Big Money Plays From a Proven System


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, this is only my third post. I have been hanging around this forum for awhile but never created a screen name until now. To give you a little background on myself, I have always been a whiz with numbers. My whole life I have enjoyed statistics of every variety, especially when related to sports. Because of both of these passions I have worked very hard over the past couple of years to develop statistical programs through the use of algorithms that allow me to make profits in every sport that I choose to gamble on during the course of a season.

So far, using my data and back testing results from over a decade, I have been able to develop successful systems in College Football, College Basketball, NBA, NFL and MLB. I am still working on an NHL one but quite frankly I am just not a huge fan of hockey and my disinterest in the sport has made me a little lazy in finishing that system.

Regardless though, by following my systems exactly and using extremely disciplined money management I have been a very successful sports gambler over the past few years, enough so that I moved to Vegas 2 years ago and have made this my full time job. (Yes, there are actually people our there that do this for a living)

Let me be clear though, I am not sitting here promising 75 % winners or making guarantees of winning everyday. My reasoning behind this is that I have definitely enjoyed the knowledge and conversation from many of the great contributors at CTG and now that I have gained some success myself I wanted to give back a little by sharing some of my plays and hopefully helping out some of the younger players to make some money.

I am confident that this post will absolutely bring out some haters but I have no intention of arguing or fighting with anyone. I am far too busy to engage in child like games and am just here to share some plays and talk some sports. One thing that I will say from the beginning is that I am not going to give out the system that I have created. To be honest, it requires many complex calculations and information. Additionally, I constantly tweak things on a regular basis so giving out the system wouldn't be very beneficial anyway. I will however be on CTG as much as I can and give my best effort to post all future system plays for everyone. i also post on twitter everyday under the same name so if for some reason I can't post here you can choose to follow me and will always have free access to my plays.

Just note that some days there may be no plays. My betting strategy involves plays of 1, 2 and 3 and 5 units only(5's are pretty rare)
The best advice that I can give is remember that this is a marathon. To be successful at sports gambling you must be disciplined and stick to your system every day. If you can't practice good money management then you will never make it long term in this game. As we go along, if anyone is interested, I will be happy to offer any advice on my experiences of gambling both online and in the Vegas sportsbooks. For now I am just going to get things started and give you my plays for today.


Cincinnati Reds +113 (2 units)
Milwaukee Brewers -131 (3 units)

Good Luck to everyone
am I missing something, on twitter you said tbay 3units loser mil 2 units. here you pyu cincc 2 units mil 3units, makes no sense
He currently has 2 posts, I'm willing to bet it won't hit 3

I'll be back tomorrow with more plays. As I said before, I focus on long term success with my system. If you guys want to judge me for 1 day worth of plays then you are entitled too. In the long run I always end up in the positive. I am not here to argue with anyone or start fights. Just post plays and hopefully make some people some money over the rest of the season. :cheers:
ur reasoning for not posting tb is fine, but what about the units change for milwaukee?

That was an honest mistake. I made the post on twitter from my phone and mixed up the units on TB and Mil. I didn't even know I did it until it was pointed out. Normally I don't post through my phone but I was on the go today and didn't have time to post it any other way. I'll make sure to double check it in the future.
FYI - I posted a late play of San Diego +105 for 2 units on twitter before the game started. Just wanted to make that clear before someone mentions it.