Best NBA Preview Mag?


Anyone have recommendations for a good NBA Preview Mag? In baseball there's Baseball Prospectus' "Book" which is awesome. Looking for something comparative with in-depth look at teams / players / coaches.
Wish I could help, have not bought a mag in years. I just try and trust on-line stuff, local stuff from guys here and social media.

Bump though to get to the top.
Same as Bar.

I know you mentioned indepth look.. but is there something specific you are looking for?
Nothing specific really, just something that doesn't have all the "fluff" of a regular preview mag and goes into more statistical detail. The Baseball Prospectus Annual Guide is great about that w/ all its Sabermetric stats and I was looking to see if NBA had something comparable.

My ultimate goal is to build a player-based game simulation model using markov chains. Any / all "sabermetric"-like basketball stats would be useful...A good site that has some of this along with game simulation models is this one:

There's good discussions under the 'Metrics Discussion Forum'.