I'm not sure what that means. One of the conferences bet the other head to head in the bowl games and the loser of those games is a whopping 1-6 in bowl games this year!

not arguing about B10. Just saying texas struggled through that game...for a potential MNC to have that hard of a time vs a OSU team that beat who? michigan state, nw, and mizzou who all lost their bowls..dosen't make the B12 look good...couple the fact that Ole Miss put it on the "explosive offense:36_11_6:" of T Tech and I would say OU might need a miracle vs FL?
One thing to remember about the B10 in bowls is that they usually get by far the toughest matchups of all of the conferences.

For example, this year, they had 7 bowl teams. 6 of the 7 were underdogs, and all of them were dogs by at least a TD. Obviously, they were going to have a losing record. Give the ACC matchups with USC, Texas, Georgia, etc and I think you'd see a similar result. I'm not trying to say that the Big Ten is good or anything, I'm just saying that their bowl record was pretty predictable given the matchups they had.

Having said that, they only covered in 3 out of 7, so there you go.
One thing to remember about the B10 in bowls is that they usually get by far the toughest matchups of all of the conferences.

The matchups are tough relative to their regular season schedule, sure. The B10 is not a good football conference. Defend them as much as you'd like, but they continue to fail when given the opportunity on the big stage.
The matchups are tough relative to their regular season schedule, sure. The B10 is not a good football conference. Defend them as much as you'd like, but they continue to fail when given the opportunity on the big stage.

with one exception:smiley_acbe:
awesome thread. i've never seen any of these comments before. don't you guys have other things to dwell on, or is there no place available where all of your inferiority complexes can gather and become giddy that the big10 has had a few down years while chanting the name of your conference?

The B10 is not a good football conference. Defend them as much as you'd like, but they continue to fail when given the opportunity on the big stage.

I don't want my statement to be interpreted as an insult to the conference. I almost took the ten with both Ohio St and Penn St in their bowl games. I don't think it needs to be reiterated that the conference has been down for a couple of years. I think it is evident that Ohio St has failed when given the opportunity on the big stage, and I don't think their fans need to hear it from others -- they watched the game last night and the two previous title games.

Just like those fans are annoyed by people constantly chattering in their ear that Ohio St deserves no BCS consideration, I am annoyed by the people that continue to make excuses for losses. And that annoyance goes beyond the B10 in football, it extends to any sport or facet of life where you fail and do not admit it.
Well, if the Little 10 is so bad, what does that say about the Small 12? I think a couple favorable spots and 2 RIDICULOUS roughing the passer penalties kept the Shorthorns, who have been crying for a month now that they should be playing for the MNC (the team I watched last night would lose by DDs to Florida or USC at even strength) could barely get by a much maligned tOSU team starting a true frosh at QB and missing their All-World RB for most of the 2H.

Also, lets not look past the other "good" teams in the B12's bowl performances. Mizzou, TT, and Okie Lite all looked like dogshit in their bowls, going 1-2 (lucky to not be 0-3). Sure the Little 10 sucks, but we knew that already, didn't we? This thread should be talking about the biggest fraud conference this year, and that is the B12.

Everybody get off your high horses. The only conference that has any sort of bragging rights is the SEC and mayyyybe the Pac-10 a little bit. B12, L10, ACC, Big Least, etc, shut your pie holes. You have shown more than a few chinks in your armor this bowl season.
You could poke holes in damn near any conference this year.

PAC 10 sucked ass out of conference during the regular season and gets the easiest bowl match-ups then any other conference so yes they still sucked this year outside of USC.

SEC your #2 team just got dominated by freakin Utah. That #2 team was #1 in the country for most of the year.

Big 12 got its butts kicked in the bowl games.

Big 10 is not near what they used to be with some of their big boys still rebuilding. The Big 10 also gets some of the toughest bowl match-ups compared to the other conferences.

ACC, Big East all their top teams got blown out during the regular season OOC by the other conferences.

