Big Play on NYJ tomorrow.... Not a homer play either!


Richmond Local TV Legend
4-4 = -1.9units
Had this steelers game gone over... and if CWS woulda blown that one.... i would have needed to be banned for the meltdown that would have ensued. very happy to get out of it with minimal damage.... as i lost 4units on the jets alone.

3 units on Jets

jets 2H (PK) (-120)
--- 1 unit

KC -3 (-115) 1.1 unit
Sea/SF under 38 1.1 unit

Washington (PK) .7 units---
GB -3 (-115) .75 units

Under 22 1H (Pitt/Clev) 2.2 units

Philly +7 1.1 unit

Carolina -3 (-120) 1.1 unit--- PUSH

Here's why:

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Spygate revenge. Those cheating fucks spanked us 38-14 on our turf last year via the spycameras/belicheating. That loss really stung all season long and is definitely not forgotten. Every jets fan/player remembers. We will be up for this game like you would not believe.. huge revenge factor in play...

We’ve lost last 9 of 10 to them, and lost last 7 at the meadowlands. We know this is the best shot we have of ending both of those trends, and I can guarantee you we will be hyped for this game.
This is nothing short of a super bowl to the jets, great situational spot IMO.

Why To Fade the Pats:

First start for cassell being thrown into the mix into a HUGE rivalry game. The pats did not expect brady to go out in week one, there’s no way im sold that cassell has much chemistry with moss and welker. Certainly not like brady did.
Now he starts the first game of his career on the road in the meadowlands in a rivalry game. GL…

This is a guy that threw only 33 passes total in college and really hasn’t started a game since HIGH SCHOOL. This is the guy who blew a lead against the dolphins when he came in to relieve brady and belicheat had to actually put brady back in the game to preserve the lead!!! Against MIAMI

In reading an article which was an interview with pete carroll , he said cassell is prone to making bad decisions under pressure and also has a tendency to cough the ball up, we will be in the 3-4 blitzing all day and I don’t see him handling the pressure in his first NFL start (although he did play most of the game last week)

Pats will look to run the football as often as possible and keep the ball out of cassell’s hands…. Theyre on the road and they don’t want him making a bad decision and playing from behind early. They will look to their defense to keep this one close and manageable, and look to play it safe.

Jets will look to use variety of blitzes to both stop the run and get pressure on cassell. Again we are a big blitzing team as we use the 3-4 defense and last week in Miami was nothing compared to what we’ll be bringing this week.
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Allowed 3 sacks but for the most part favre had plenty of time to throw the ball and protection was good. We did rush for 112 yards but again, against the fish. (this team was dead last in run D last year lmao).

KC was able to rush for 100+ against NE last week and I see no reason why we wont be able to…….<o>

DL/LB Ellis appears healthy, and looked very sharp against the fish. Had 4 tackles and a sack. Jenkins was the least active of the bunch but give him some time to adjust to the system. He will get there.
Barton was very active at the LB position and came up to help stop the run often.

Very happy in jets stopping the run even though it was against ricky and Ronnie (lmao, clowns) they held em to 17 for 49 yards total on the ground. Great effort.

If we can stop continue to fare well against the run against NE, and put the ball in cassel’s court I really like our chances here. We gave up 134 and 109 yards rushing against them last year, but this is a totally revamped defensive line and also they had brady opening up the run with the pass. They don’t have that tomorrow.

Secondary: Looked great on Sunday.What a great pick this Dwight lowery kid was, as he really shined against Miami and broke up a couple BIG passes to help seal the win…. It’s a young but talented secondary… Kerry Rhodes is the anchor at safety and knows system well.
Even against moss and welker I’m not too worried about the secondary because I don’t see the pats throwing much tomorrow.

WR: Favre to cotch. There was chemistry early in training camp and it was apparent as favre hit him perfectly in stride during that early first PA touchdown. (i even had that in my writeup last week!) Hopefully more to come tomorrow.
Need to get coles more involved as he only had one 5-yard reception in week one.

RB: Again jones should have increased numbers as the pass will open up the run. Hell on that TD last week he already matched his season total from last year.
We did not run well against them last year but those numbers are skewed as we had a very predictable offense and had penington at the helm -- opposing defenses really didn’t have to respect his dead-arm.

Shot in the dark Gamebreaker:
Chris bake
r makes a vital 4<sup>th</sup> down conversion or TD catch. Just got a contract extension, 3/12.2 mill…. and 9 mill guaranteed. Last year in the game we played them close in NE he had 8 for 64 yards. Could be a solid safety valve underneath if the pats want to blitz often. Still hasn’t recorded a TD yet against NE but has something to prove w/ the extension and the fact that dustin keller has already been a preferred target of favre and worked into the offense. Lot of pressure on baker.

Possible Moose:
FG’s. We had open tryouts this week (lmao) and signed jay feely and he’ll be kicking tomorrow. Any jets fan remembers a history of shitty kickers and hopefully this wont be like the doug brien era. Hopefully it isn’t a problem.

