Betting Bases.... I am alive. I made parole !!!


Conspiracy Theorist
I know this is the wrong forum so I humbly ask the Kind hearted mods to let it slide for a day or so. I did post this in the SPortsbook forum as well. GLAD to be back

have been away far too long. I need to open an offshore account. Things have changed on the scene since I was last here. Upon Rexy's advice I am asking you guys for some step by step help in how to go about it now. It will be good to hear from alot of you and and a good way to meet some of you newer guys for me. I do prefer to keep the actual specifics off the board though. my email is

Thanks ,

NExt time i post in this thread it wil be with some winners !!!
Sup brotha...brotha. Good to see you back. Like you... I've been real busy, and having one hell of a time keeping up with this shit.

I hope all has been well with you and looking forward to tailing some of your WINNERS!
ahhahahaha Shorty.

Nope. I talked to him earlier as I was sweating the Fish OVER, the US Soccer team +1 goal (lol), and the Dodgers UNDER.

Clubbers Unite! Our fearless leader is back...