You can poke holes in every conference this year so move on to the individual teams.

The only thing i need to know is IMO once Florida became healthy and got the speed in the backfield with those RBs they were hands down to these eyes the best team in football whether they play a team from their own conference or someone elses.

They would beat Texas, Utah, USC, and they are going to beat OU.
Well, if the Little 10 is so bad, what does that say about the Small 12? I think a couple favorable spots and 2 RIDICULOUS roughing the passer penalties kept the Shorthorns, who have been crying for a month now that they should be playing for the MNC (the team I watched last night would lose by DDs to Florida or USC at even strength) could barely get by a much maligned tOSU team starting a true frosh at QB and missing their All-World RB for most of the 2H.

Also, lets not look past the other "good" teams in the B12's bowl performances. Mizzou, TT, and Okie Lite all looked like dogshit in their bowls, going 1-2 (lucky to not be 0-3). Sure the Little 10 sucks, but we knew that already, didn't we? This thread should be talking about the biggest fraud conference this year, and that is the B12.

Everybody get off your high horses. The only conference that has any sort of bragging rights is the SEC and mayyyybe the Pac-10 a little bit. B12, L10, ACC, Big Least, etc, shut your pie holes. You have shown more than a few chinks in your armor this bowl season.

You lost me when you said maybe the Pac 10. Did you just start watching football in December this year?

Your analysis of Texas has been so off the last couple years on here and covers that I just skimmed over what you wrote about them.
Sad thing is Miami exceeded expectations, what did OSU/Michigan/etc do

OSU went to the Fiesta Bowl with a true frosh QB who is one of the top can't miss prospects over the last 5 years.

He's going to be a good one for them before it's all said and done.
freakin Utah

Freakin Utah? I saw Utah play a couple nites ago and I saw Texas last nite...Utah is better. Funny you didn't mention the MWC in your analysis, but then, that is part of the overall problem, isn't it? People not even acknowledging that a team from a non-BCS conference may be deserving of the #1 ranking.
OSU went to the Fiesta Bowl with a true frosh QB who is one of the top can't miss prospects over the last 5 years.

He's going to be a good one for them before it's all said and done.
He's obviously going to have to progress as a passer but I agree somewhat.

He's going to be one hell of a receiver in the pros, though.
freakin Utah

Freakin Utah? I saw Utah play a couple nites ago and I saw Texas last nite...Utah is better. Funny you didn't mention the MWC in your analysis, but then, that is part of the overall problem, isn't it? People not even acknowledging that a team from a non-BCS conference may be deserving of the #1 ranking.

Have you seen Utah play all year? Did you see them barely beat a shit Michigan squad by 2? Oregon St. by 2? A New Mexico team by 3 that lost to A&M? A TCU team by 3 that didn't belong on the field with OU this year or Texas last year when they played during the season? That's the body of work of the #1 team in America? I don't think so.

What do you think Florida would've done to that schedule??? What do you think Utah would've done with Florida's schedule???

Good win for Utah and all the guys that are pulling for the smaller conferences but if that game was mid-season or say a BCS playoff game Alabama wouldn't have showed up thinking...great were playing Utah in our bowl game, we are from the SEC, i wish we were in Miami...

They sure as hell wouldn't have spotted them a 21 point lead after the end of the first quarter.

I cap every BCS bowl game by who wants to be there the most, who is the most motivated, who is the hungriest, and who has the most to prove.

The only team that seems to get up for its bowl game regardless the opponent is USC. USC also happens to have the best coach and motivator in football IMO and the Rose Bowl I guess is a big deal to those guys.

I've nailed every BCS Bowl game so far except for Texas cause when I made the play I believed the retarded "we have a outside shot at the AP Poll".

Once 40 days passed and the hype died down and seeing our fan base and personally seeing the Texas players give two shits about the game I told everyone on here the game was going to be very, very close and I was right.