Bottom Line:

It is said that cassell greatly lacks poise and struggles when he is under pressure. We’re going to bring a shitload of it tomorrow and if he can somehow handle it and the OL picks up the blitz, finding the open man, the pats will win. If the jets can force some turnovers and get to cassell early it could be a long day for NE as they try to be a one-track team and attempt to establish the run while already behind.

GOOD LUCK JETS BACKERS. wish i could have gone to this game, this is like our superbowl. HUGE game
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Couldn't agree more with your analysis and I really want the Jets to humiliate the Patriots tomorrow. The Jets have a strong enough secondary to rattle a kid like Cassel trouble in his first start on the road and it should help them shut down New England's running game. I also suspect that the Jets didn't show much on offense last week and we'll see them open it up. Laying off it but I think backing the Jets makes much more sense than the other side.

GL Cap.
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Couldn't agree more with your analysis and I really want the Jets to humiliate the Patriots tomorrow. Laying off it but I think backing the Jets makes more sense than the other side.

GL Cap.


Thanks MCG. Always good to have another pats hater on board!!!!

My writeup was long as shit but this will definitely be one of the biggest plays I make all season... I just wish it wasnt so early in the season.
But i know my squad pretty well so decided to try to put it all out there and attack most every angle/break it down in the full.

Thanks MCG. Always good to have another pats hater on board!!!!

My writeup was long as shit but this will definitely be one of the biggest plays I make all season... I just wish it wasnt so early in the season.
But i know my squad pretty well so decided to try to put it all out there and attack most every angle/break it down in the full.

I hear ya. When you know you know and when you're a passionate fan who is also realistic you know the moments when they rise to the occasion. I always know when the Phillies are about to fuck up during a game.The Titans were a huge play for me last weekend, no fucking way they weren't going to cover. This week I wouldn't touch that game if I was wearing rubbers.

If you want in on some Pats hating and what sane person doesn't, see the TOM BRADY and CHARLIE WEIS MCL ACL thread in this pro football section. I'm sure you'll agree.
Good luck Cap. Think I am on NE here though . I think Cassel is getting overlooked . Think itwas Peter King who made a great point about Cassel last week saying he took like 75% of his plays out of shotgun like Brady would have done and sort of signals that ole Bill doesnt plan to change a thing with the new starter at QB.

I dont think NY played well @ Miami and we are talkin huge upgrade in talent . Favre is still learning the playbook and getting accumulated with his WRs . COles had like 1 catch last week and while Brett tosses that TD it still wasnt a very good pass. You wonder how that DL plays for NE. Wouldnt be suprised to see them put a bounty of some sorts on Favre . As in someone knocked out or QB were gonna get yours.

I just think NYJ is still to much in a transitional period to take this . Been to to many terrible Jet beatdowns at the MEadowlands by NE ...

Been awhile since NE covered a spread and seems liek a perfect spot there really isnt won to worry about jsut win......

You said Brett had time to throw but most of his yards came n two asses both for scores and both I would expect dont happen vs NE defense. (78 of 194 yds )

Just think NE is going to use Brady;s injury as a rallying point and a way to show the world they are more then Tom Brady . Its really a huge opp for Randy Moss to fully regain his superstar status IMO............

Pats will look to run the football as often as possible and keep the ball out of cassell’s hands…. Theyre on the road and they don’t want him making a bad decision and playing from behind early. They will look to their defense to keep this one close and manageable, and look to play it safe.

I think this is the interesting aspect. Everyone expects this but doesnt seem to be what ole Bill has planned..
Pats will look to run the football as often as possible and keep the ball out of cassell’s hands…. Theyre on the road and they don’t want him making a bad decision and playing from behind early. They will look to their defense to keep this one close and manageable, and look to play it safe.

I think this is the interesting aspect. Everyone expects this but doesnt seem to be what ole Bill has planned..

you think hes gonna come out throwing? you know the jets are going to bring pressure tomorrow-why would he want to risk an early turnover or mistake. alot of cassell critics are saying the kid has the tendency to make bad decisions under pressure

i know its not bellicheats style to play scared, and youre right....
but i think in this spot he's almost forced to
you think hes gonna come out throwing? you know the jets are going to bring pressure tomorrow-why would he want to risk an early turnover or mistake. alot of cassell critics are saying the kid has the tendency to make bad decisions under pressure

i know its not bellicheats style to play scared, and youre right....
but i think in this spot he's almost forced to

gonna make fun of my own bet on this one, but how would they know? :36_11_6:
OK... the two contrarian plays im considering tomorrow:

Minny and Wash

Rams have colston out and a hollis thomas out on the line, and both roman harper and Yag out in the secondary washington should be able to run the football effecively and manage this game.

