Bill B. getting busted

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
Not for nothing, but if this stealing signals thing turns into a much bigger issue--which it very well could because it now seems like complainers are coming out of the woodwork--and if Bill B. were to get fired, I hate to say it, but the Browns could be first in line for that f**ker and I would be just fine with it.

I want people to be punished for cheating as much as anybody, but seriously, after he's paid his debt, we can throw the walrus out on his ass and bring back Bill B., hoody and all.
how is this sign stealing the pats being accused of any different than having a base runner on 2nd base and that base runner telling his teammate at bat what is likely to be coming on the next pitch? or stealing a 3rd base coaches signs?
It's one thing to steal signs on the field, it's another to have cameras doing it for you. Ask the Brooklyn Dodgers (or any one in the National League) in 1951.

If one team is doing it technologically it gives them an advantage over another team. It just does.

If you want to let all teams do it, that's one thing, but if one team is doing it, it's pretty obvious that they have a leg up.
It is two different sports brewer. Just like in boxing you are allowed to punch someone but you cannot do that in baseball...the example is a little over the line but....

In baseball it is part of the tradition to steal signs...not by film but by the eye
In football, too, it is tradition to look for tendencies. To see how guys tip their hand. But you don't do it by film during the game, you just don't.
how about those photos the qbs look at of before and after shots of the opposing defense during the game ... those are ok tho?
POSTED 4:43 p.m. EDT, September 12, 2007
Now that the entire pro football community is atwitter over the allegations/proof of cheating by the New England Patriots, we're hearing more rumors on the NFL grapevine regarding the extent to which this stuff went on.
In addition to the rumor we heard on Wednesday that the Pats were putting microphones on defensive players in 2006 to pick up audibles and offensive line calls, we're now hearing that there has been a rumor for years that the Patriots have inserted a radio in the helmet of one or more defensive players for the purposes of direct communications with the coaching staff.
Such a tactic, if true, would be an even more significant violation of the rules, in our opinion. As several readers have pointed out, the only thing illegal about the signal-stealing issue is the use of the electronic equipment to record the images. Nothing prevents a team from using low-tech means to track signals and connect them to the defensive coverages used. It's simply harder to do it via the naked eye, especially since the video can be used later to confirm the specific signals given, if/when the team with the video is preparing to face the same opponent in the future -- or a member of that coaching staff who might use the same signals in a new city.
So the only competitive advantage is that it's a better way of doing something that already can be done.
In contrast, using radios in the helmets of defensive players gives the team access to something that folks who follow the rules simply can't use.
Keep in mind that this new twist is only a rumor, one of many that are now on the NFL grapevine as this story continues to percolate. Still, given the events of the last 48 hours, it's hard not to rule out anything at this point.
STOP talking about the Browns please...

I. Just. Can't. Do. It.

Besides, their season just ended, can't I have a few days to wrap it up?
and if Bill B. were to get fired, I hate to say it, but the Browns could be first in line for that f**ker and I would be just fine with it.

Seeing him come back to New York wouldn't be out of the question with Coughlin in the hot seat.... and I'd be fine with it too.
lemme get my two cents in here, ive met a few browns fans the past couple weeks and they were talking about their team like they are super bowl caliber, WTF is that??? the browns r like the clippers or trailblazers in the nba or the kc royals or pitt pirates in the mlb. 2nd i think this whole controversy over video "spying" is ridiculous. it gives the smallest advantage if any at all. they need to chill the fuck out.
joe, i think that bill getting fired would be very extreme because owner robert kraft knows what kind of employee he has on his hands and knows how rare that type of employee is. I think Kraft would do everything he could to remedy the situation if in fact it came down to bill losing his job.