BIG targeting Oklahoma and Texas again...

Surely Oklahoma and Texas are smart enough to tell the Big 10 thanks, but go sign up some more teams like Rutgers, we pass.

They have nothing to gain from joining a league where their schedule will look as bad as Nebraska's.

Do they really think the fans are hot for a schedule where Ohio State comes to Norman or Austin every 15 years and they play Rutgers, Maryland, Minnesota, Purdue, Northwestern and Illinois every year. Ask the Nebraska fans how exciting that is.

Just what the country needs--another conference where a student can go to undergraduate school and grad school and never even see half the teams in the conference.
I'm sure OU and Texas would feel real scared about playing Iowa, Purdue, NW, Illinois, and Minnesota every year instead of Kansas, Iowa St, K St, Texas Tech, and WV. If they went to 16 teams, you could do 7 division opponents and then one crossover (all marquee matchups amongst the big names), and then got rid of game 9 which they would be dumb not to do....that would be pretty good. NU vs OU every year again like it should be.
Or go to 24 teams and have 12 divisions so you have 12 division winners. That way you get Ohio State at your stadium every 48 years.

The Big 10 got so money hungry they took a proud league with an unsurpassed tradition and diluted it with teams that made no sense geographically or competitively. Now they are stuck with a league where most of the games are meaningless.

And the teams they added are in even worse position. Their entire schedule is with teams with which they have no tradition and no rivalry.

There is a price to be paid when teams do stupid things. Missouri is making more money in the SEC, but their fans have lost interest, ticket sales are down, donations are down, enrollment is way down, and there is no tradition whatsoever left in their schedule. Their income shows a net minus, so was the additional money from the conference really worth it to them?
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Or go to 24 teams and have 12 divisions so you have 12 division winners. That way you get Ohio State at your stadium every 48 years.

The Big 10 got so money hungry they took a proud league with an unsurpassed tradition and diluted it with teams that made no sense geographically or competitively. Now they are stuck with a league where most of the games are meaningless.

And the teams they added are in even worse position. Their entire schedule is with teams with which they have no tradition and no rivalry.

There is a price to be paid when teams do stupid things. Missouri is making more money in the SEC, but their fans have lost interest, ticket sales are down, donations are down, and their is no tradition whatsoever left in their schedule. Was the addition money from the conference really worth it to them?
Prioritizing revenues over everything else, you don’t say. It sucks that greed has made its way to college athletics but I’m afraid it’ll never be the same
Or go to 24 teams and have 12 divisions so you have 12 division winners. That way you get Ohio State at your stadium every 48 years.

The Big 10 got so money hungry they took a proud league with an unsurpassed tradition and diluted it with teams that made no sense geographically or competitively. Now they are stuck with a league where most of the games are meaningless.

And the teams they added are in even worse position. Their entire schedule is with teams with which they have no tradition and no rivalry.

There is a price to be paid when teams do stupid things. Missouri is making more money in the SEC, but their fans have lost interest, ticket sales are down, donations are down, enrollment is way down, and there is no tradition whatsoever left in their schedule. Their income shows a net minus, so was the additional money from the conference really worth it to them?
To be fair to Mizzou, aren't some of the issues you mentioned largely due to the wild political activism from 3 or 4 years back? Still, MU/KU is a game that needs to be played. I had no idea what kind of rivalry it was until the Internet came along and I could see what fans of those schools said about the other side.

Maryland leaving the ACC was an idiotic decision made by people with no meaningful ties to the school.
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Ya Missouri will recover.

They just turned off all their donors and lifelong fans and former graduates who all became ashamed of their school. It will eventually recover due to time healing wounds and they are putting a good product on the field.
I‘m still pissed Maryland killed its historic rivalries with Duke and UVA (basketball). Those were always rowdy atmospheres. It doesn‘t belong in the Big Ten. Fuck money. Tradition first
One definition of a "conservative" is someone who thinks that some things aren't for sale.
Ha ha, yeah.

I miss Clemson playing Maryland. Sometimes I still wonder whether that '78 game wasn't the greatest game in Clemson history.
I've always liked that our rivalry in Iowa is OOC, play in every sport every year but only once and no impact on conference standings, not sure how many schools do it that way. UL/UK, SC/Clemson, UF/FSU, CU/CSU, UNM/NMSU come to mind. Would love to see OU/NU go back at it although OU have Bedlam but some older rivalries wouldn't suck to see again
Bedlam may have been a big game to Oklahoma State but was, and is, a minor rivalry to OU and was never close to the Nebraska rivalry.

We always hated Texas but always respected Nebraska, and while Barry and other coaches feuded with the Texas coaches--Darryl Royal (an OU alum) hated Barry because after Royal accused Barry of secretly observing Texas practices (he probably did) Barry said, "those Texas coaches ought to quit playing guitars and get off their butts and recruit some players and they won't worry about anyone watching their practices"--they always had a great relationship with the Nebraska staff.

The whole country loved that Nebraska/Oklahoma game every year.