best bet from the best baby

  • Thread starter Thread starter dilaudid8
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:hello: right to the game's the bets SL+7 this is a bad line bol
so far it's a good week could have been better but it's gambling crazy things happen. it looks like SL +7 will be the only bet at 1 pm no reason to press a game if it's not there . but I think that this line is way off SL should win this game outright bol
jihadvillager ty hard game to lose with utah unreal. but that's one thing about gambling crazy things happen you could be winning right until the very end and something crazy happens bol
guy's this is the first time that I wanted to watch some football. if I lose this SL game that's it for me for a few week's just unreal coaching. I just seen 4 down and 1 inch at the goal line and the coach calls a passing play unreal I don't no how these coaches get there jobs a call like that can fuck up the whole game