Mack Brown was quoted by saying "It's great to see all these bowl games and these 7-5 coaches get gatorade baths at the end of the game."

In other words these bowl games are a joke and everyone knows it.

But then again we are going to have this argument every year until there's a playoff. I've never seen a sports system/way things are done so disliked by every sports fan, head coach, journalist, talking head, etc...and still continue to exist.
You lost me when you said maybe the Pac 10. Did you just start watching football in December this year?

Your analysis of Texas has been so off the last couple years on here and covers that I just skimmed over what you wrote about them.

Go back and look at my threads from this season and find a game that I bet on that Texas played in that I lost. ........ Find any yet? Only 1, eh? When I bet on them to beat Texas Tech and they choked up and lost? Yeah, I'm way off on calling Texas games, you got me.

How am I off? Didn't YOU say at the beginning of the year that YOU wouldn't be talking up Texas this season? Wasn't that you? And now you're trying to convince me that they belong on the same field as USC and Florida (what I wrote that you "skimmed" over)? Please tell everyone that you think that team we all watched last night beats either of those teams right now. I'd love to hear this.
Have you seen Utah play all year? What do you think? I bet I saw more MWC football this year than you've seen in your lifetime.

Your arguments basically hold no water with me 'Horn; that's because you're basically saying non-bcs teams have no claim to the mnc under this system (and i agree, they don't, I just don't think it's right). You're basically basing your entire argument on what you think would happen if Utah was in this or that have no earthly idea what would happen if utah had played 'bama in the middle of oct or's like me saying if OU and UT played on a neutral field right now, since OU would be favored (and they would), they deserve to go to mnc game since they would likely win.

Congratulations on nailing the BCS games, though I'm not sure what that has to do with this discussion.
utah deserves to be split champ I think with the florida winner---

they bea BCS schools enough said--

you cant say they cant compete with bcs schools--

Freddy Brown was abusing alabama db's-- they are not outclassed, in fac parker wilson looked outclassed in the game, slow and could no beat utah db's.
Go back and look at my threads from this season and find a game that I bet on that Texas played in that I lost. ........ Find any yet? Only 1, eh? When I bet on them to beat Texas Tech and they choked up and lost? Yeah, I'm way off on calling Texas games, you got me.

How am I off? Didn't YOU say at the beginning of the year that YOU wouldn't be talking up Texas this season? Wasn't that you? And now you're trying to convince me that they belong on the same field as USC and Florida (what I wrote that you "skimmed" over)? Please tell everyone that you think that team we all watched last night beats either of those teams right now. I'd love to hear this.

I honestly didn't see how you bet this year on them so if you've changed your tune then I apologize but your last post seemed to be about how your thoughts have been about them for what 4-5 years now? Ya know the Mccoy will never amount to anything posts since his freshman year? Shorthorns, chokers, etc...

I absolutely think Florida would beat Texas and USC, and my posts says that.

I also don't base my opinions on one game of a USC victory over PSU or them embarrassing an even crappier Virginia squad, which you thought the game would be close so obviously you didn't think USC was going to be much either at the beginning of the year like I did Texas right?
Have you seen Utah play all year? What do you think? I bet I saw more MWC football this year than you've seen in your lifetime.

Your arguments basically hold no water with me 'Horn; that's because you're basically saying non-bcs teams have no claim to the mnc under this system (and i agree, they don't, I just don't think it's right). You're basically basing your entire argument on what you think would happen if Utah was in this or that have no earthly idea what would happen if utah had played 'bama in the middle of oct or's like me saying if OU and UT played on a neutral field right now, since OU would be favored (and they would), they deserve to go to mnc game since they would likely win.

Congratulations on nailing the BCS games, though I'm not sure what that has to do with this discussion.

I don't think Bama wanted to be in that game. That's my point and looking at previous bowl games...the team that doesn't want to be there usually loses favorite or not.

And you are absolutely right that none of us know who will win the game unless we have a playoff.

