Bet Castillo vs Degrom

Its too early to trust this but umpire crew is showing Hallion at Mets
6.87 ERA with Degrom This would be a BINGO need to check Luis
Leans to Dodgers, Atlanta Nationals
Conflict in Tampa big days of week for Boston playing Morton and a starving team
No history with Hallion. Obviously want to do something with Houston 18-3 off a day off but tired of minus 3 and 4 hundred numbers so depending on ump might just go with a parlay. Just not sure Angels a tired team missing a lot of players 2.5?
This is a good day for Oakland and Fiers is on 5. Very cheap number I suppose but this team has been so terrible recently???
Negatives in Tampa unless good ump Porcello on best rest and Fine day of rest. Anibale is on 4 which is not fatal but pretty bad
Beede is on 6 19 innings about a 6.63
On a large sample Porcello is 3-1 5.89 ERA which was probably at home
Morton 0-2 3 ERA
Nauert 12-5 for home favs 20-7 for all home teams
Greg Gibson and Kershaw. Probably his best ump ever. 50 innings 1 ERA
Has been a real putz to home teams this year but with Kershaw? I doubt it