Big CC


Fat Bloke
Press over here(limited as it is) indicating its a cash war between the Redsox and the Yankees......whats the news lads ?
Are the redsox only in the bidding "war" to try and hinder the Yankees chances ?
I really see CC going to a California team. But recent news is showing Yanks/Sox... did not think sox would get in on things.
CC waiting to see if LAD offer (depends on Manny)...he'd rather go to NL & West Coast or Anaheim (depends on Tex).
Yanks will write a check bigger than anyone. BoSox just messing with the Yanks to drive up the price, especially since Cash met with Tex (who the Sox really covet) and Boras this week.
CC waiting to see if LAD offer (depends on Manny)...he'd rather go to NL & West Coast or Anaheim (depends on Tex).
Yanks will write a check bigger than anyone. BoSox just messing with the Yanks to drive up the price, especially since Cash met with Tex (who the Sox really covet) and Boras this week.

yep. halos will end up signing tex. cc's trying to find a suitor out west, but i don't think he'll find one w/ the money.
in all honesty, i'm torn on cupcake. on one hand, he's the best i want the yanks to sign him. on the other hand, i wouldn't be upset at all if they waited for a better way to spend all that freed up money.

fwiw...the dodgers are the only real suitor for manny, which is why he may even accept the 1 year of arbitration. different mkt in this economy.
yep. halos will end up signing tex. cc's trying to find a suitor out west, but i don't think he'll find one w/ the money.
in all honesty, i'm torn on cupcake. on one hand, he's the best i want the yanks to sign him. on the other hand, i wouldn't be upset at all if they waited for a better way to spend all that freed up money.

fwiw...the dodgers are the only real suitor for manny, which is why he may even accept the 1 year of arbitration. different mkt in this economy.

Agree on Manny...after what he did in LA & BOS last year his only real value for those type of $$$ has to be with the Dodgers.

Would not mind if Yanks don't get CC as long as he stays in the NL....:shake:

But that would probably force them to over-commit to that chronic underachiever A.J. Burnett....:seeya:
No CC = Yanks going hard after Burnett, Lowe...maybe a trade for Peavy?

My best case for Yanks, IMO is CC & Lowe...:cheers:

Good "easy" site this time of year:

Favorite pure Yanks site:
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Thanks guys.

I was listening to baseball today last night,I really enjoy that show.Anyway,they were hinting the Giants might be in for him...figure $90m,they seem to think the $140m hed command on the east coast might not be enough to sway him and hed be happy to play west coast cause $90m would do him anyway.
We`ll see.
Thanks guys.

I was listening to baseball today last night,I really enjoy that show.Anyway,they were hinting the Giants might be in for him...figure $90m,they seem to think the $140m hed command on the east coast might not be enough to sway him and hed be happy to play west coast cause $90m would do him anyway.
We`ll see.

Hard to see SF with that albatross of a contract given Zito hanging around their necks....and he'd never sign with SF for less per year then they're paying Zito - $18MM.
Just going off what (this spelling is gonna suck lol ) Karabel and Pascarelli were going on about.They seemed to be saying that maybe he would be happy with his pay aslong as he was on the west coast.
If we pretend,and he did goto sanfran,theyd have poss the best rotation in the league.
I didnt believe it but hey,who knows.
Just going off what (this spelling is gonna suck lol ) Karabel and Pascarelli were going on about.They seemed to be saying that maybe he would be happy with his pay aslong as he was on the west coast.
If we pretend,and he did goto sanfran,theyd have poss the best rotation in the league.
I didnt believe it but hey,who knows.

No doubt, CC and Lincecum are the two most dominate young pitchers in the game today......:shake:

SF would then be able to trade Cain for some veteran HR / RBI talent and immediately vault to the top of the NL West.
3 Meetings with CC in 48 hours? Yanks putting the "full court press" on their new Ace:

Yankees making a move on Sabathia?

Interesting things going on:
Giants GM Brian Sabean said that CC Sabathia is a back-burner issue for his team. The Angels said roughly the same thing.
And it seems that tonight’s last-minute meeting that Brian Cashman dashed off to involves one CC Sabathia.
More to come as it becomes available.

UPDATE, 10:59 p.m.: I have been able to confirm that tonight’s meeting does in fact involve Sabathia. Newsday is reporting that the meeting is taking place in California, which could well be true. Working on confirmation of that.
On a private plane, one could get from Vegas to San Francisco pretty quickly. Something, it would seem, is going down. CC would not meet three times with the Yankees in a span of 48 hours otherwise.

UPDATE, 11:37 p.m.: We have confirmation. The meeting is in the San Francisco Bay Area and that means it likely includes Amber Sabathia.
The Yankees met with CC for two hours on Sunday night, an hour on Monday afternoon and now again tonight. 1 + 1 + 1 = six years and a whole lot of money. While all of these meetings could well lead to a deal, do not expect an official announcement before the Meetings end as there would have to be a physical.

