best bet from the best baby

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good morning guy's another winning week not ass good as last. we are making a mint gov mint this year. anytime you have a winning week you can't complain because so many gambler's are going to bed losing and wishing that they would have broken even. I never give out a play on monday because 99 percent of gamblers can't get the game in anyway's because most have locals and most bookmakers won't open until Saturday. but if you can get this game in well it's up to you but I like this game ATLANTA even, NE will have problem's on the road and this game is perfect because ATLANTA lost a game they where winning the whole game I look at a easy win , should not be a problem ATLANTA is in a must win that's if they want to make the playoffs goodnight :shh:I have the winner don't tell anybody ATLANTA even goodnight
my man Bomb I was going to sleep but I hope we are right about this game. but yeah NE had 3 easy game's and had big problem's beating them/ well they beat TB easy but NYJ/ Buffalo was a hard played game. goodnight my brother
my fav game next week D8....SBO has it at +1.5 right now....+1 at a few shops of luck brah....\m/
cx yeah the game look's good the public will be on NE brady and company
Man ty yeah your right I think ATLANTA will be the underdog bol:cheers:
GL man. I am a little concerned. Bookmaker had Atlanta -2 going into gameday, and by 7 PM EST it was +1. Not sure if that was New England getting sharp money early or readjustment of the line, but the move concerned me. Going to keep an eye on it, but lean your way.
Cap I could be wrong but I think when the line came out the public went crazy. thinking this NE team is as good as the ones they used to have . you have receivers for NE running around not knowing what plays Brady is calling being in the wrong place dropping the ball's. I think this time the coach for NE made a big mistake's letting everybody go it look's like he has a bunch of high school Receivers. this team looks slow but I could be wrong ATLANTA might be just a bad team, but I will take a chance one more time I think ATLANTA will make the playoffs but not if they lose this game. now NE is going on the road and playing a good team the 3-0 start by NE has the public thinking that NE is back and seeing that ATLANTA is 1-2. thinking that NE will win easy I think the public will be in for a real big surprise / like egg said last min screw job on this line bol
Cap I could be wrong but I think when the line came out the public went crazy. thinking this NE team is as good as the ones they used to have . you have receivers for NE running around not knowing what plays Brady is calling being in the wrong place dropping the ball's. I think this time the coach for NE made a big mistake's letting everybody go it look's like he has a bunch of high school Receivers. this team looks slow but I could be wrong ATLANTA might be just a bad team, but I will take a chance one more time I think ATLANTA will make the playoffs but not if they lose this game. now NE is going on the road and playing a good team the 3-0 start by NE has the public thinking that NE is back and seeing that ATLANTA is 1-2. thinking that NE will win easy I think the public will be in for a real big surprise / like egg said last min screw job on this line bol
GL D8.. i like it...

I'm gonna be a sucker and be on the KC Chiefs -4 for my biggest bet of the year.. This line is ridiculous. I watch the Gmen closely and i'd be surprised if they kept it close at all
Nugzz I agree with you there is no way I could take NYG. it's KC or no bet giants have have big problems bol
egg like D. woww said the QB for TB is a rookie. I will never bet my money on a rookie QB and NE does not have a real good team and TB could not score against NE. if they can't score against NE I don't no how TB will score against AZ with a rookie QB and TB is giving 3 point's I think the better team is getting points bol
i agree zona will be tough on glennon but kinda worry about how banged up they are at lb that their run d isnt up to the pats standards right now so think glennons primary job will be to turn and hand off to martin which i would think he can handle, if that working his life becomes a whole lot easier..not to mention i have no faith in zona being able to put points on the board either.. almost certainly a pass for me so hope you nail it brother...
bank ty/gl yeah like you said AZ is not much better then TB they have there problems . if it was not for this rookie QB I would pass the game just like you said.STEED my man bol to the bank I feel this will be a good week I hope
good morning guys this week we split 3-3 like I keep saying splitting is like winning it's the next beat thing. the week is not over with last game SD+2 bol lets see if we can win some money this week
Agreement on ATL. Line is moving in ATL favor, up to 2.5 now. Nice number on Houston. Let's get some mints.
well guy's another winning week . if we can win the ATLANTA game we clean house mint gov mint
boy was I 100 wrong on ATLANTA NE can draft high school kids and win game's unreal. thats gambling but we made money lost on ATLANTA that was the only loser. I won't post early anymore because most gamblers can't get there bets in anyways just like the HOUSTON game it was 3 Monday but by the end of today it was 1.5 or 1. most can't bet that game on Monday because most books won't open that early. but it was a winning week can't complain. like I say just let me win 1 more game then I lose goodnight to the bank baby:badass: