Bill Cowher

is this guy really that great?

I mean I know he won a super bowl...

But lets be honest...the refs gave him that one (and if Roethlisberger doesnt make the immaculate tackle against the colts, theyre not even there)

And he choked away a ton of big games in the 14 years or however long it was before he won it...

Personally, Id go with new blood like Spags or McDaniels
Oh ya Smoke...just what the Browns should do, take a chance on another Rookie head coach

You have Brady Quinn....a Top 5 QB get Cowher or someone that can get them to the playoffs NEXT YEAR
wha, wha.... Coach Cowher not great???? what are you smokin', dawg?

Cowher had 15 seasons as HC of the Steelers...
- won 8 divisional titles (one of only six coaches in NFL history to claim at least seven division titles)
- advanced to 6 AFC Championship games and won 2
- made 2 Super Bowl appearances and won 1

he has a 149-90-1 regular season record, a 12-9 playoff record, and a 161-99-1 (62%) overall record....

the guy consistently coached a winning team and year after year after year took them to the playoffs... what more could you possibly ask for?
personally i hope Cowher doesn't come back to coach as seeing him in any other colors other than black & gold would make me sick....

cosidering how well all the rookie HCs did this year, and last year too, i fully believe we will see that trend continue as teams look to bring in new, fresh energy to their under-performing teams...
I wasnt talking about the Browns, per se, just this sentiment that seems to be going around that Cowher is gonna come in and win where ever he goes...

Hes a decent coach...hes not Vince Lambardi or anything

He won 8 division titles? The division sucked the entire time.

Correct me if Im wrong, but before that Super Bowl year, wasnt it talk of 'oh this guy cant win the big one...we need to get him out of here...hes done as much as he can...'?
You can put Marlo out there and it will be an improvement for the Browns coaching staff...I don't really care who we get, anyone but these stiffs.
well i'm in that boat of thinking that wherever Cowher goes he will put together a winning team... he's a hardnosed football coach that knows what to do....

and even if the division sucked at the time, as you say, somebody still needed to come out on top and it was his team that consistently did...

i think all the talk was he couldn't win the big one because NE just kept winning instead of the Steelers.... everybody just had enough and started blaming Cowher and saying that shit, when really NE was just damn good and couldn't be slowed down... tough to blame Cowher for his team not being able to get over that hump and win, when it was more likely NE just couldn't be stopped from winning....
You can put Marlo out there and it will be an improvement for the Browns coaching staff...I don't really care who we get, anyone but these stiffs.

I will only take the head coaching position if, I can bring Sammy along with me as my offensive coordinator.
First of all rooney says he talks to bill once a week and he doesn't believe he will coach this year. Second of all smokedawg lay off the weed. Choked a ton of games? One of the best 2H coaches ever
Cowher's already turned down Cleveland, reportedly.

I betchya' he coaches the Redskins in '09.
First of all rooney says he talks to bill once a week and he doesn't believe he will coach this year. Second of all smokedawg lay off the weed. Choked a ton of games? One of the best 2H coaches ever

Before the Super Bowl Year (aka horseshoe up the ass year) he was Andy Reid...or Andy Reid is Bill Cowher...

1-4 in AFC title games?
1-4 in AFC title games --- 2 lost early in his career and 2 lost to a NE team who went on to win it all in their "dynasty years"....

like i said earlier, the 2 loses to NE were more NE was close to unstoppable by anyone and Cowher just took the brunt of the steeler nation frustration of not getting over the hump.... it's more a credit to NE for being such a great team during a time, and less likely the fault of Cowher's coaching... his HC career in PGH was moving towards the end then and he was being asked to "prove" himself against what can be argued as one of the best teams ever in football....

Alex does have a good point about the 2H coaching... i do believe Cowher is like 100-2 or something this ridiculous when his team was leading at halftime though....
As a Browns fan with admittedly lower standards these days, I don't see how anyone can question Cowher's record or credentials.

149-90 in the modern NFL is a sick record, 12-9 in the playoffs (.571), 8 division titles and 10 playoffs in 15 seasons, pretty much ALWAYS a competitive team that played nasty and hard, mean defense. Lost some conference championships, shit happens against good opponents in the NFL. How many coaches can say they even got to six conference championship games?
Im not saying hes not a good coach

its just it seems like everyone whos got an opening wants Cowher to come in like hes some sort of god...

like i dont think he woulda turned around the dolphins like Parcells and Sporano did...
I hear ya', Smoke, but no one really knows who the next good first-time coach is, certainly not fans, and teams like the Browns ... get this ... in the history of the franchise, 60-some years, the team has hired exactly one coach with NFL head coaching experience. Eagles' retread Nick Skorich. It's probably bound to happen again, but Cleveland fans are so goddamned sick of coordinators getting their first shot with the Browns. To fans who miss the playoffs, Cowher is God. Unfortunately, he ain't coming here.
Hey, a few weeks ago I was calling for Cowher to come to Philly...

who knows? might be doing the same thing in another week...