And until that happens will continue to have 10 different threads of pissing matches when the season is over with.

Also just saw the scroll on ESPN of OU opening the season against BYU to open Texas stadium. I think these non-BCS teams need to continue scheduling games like this to make their point. Utah scheduling Michigan is a great example except no one knew Michigan would have its worst season in my lifetime so you can't fault the Utes. TCU has scheduled Texas and both OU the last two seasons as well.

If I'm a big power I would play these guys as well. OU jumped Texas because it crushed Cincy and TCU both solid teams from weak conferences who put up fantastic records which helped OU's computer ratings.
The problem with the scheduling is simple MONEY

Major teams like Okie, Texas, Michigan, O-State, Fla and the rest is that they want a 3-1 split to schedule the smaller teams. 3 home games vs 1 road game. The smaller schools FAU, Coastal Carolina, Pacific (when they had a team) Temple and the rest of their ilk jump at that chance. They have an opportunity to fill their stadium. Hell last year Temple hosted PSU, sold out the stadium at double, triple and in some cases 8 times normal face value for their other home games. MONEY does and will always drive this sport.

If it were academics, the southern schools might as well close up shop.
True about the scheduling. Also don't the smaller schools get a smaller payment by traveling to see Ann Arbor?

It's definitely about the money. Most football programs support the entire athletic program not just the football team.

Texas makes a killing by scheduling say a Ula-la.
'Horn, I agree with everything you say in post 29; that is spot on.

There are literally 5 or 6 teams that can claim to be unbeatable the way Carroll and Brown did about their respective teams; a playoff would have been SO good this year.
I agree. Outside of the Texas vs USC teams or maybe Ohio St. vs Miami I just don't think their have ever been two clear cut teams that deserved to play for the MNC in a long time.

Pretty frustrating that we have to endure this every year. Plus it would be fun to see if a cinderella team like a Utah could go on a run in the playoffs and beat say a Bama, USC, then Florida.

I wonder if it'll ever happen in our lifetime.
while i agree that bama had to have had the motivation disadvantage, i doubt that it can be decided that they win that matchup in october..if utah barely scraped by i might agree, but they dominated them for the better part of the game. and they dominated that michigan game too despite what the score showed in the big house the first game of the year (before they and their fans had realized they sucked so bad). i don't know what they would have done with florida's schedule, but florida didn't play many good offenses at all so i doubt they would do as bad as many people seem to think. and i think they could probably take care of ole miss at home. to say they aren't as good because they beat new mexico by only 3? it's make-up of the conference and the history between the teams that led to that score, not talent or how good or bad the teams were. sec teams that are vastly superior to their opponent scrape by each other all the time and get a pass. to answer your last question...does it look like a body of work of the #1 team in the nation? ABSOLUTELY YES. 0 losses. a bcs win over a team from the best conference that was #1 until the sec championship. a conference with a great out of conference schedule. 6 wins over bowl teams. no other team can say that, no other team deserves it more.

even though the score was somewhat lopsided, i think tcu played oklahoma better than any team outside of texas. under 2 ypc rushing for oklahoma, so yes, oklahoma beat them, but i think tcu deserved to be on the same field with them. and they beat oklahoma a few years back.

and it's not like they're sneaking up on these teams. with the out of conference and bowl performance this year and the building of the conference over the last several years, i think it's crazy that not only utah wouldn't get a share, but that the mwc gets as little respect as they do. because espn doesn't have a relationship with the mwc, most college football fans have honestly seen the mwc for the first time this bowl season, which is a shame considering all the good football matchups the conference has brought this year. in fact, this year i'd rather watch that conference than the shitty big10 or a 75-73 big12 game.
while i agree that bama had to have had the motivation disadvantage, i doubt that it can be decided that they win that matchup in october..if utah barely scraped by i might agree, but they dominated them for the better part of the game. and they dominated that michigan game too despite what the score showed in the big house the first game of the year (before they and their fans had realized they sucked so bad). i don't know what they would have done with florida's schedule, but florida didn't play many good offenses at all so i doubt they would do as bad as many people seem to think. and i think they could probably take care of ole miss at home. to say they aren't as good because they beat new mexico by only 3? it's make-up of the conference and the history between the teams that led to that score, not talent or how good or bad the teams were. sec teams that are vastly superior to their opponent scrape by each other all the time and get a pass. to answer your last question...does it look like a body of work of the #1 team in the nation? ABSOLUTELY YES. 0 losses. a bcs win over a team from the best conference that was #1 until the sec championship. a conference with a great out of conference schedule. 6 wins over bowl teams. no other team can say that, no other team deserves it more.