Posted by Peter Abraham on Tuesday, December 9th, 2008 at 10:19 pm
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Joel Sherman of the New York Post says CC is signing with the Yankees. He's going to be on Mike and Mike soon
LAS VEGAS – Baseball’s perennial high-rollers, the New York Yankees, scored the biggest coup of the winter meetings when CC Sabathia reached preliminary agreement on a deal that will pay him $161 million over the next seven years.
The deal, according to a source close to negotiations, gives Sabathia the right to opt out of the contract after the first three years of the contract, by which time he will have been paid $69 million. Sabathia had insisted on the clause to satisfy concerns he had about playing in New York.
There has been no official confirmation of the deal. An official announcement is not expected until after Sabathia passes a physical, which he is expected to undergo in New York within the next couple of days.
The New York Post was the first to report that Yankees GM Brian Cashman got his man after visiting Sabathia and his wife, Amber, in San Francisco, the third straight day Cashman had met with the 28-year-old left-hander.

Sabathia’s coming to terms could signal the start of some serious dealing the next several day, with the Yankees also heavily in the market for at least one more free-agent starter from the top-tier list of A.J. Burnett, Derek Lowe and Ben Sheets. The Yankees are facing strong competition from Atlanta for Burnett, while the Phillies and possibly the Red Sox remain players for Lowe.
Sabathia now tops a rotation that will also have Chien-Ming Wang back from injury and the emerging Joba Chamberlain. The Yankees also are trying to persuade veteran Andy Pettitte to come back for another year.
And while the Yankees’ primary focuse remains pitching, there is the possibility that Cashman, flush with cash, could also pose a run at Mark Teixeira, though the Boston Red Sox and Los Angeles Angels are the front-runners for the switch-hitting first baseman.
The Yankees’ offer – with Cashman adding a year and $20 million to the original six-year, $140 million proposal the Bombers made weeks ago – eroded whatever preference Sabathia had to remain on the West Coast. With the Yankees having missed the playoffs for the first time after 13 straight appearances, Cashman was under pressure to show that he could still deliver the biggest prize on the market.
Another factor was that no West Coast team had made Sabathia an offer, a fact that must have weighed on him as the Yankees made their full-court press. The Milwaukee Brewers, who Sabathia led to the playoffs after a mid-season trade from the Cleveland Indians, were the only other team to make him an offer.
Great signing and if CC doesn't like pitching in NY he can opt out in 3 years......:cheers:

Before any Yankee Haters start complaining...this contract (7 yrs, 161M) is equitable to Santana's (7 yrs, 151M)......:shake:

Now it's time to get the best deal available from (in my order of preference) 1) Lowe 2) Sheets 3) A.J.
Cheers gents,thats that done and dusted then.
Hopefully he starts like he did last season for tribe and we can all get a good drink out of fading him,at what are gonna be ridiculous prices :)
Cheers gents,thats that done and dusted then.
Hopefully he starts like he did last season for tribe and we can all get a good drink out of fading him,at what are gonna be ridiculous prices :)

From a capping perspective...I think going against CC for the first 6 weeks of the season or so is a "no-brainer". As you stated, he'll be a HUGE fav and being a #1 starter in the AL East is a tad tougher than pitching in the NL. Every square punter in the world will be "on his jock" remembering Milwaukee and ignoring the beginning of last season in Cleveland......:shake:

Mully :cheers:
Funny how the deal is getting knocked . Would you rather pay money which NYY has an infinite supply off or tarde top prospects last year for an older Santana off his worse season? Of course Johan was great in 08 its the freaking NL !

Thing is I could care less if we got CC or not but his salary will be paid off when they sell a few CC jerseys . You want to sell baseball to inner cities ? Enter CC Sabathia . A marketing dream for NYY.....
Great sign for Yanks , but they will regret in about 3 years when he`s blown up like Sid Fernandez and has a gazzillion innings on that arm..At least the buccos wont have to face him now
i was split on CC before...but this is a great deal...especially when you look beyond simply the "headline" of it.

first of's 23 million for 3 years, so 69 mil total, before he opts out. now you may question if he'll opt out or not...but he will. they all do.

so 23 mil a year, for an ace in his prime years (28-31). that's the bottom line.

that equates monetarily to pettitte and farnsworth...or mussina and pavano. now moose had a very nice year in '07, but he was brutal the year before that.
would you rather have CC in his prime...or a combo of pettitte and farnsworth? or a combo of mussina and pavano?
exactly. i'll take cupcake for the next 3 years.

now, if for some reason CC doesn't opt out after 3 years, then i'll have to readjust my opinion on this contract. but for now...23 mil a year, for 3 years...well, that's a home run of a deal.

the yanks had a ton of freed up money to spend. and even if they go and sign Tex, AJ, and Lowe/Sheets...which they go along with cupcake...their '09 payroll will still be a decent amount lower than the '08 payroll. in other words, they're gonna spend...but the overall payroll will take a significant dip. again, due to all the freed up money...with more to come the following year (ie: damon).