. You obviously have an advantage here, being a high-IQ fellow; or maybe that’s a disadvantage because bright people often think they‘re dumber than they are
I think at this point people take extra pride in their wisdom to make up for their awareness of their physical decline. You obviously have an advantage here, being a high-IQ fellow; or maybe that’s a disadvantage because bright people often think they‘re dumber than they are

At least I havnt sunk so low to make after the fact threads! There’s that!!
I think at this point people take extra pride in their wisdom to make up for their awareness of their physical decline. You obviously have an advantage here, being a high-IQ fellow; or maybe that’s a disadvantage because bright people often think they‘re dumber than they are
Quit making me hire an ASU coed to decipher your messages

Why can't you just say he's an idiot and save all of us the physical harm
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