even though the score was somewhat lopsided, i think tcu played oklahoma better than any team outside of texas. under 2 ypc rushing for oklahoma, so yes, oklahoma beat them, but i think tcu deserved to be on the same field with them. and they beat oklahoma a few years back.

and it's not like they're sneaking up on these teams. with the out of conference and bowl performance this year and the building of the conference over the last several years, i think it's crazy that not only utah wouldn't get a share, but that the mwc gets as little respect as they do. because espn doesn't have a relationship with the mwc, most college football fans have honestly seen the mwc for the first time this bowl season, which is a shame considering all the good football matchups the conference has brought this year. in fact, this year i'd rather watch that conference than the shitty big10 or a 75-73 big12 game.

Bravo, Broadway, Bravo...

These threads are actually pumping me up for Utah to get the AP vote.
while i agree that bama had to have had the motivation disadvantage, i doubt that it can be decided that they win that matchup in october..if utah barely scraped by i might agree, but they dominated them for the better part of the game. and they dominated that michigan game too despite what the score showed in the big house the first game of the year (before they and their fans had realized they sucked so bad). i don't know what they would have done with florida's schedule, but florida didn't play many good offenses at all so i doubt they would do as bad as many people seem to think. and i think they could probably take care of ole miss at home. to say they aren't as good because they beat new mexico by only 3? it's make-up of the conference and the history between the teams that led to that score, not talent or how good or bad the teams were. sec teams that are vastly superior to their opponent scrape by each other all the time and get a pass. to answer your last question...does it look like a body of work of the #1 team in the nation? ABSOLUTELY YES. 0 losses. a bcs win over a team from the best conference that was #1 until the sec championship. a conference with a great out of conference schedule. 6 wins over bowl teams. no other team can say that, no other team deserves it more.

even though the score was somewhat lopsided, i think tcu played oklahoma better than any team outside of texas. under 2 ypc rushing for oklahoma, so yes, oklahoma beat them, but i think tcu deserved to be on the same field with them. and they beat oklahoma a few years back.

and it's not like they're sneaking up on these teams. with the out of conference and bowl performance this year and the building of the conference over the last several years, i think it's crazy that not only utah wouldn't get a share, but that the mwc gets as little respect as they do. because espn doesn't have a relationship with the mwc, most college football fans have honestly seen the mwc for the first time this bowl season, which is a shame considering all the good football matchups the conference has brought this year. in fact, this year i'd rather watch that conference than the shitty big10 or a 75-73 big12 game.

I wholeheartedly agree with this. There sems to be this notion with some that the MWC is just like all of the other non-BCS conferences, when they are far and away superior to the MACs and the WACs of the world. I live in the MIdwest, and I really enjoy watchng the MWC games when I can get them, which is rarely. (I get Versus and CBS College, so I can occasionally catch em). Honestly, I really have no idea why the Big East is a BCS conference and the MWC isn't.
The matchups are tough relative to their regular season schedule, sure. The B10 is not a good football conference. Defend them as much as you'd like, but they continue to fail when given the opportunity on the big stage.