(though if Reid goes, I want Spags)
Browns need more impact players first. Then a coach, then a GM. In that order.

Get a coach who doesnt go for 3 when they should go for 7. That eliminates (3-point Marty) Schottenheimer and Crennel is gone because of it.
G-man, #3 on your list has to deliver #1 on your list, and the cupboard isn't too stocked. Their defense sucks, I mean completely sucks. They have one impact defensive player, who is one of the fattest players in the history of sports not including sumu wrestling, and they didn't even draft him, they gave something up. And he was a Lion. Their best offensive player (Winslow) is a broken shell of self, and a malcontent. The very best part of the team is the offensive line, which I think is pretty important, but that unit wins by default. It's an average line. Shitty, shitty, shitty team.

I'd reverse your order.
Cowher is a great coach and brings instant credibility to a team. He WILL NOT come back to coach unless he gets complete control of the team. I see the only logical choice for him is NYJ. He has the talent there it just needs some manipulating. I think he would get it done there with ease.
Not to be greedy, but I want Spags to stick around til' Coughlin goes out the door. ;)

Totally agree Blitz. Reid is not going anywhere. He and Donovan saved there jobs with the playoffs. I believe with the 3 available jobs at this time the only one he would consider is NYJ.
Browns need more impact players first. Then a coach, then a GM. In that order.

Get a coach who doesnt go for 3 when they should go for 7. That eliminates (3-point Marty) Schottenheimer and Crennel is gone because of it.

I think they need a GM first and if Pioli comes over which I am hearing could be a good possibility, that is a GREAT first step for this organization
if Jerry Jones were smart (which he isnt), hed fire Phillips, fire himself as GM, let Garrett go to Detroit and throw however much money Cowher wanted at him and let him run the team no questions asked...

But I doubt Cowher would do it because he knows Jones would keep getting in the way...
He's coming to new york.


Well if he does I would truly be curious to see that. I dont mind as a Steeler fan that he will be coaching soon.

If he does go to the Jets I can only imagine he will be doing a lot of changing in that system and I think the first thing you can say goodbye to is #4
If he does go to the Jets I can only imagine he will be doing a lot of changing in that system and I think the first thing you can say goodbye to is #4

I agree, theres no way cowher would put up with his drama queen, its-all-about-me bullshit.

just more incentive to bring in cowher... hopefully cowher can talk some sense into tanny.

unfortunately, its looking like tanny is sold in keeping this idiot for the last year of his contract. i hope he changes his mind though.... or favre decides to leave on his own. or maybe we can pay someone to nancy kerrigan his shoulder:pillow:
Maybe that re-affirms that mr drama queen is staying.... you are definitely right alex in that cowher wouldnt work with him on the roster. He also wanted control of personnel... tanny said earlier today they reached a "mutual agreement"on that, now i see hes suddenly out of the running. argh

Its enough already with his bullshit, the old man pulls his usual cop-out crap and says his shoulder's sore and that's why hes been slumping over these last 5 weeks or so..... yet then today doctor's said it doesnt require surgery.
Retire while you sitll have a legacy. Leave this league and focus on your fucking wrangler jeans commercials.

How did fondy put up with this guy for a decade? Was he more humble and a better teammate when he was on the painkillers?:consoling1:
Put him back on the drugs
IMO we all kn ow that these things are never over till its over, so if Bill Cowher was the head coach of the Jets in a few months it wouldnt shock me.

I think he wouldnt work with Brett on the roster and vice versa. They both run completely opposite styles of offense.

I know winning is winning but can anyone really see him being happy throwing 16-20 balls a game and throwing about 3 balls in the 2H?

Like it or not, thats how Cowher has always done it and thats why he is such a great 2H coach
I have no idea why he'd go to the Jets. It's just a very difficult job. High expectations with the burden of being in NYC and an org. that has no clue how to win. The division is getting tougher as Miami is getting their shit together rapidly and you still have to deal with Bellicheat. I just think it's not a very appetizing place to go.

If I'm Cowher, why not Denver?