Betting advice


Active Member

Once again, the most wonderful time of betting is upon us. At 50+ years oils with 3 kids(2 in college), I have watched many a gamblers lose more than they can afford so have decided to give some advice to those who enjoy gambling as much as I do.

The key to profit is limiting bets and “walking away” once they have been placed. This year, I will place 2 bets per day with the hope of profiting. I am open any questions any of you have

Best of luck
The less you bet the more you lose when you win!

Obviously everyone should bet within their means but I gotta disagree w limiting bets. You shouldn’t pass up plays you feel have better chance of winning than odds suggest because you have decided to limit yourself to some arbitrary number! Any given Saturday I might like anywhere from 5-20 plays! If I were to decide I could only play 2-3 of those the odds of me picking the winners out of that huge list not good! I couldn’t imagine sitting around watching that list go 10-4 but 2 of the losers are the ones I decided to play!! Talk about ruining my favorite day of the week!! Lol. Im not saying you or anyone else should bet 10-20 games a week, I’m just saying do what works for you! Don’t make the mistake that mlb managers do and force yourself into a box with some arbitrary “pitch count” number! Some weeks you might not feel strongly about any play but like 6 the next week! You clearly shouldn’t bet 2 games both those weeks!