Well, as I mentioned in my post, I wasn't trying to defend them. I'm just pointing out that they were TD + dogs in 6 or the 7 games, so the fact that they went 1-6 shouldn't have surprised anyone. This has actually been the case in a lot of the past several years as well.
I honestly didn't see how you bet this year on them so if you've changed your tune then I apologize but your last post seemed to be about how your thoughts have been about them for what 4-5 years now? Ya know the Mccoy will never amount to anything posts since his freshman year? Shorthorns, chokers, etc...

I absolutely think Florida would beat Texas and USC, and my posts says that.

I also don't base my opinions on one game of a USC victory over PSU or them embarrassing an even crappier Virginia squad, which you thought the game would be close so obviously you didn't think USC was going to be much either at the beginning of the year like I did Texas right?

Don't read too much into my namecalling of teams, I do it to pretty much every school. Oklahomo, Okie Lite, Chokies, Shorthorns, Suckeyes, etc. Nothing in particular against any of the teams, I just enjoy their insulting nicknames better.

I liked Texas against their schedule all year. Only bet against them when they played Baylor and I got the backdoor there. I think 5-1 on the year or so. A nice team that really should have gotten through the B12 after their upset of Homo. Fact of the matter is, I don't have anything against any of these teams. I bet on what teams I think will win me money, and it'll shock you to hear that Texas (betting on and against them) has been good to me over the years. What I get upset about is when you guys come on here and tell me one second that betting on UT +7 against Homo is a risky proposition because there is little chance that they win that game (this led me to believe that you all thought the Sooners were at least 7 points or more better than UT at the time), watch them pull off a huge win in a back and forth game, and then next thing you know they are the best team in the country according to you and RJ. They beat clearly overrated Mizzou and Okie Lite at home in their next couple and then go to Lubbock and get dominated for a half and give up a late TD to lose to what I thought was a pretender TT squad. Fine, shit happens, but don't try to convince me that UT is the best team in the land after seeing how this conference has done in the bowl games. If things play out the way everyone thinks they will (Florida in a romp over Homo), how can you make the argument that the Big 12 even deserved REPRESENTATION in the MNC game? Take a hard look at how the top teams in the conference did in their bowl games and tell me that the Big 12 having 5 teams in the top 25 to end the season is justified.

I fully admit to ignoring the "Pete Carroll with a month to prepare" factor in the UVa game at the beginnning of the year. Also notice that I didn't promote a play on the Hoos, just that laying 20 in C'ville (not sure if that has ever happened) is not desirable. USC showed that it was for them, as UVa was probably one of the worst organized teams in the country at that time. If that game was played again in the middle of the season (after dust had settled on UVa squad), I do not think it would have been the embarassment that it turned out to be. That's all hearsay though and doesn't really matter. USC with a month to prepare continues to be the best team year in and year out. It took a mercurial effort from your man crush a couple years back to barely get the W vs. them in a bowl game, and even that almost didn't happen (still haven't forgotten that USC DB dropping that VY INT that hit him right in the hands when they were up 12 in the 4Q and trying to put the game away). In your analysis of this year's team you are looking too much into the loss at Oregon St. (and ignoring that the Beavers are a pretty good squad when healthy) and not enough at the talent on that Trojan team and how they get up for big games. In my opinion, I think they sleepwalk a bit when they go on the road in the Pac-10 because Petey knows that they most likely won't be on national TV and thus it's hard to get these guys who are at USC to play in big games fired up for what seem to be minor ones. Clearly, though, when they play any OOC teams, you get the best of that squad, so instead of overanalyzing how they play @ Arizona or Oregon St, try looking at how they play @ Nebraska or @ Arkansas or @ UVa or in any bowl game since Petey has been there. That's why I think they need to be a part of any game any year that decides who the MNC is. They are a fucking damn good team, dude.
The problem with the scheduling is simple MONEY

Major teams like Okie, Texas, Michigan, O-State, Fla and the rest is that they want a 3-1 split to schedule the smaller teams. 3 home games vs 1 road game. The smaller schools FAU, Coastal Carolina, Pacific (when they had a team) Temple and the rest of their ilk jump at that chance. They have an opportunity to fill their stadium. Hell last year Temple hosted PSU, sold out the stadium at double, triple and in some cases 8 times normal face value for their other home games. MONEY does and will always drive this sport.