Similar thoughts in minny game, colts loooked very vulnerable against the run vs chicago, minny tough to beat in the dome and possibly no dallas clark- peytons #1 target is a huge loss for indy. they will struggle in the red zone with him out

so many injuries "questionable" for indy, that i may just sit this one out since i cant get assurance either way on any of these 3 (saturday, addai, clark)

peyton has so much chemistry with saturday snapping the ball to him and he may return tomorrow too...the two of them have been together for a long while and are a very important tandem..... and addai questionable on top of that.
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gonna make fun of my own bet on this one, but how would they know? :36_11_6:

college ball. and the couple of games hes played in the NFL... while he hasnt started hes played in a couple. almost blew the miami game when NE put him in with a big lead and belicheat had to put brady abck in

you think hes gonna come out throwing? you know the jets are going to bring pressure tomorrow-why would he want to risk an early turnover or mistake. alot of cassell critics are saying the kid has the tendency to make bad decisions under pressure

i know its not bellicheats style to play scared, and youre right....
but i think in this spot he's almost forced to

I just dont see it quite the same . NE is not gonna change there style . They are not interested in pounding the ball on the ground . Though they may be predictable early on as far as running the ball in the early downs to concentrate on moving the chains and keeping the offense on the field. Jets are gonna bring pressure and what ? That's NE hidden gem there OL play. Thats what makes Brady successful having so much damn time to throw the ball and survey the field till someone gets open . Thats why he is replaceable IMO because they excel at some man areas .

There is no reason for the Pats to play scared or be scared of the Jets ? They own the Jets and have for quite awhile . Its not a rivalry when only 1 team wins.

Cassel looked very solid to me vs KC and yes it was KC and home but he passed that test . The Jets offense just hasn shown enough to get me excited . Favre is stll learning the playbook and just think he is in worse spot of the two. First home game and Capt.Overkill is gonna force a few ....and I love Favre but he jus forces some ugly passes...

Gonna be interesting think we all want to see the Pats w.o Brady...

Gonna sleep on it but hard to envisionI dont play NE :cheers:
college ball. and the couple of games hes played in the NFL... while he hasnt started hes played in a couple. almost blew the miami game when NE put him in with a big lead and belicheat had to put brady abck in


what about the game he played last week. 3rd and 11, in his own endzone, right before hes about to get nailed, 50 yard pass.

Weve never seen this guy play a full game, just a few series

The Miami game he almost blew? I hope thats a joke, the Patriots were winning 42-14. 9 minutes to go. He throws a pick 6. 42-21. Went 0-2. Hardly proved a thing. Game was never in question

No offense Cap but I think the Jets are overyhyped, maybe im wrong about this, maybe im not but heres how i see it and I hope you dont take this offensively. Understandably the Jets are getting a lot hype because of Brett. Now they are getting a lot of hype because they won, 1 game. One game against a team that went 1-15 last year. Yes the Dolphins probably improved, but they are still a bad team, average at best. This is huge overhype. If they beat the Colts or something, or just beat a playoff team, then ok, maybe. Until then, this isnt a playoff team in my eyes. In fact I like the Bills to win the division.
Good Luck Today man. After looking at this card for a awhile now, this card is complete shit. With that being said I will probably have between 10 and 15 plays.
Good Luck Today man. After looking at this card for a awhile now, this card is complete shit. With that being said I will probably have between 10 and 15 plays.

My thoughts exactly. :36_11_6:

Good luck Cap, I'll probably be on the Jets too, but I do agree with everything SportsNut says - Favre will be Favre, hell, he admitted to drawing plays up in the dirt last week. And the Patriots will not become a running team, they don't have the horses for that. It's a shame that the value has been sucked out of this game due to injury, but the revenge will still go a long way here and get the Jets a W.

Like Washington, Tennessee & Carolina a lot today.

Jacksonville too as my surprise of the day. Nothing better than fading a public underdog. Jags were rattled by the shooting of Collier last week, played in a tough place in Tennessee, and the public is gushing to back Buffalo on the road because they beat a Seattle team that had zero weapons and a QB who needed an epidural due to a bulging disc in his back.
Spygate revenge. Those cheating fucks spanked us 38-14 on our turf last year via the spycameras/belicheating. That loss really stung all season long and is definitely not forgotten. Every jets fan/player remembers. We will be up for this game like you would not believe.. huge revenge factor in play...

I think you have this backwards, wasnt it Mangini who ratted out the Pats and the rest of the league about the taping???? wouldnt the Patriots want revenge on Jets for this ????
You seem to have a lot of emotion with this game.
I didnt see the breakdown for Favre, where he will force a pass that will lead to an interception :)
Gl 2 day.
thanks guys........... big red-zone stand by the jets and its 3-0 NE

feely missed a FG and he gets no more free chances. very even game so far

shark 3rd marlo GL and good health guys!
CONSERVATIVE call by belichek in the red zone as we discussed above

the bellicheat that takes chances would have thrown on 3rd and goal from the 3

but they run it lose a yard and kick the FG
happy hour at halftime

any time you have jay feely as your kicker you need huggies and liquor

coles looks like shit- dropping passing is VERY on coles-like, usually has excelletn hands
besides that guy... congrats pats backers.

cassell showed excellent poise, threw the ball where it needed to be, and didnt turn the ball over once.

i lost, you won. NE was the right side. now im in a big hole already....
We'll get New England next time bro. I don;t mind the loss even with losing alot on it. But like you said, no need to rub shit in. I could understand an awesome performance that is an MVP type thing but cmon now. Pats had no right winning just as much as the Jets did. Till next time man. GL on anything else you decide on tonight