If it were academics, the southern schools might as well close up shop.

Please apologize to The Florida Gators:

Best Colleges: Top Public Schools: National Universities

<TABLE><TBODY><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of California--Berkeley <ADDRESS>Berkeley, CA</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 1 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of Virginia <ADDRESS>Charlottesville, VA</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 2 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of California--Los Angeles <ADDRESS>Los Angeles, CA</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 3 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of Michigan--Ann Arbor <ADDRESS>Ann Arbor, MI</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 4 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill <ADDRESS>Chapel Hill, NC</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 5 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>College of William and Mary <ADDRESS>Williamsburg, VA</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 6 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>Georgia Institute of Technology <ADDRESS>Atlanta, GA</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 7 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of Wisconsin--Madison <ADDRESS>Madison, WI</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 7 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of California--San Diego <ADDRESS>La Jolla, CA</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 7 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign <ADDRESS>Champaign, IL</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 10 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of Washington <ADDRESS>Seattle, WA</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 11 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of California--Davis <ADDRESS>Davis, CA</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 12 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of California--Santa Barbara <ADDRESS>Santa Barbara, CA</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 12 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of California--Irvine <ADDRESS>Irvine, CA</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 12 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of Texas--Austin <ADDRESS>Austin, TX</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 15 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>Pennsylvania State University--University Park <ADDRESS>University Park, PA</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 15 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of Florida <ADDRESS>Gainesville, FL</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 17 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of Maryland--College Park <ADDRESS>College Park, MD</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 18 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>Ohio State University--Columbus <ADDRESS>Columbus, OH</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 19 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of Pittsburgh <ADDRESS>Pittsburgh, PA</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 20 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of Georgia <ADDRESS>Athens, GA</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 20 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of Minnesota--Twin Cities <ADDRESS>Minneapolis, MN</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 22 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>Clemson University <ADDRESS>Clemson, SC</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 22 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>Texas A&M University--College Station <ADDRESS>College Station, TX</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 24 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey--New Brunswick <ADDRESS>Piscataway, NJ</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 24 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Don't read too much into my namecalling of teams, I do it to pretty much every school. Oklahomo, Okie Lite, Chokies, Shorthorns, Suckeyes, etc. Nothing in particular against any of the teams, I just enjoy their insulting nicknames better.

I liked Texas against their schedule all year. Only bet against them when they played Baylor and I got the backdoor there. I think 5-1 on the year or so. A nice team that really should have gotten through the B12 after their upset of Homo. Fact of the matter is, I don't have anything against any of these teams. I bet on what teams I think will win me money, and it'll shock you to hear that Texas (betting on and against them) has been good to me over the years. What I get upset about is when you guys come on here and tell me one second that betting on UT +7 against Homo is a risky proposition because there is little chance that they win that game (this led me to believe that you all thought the Sooners were at least 7 points or more better than UT at the time), watch them pull off a huge win in a back and forth game, and then next thing you know they are the best team in the country according to you and RJ. They beat clearly overrated Mizzou and Okie Lite at home in their next couple and then go to Lubbock and get dominated for a half and give up a late TD to lose to what I thought was a pretender TT squad. Fine, shit happens, but don't try to convince me that UT is the best team in the land after seeing how this conference has done in the bowl games. If things play out the way everyone thinks they will (Florida in a romp over Homo), how can you make the argument that the Big 12 even deserved REPRESENTATION in the MNC game? Take a hard look at how the top teams in the conference did in their bowl games and tell me that the Big 12 having 5 teams in the top 25 to end the season is justified.

I fully admit to ignoring the "Pete Carroll with a month to prepare" factor in the UVa game at the beginnning of the year. Also notice that I didn't promote a play on the Hoos, just that laying 20 in C'ville (not sure if that has ever happened) is not desirable. USC showed that it was for them, as UVa was probably one of the worst organized teams in the country at that time. If that game was played again in the middle of the season (after dust had settled on UVa squad), I do not think it would have been the embarassment that it turned out to be. That's all hearsay though and doesn't really matter. USC with a month to prepare continues to be the best team year in and year out. It took a mercurial effort from your man crush a couple years back to barely get the W vs. them in a bowl game, and even that almost didn't happen (still haven't forgotten that USC DB dropping that VY INT that hit him right in the hands when they were up 12 in the 4Q and trying to put the game away). In your analysis of this year's team you are looking too much into the loss at Oregon St. (and ignoring that the Beavers are a pretty good squad when healthy) and not enough at the talent on that Trojan team and how they get up for big games. In my opinion, I think they sleepwalk a bit when they go on the road in the Pac-10 because Petey knows that they most likely won't be on national TV and thus it's hard to get these guys who are at USC to play in big games fired up for what seem to be minor ones. Clearly, though, when they play any OOC teams, you get the best of that squad, so instead of overanalyzing how they play @ Arizona or Oregon St, try looking at how they play @ Nebraska or @ Arkansas or @ UVa or in any bowl game since Petey has been there. That's why I think they need to be a part of any game any year that decides who the MNC is. They are a fucking damn good team, dude.

I gotcha bro. Good post. Had a pretty bad hangover last night and a little on edge watching all this OU & Sam Bradford love leading up to the game.

I think I might be rooting harder for Florida tomorrow then I did for Texas vs the Buckeyes.

I'm gonna be really ill if OU wins that game...
Please apologize to The Florida Gators:

Best Colleges: Top Public Schools: National Universities

<TABLE><TBODY><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of California--Berkeley <ADDRESS>Berkeley, CA</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 1 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of Virginia <ADDRESS>Charlottesville, VA</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 2 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of California--Los Angeles <ADDRESS>Los Angeles, CA</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 3 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of Michigan--Ann Arbor <ADDRESS>Ann Arbor, MI</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 4 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill <ADDRESS>Chapel Hill, NC</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 5 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>College of William and Mary <ADDRESS>Williamsburg, VA</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 6 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>Georgia Institute of Technology <ADDRESS>Atlanta, GA</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 7 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of Wisconsin--Madison <ADDRESS>Madison, WI</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 7 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of California--San Diego <ADDRESS>La Jolla, CA</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 7 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign <ADDRESS>Champaign, IL</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 10 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of Washington <ADDRESS>Seattle, WA</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 11 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of California--Davis <ADDRESS>Davis, CA</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 12 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of California--Santa Barbara <ADDRESS>Santa Barbara, CA</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 12 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of California--Irvine <ADDRESS>Irvine, CA</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 12 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of Texas--Austin <ADDRESS>Austin, TX</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 15 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>Pennsylvania State University--University Park <ADDRESS>University Park, PA</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 15 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of Florida <ADDRESS>Gainesville, FL</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 17 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of Maryland--College Park <ADDRESS>College Park, MD</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 18 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>Ohio State University--Columbus <ADDRESS>Columbus, OH</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 19 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of Pittsburgh <ADDRESS>Pittsburgh, PA</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 20 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of Georgia <ADDRESS>Athens, GA</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 20 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>University of Minnesota--Twin Cities <ADDRESS>Minneapolis, MN</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 22 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>Clemson University <ADDRESS>Clemson, SC</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 22 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>Texas A&M University--College Station <ADDRESS>College Station, TX</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 24 </TD></TR><TR class=school-data><TD class=school>Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey--New Brunswick <ADDRESS>Piscataway, NJ</ADDRESS></TD><TD>Rank 24 </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

What are your football graduation rates CHIEF? When the U is graduating more of their football players, I wouldn't be chirping.