best bet from the best baby

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hey guy's i'm not a big baseball better. but the last few week's betting where real good. and I love these game's so why not post. and maybe win a little extra money. the bets KC-1.5RL+120/ I would love to take KC money line but my line is -128. and that's a no no I will never pay more then -110 juice on any sport. I take that back there where 2 time's that yes I did pay more then -110 juice and I won both time's and the team that I bet against was HOUSTON. this team is so bad and HOUSTON won yesterday 2 in a row for houston no I don't think so./COLORADO -1.5 RL+160/WASHINGTON+105/PHIL-104/ HOUSTON and MIAMI won yesterday the chance of both team's winning again are slim to none. but gl my brother's to the bank :badass: please bet at your own risk it's gambling. I could go 0-4
BAR my man:cheers: we have to get a hold of STEED and have a beer at tiger stadium .
88/blood ty guy's it's always good to see you guy's gl with your bet's
Best of luck in hockey. I am on Houston and might be on Miami. By the way in the last month Houston has 2 separate 2 game home winning streaks both of them with BUD NORRIS.
Oh wait. BOL with Colorado no current opinion on Washington.
tuck/bank gl my brother's tuck one of us will win. who know's it's gambling. I just think it will be real hard for both team's to win since houston and miami is so bad but you might be right
You are just not looking. Last 15 games KC 4 wins. Last 15 games Houston 5 and Houston is getting better and KC---. Bud through 2012 10 and 6 su at home.
like I said you could be right because KC -128 with my book and that's the lowest line that I seen in a real long time when HOUSTON is playing so vegas give's HOUSTON a chance better then a chance. but I just can't take a team that has 11 or 12 win's I just can't and the same goes for MIAMI these team's are real bad but we will see. it's gambling. like I said one of us will win
:badass:good morning guys it look's like so far 2-1. some game's are not over but i'm going to bed like I said yesterday HOUSTON and MIAMI won there game. there not going to win today. these are real bad team's both team's winning back to back day's the odds of that happening where slim to none. and it looks like both team's got killed. 1 more game's to go 1 is in the 6inn gl goodnight at least lets win 1 more game and go 3-1
good morning guys yesterday 2-2 it could have been 4-0. we got the moose on 1 game and winning 4-0 in the COLORADO game but's thats gambling. the bet's and my best bet DETROIT -1.5RL+115 this line will go down I can't see DETROIT ace losing 3 game's in a row./ KC-1.5RL-120
sorry not done yet add on games PHIL-1.5RL-105/NYY-110 like I keep saying HOUSTON and MIAMI are real bad team's. why try to look for trouble and find a game and lose when you have HOUSTON and MIAMI playing. goodnight gl
add on game's OAKLAND+100 I think the public will be all over texas. vegas is begging you to take Texas 70 percent on texas/ and in hockey OTTAWA +125 I think the last game was big and PITT let ottawa of the hook I think it will cost PITT. I see this series going 7 game's now. it's real hard to bounce back from a loss like PITT but gl guy's to the bank
good morning yesterday was bad 2-4 not good. but that was my worst day in a while no excuse its a new day the bets. LAA+120/CLEVELAND+130/CHICAGO CUBS+129/ and in hockey DETROIT+125/LAK-1.5+210/BOSTON-105 gl guys we will win some money back from yesterday
well guy's so far 3-2 with all 3 winners being real nice underdogs with LAK -1.5 to go lets win this game and make a mint tonight. DETROIT is back boys CHICAGO is all done . man CHICAGO looks like this team is lost goodnight
:cheers:good morning guys well we had a great day going 4-2 with all 4 winners being nice underdogs. and in hockey LAK-1.5+210 it's like going 6-2. but anyways I said this before but this will be my last post for a while. going out of town for a few week's. lets make this post a sweep the bets OAKLAND-1.5+100/COLORADO+140 guy's we had a great few week's gl goodnight and to the bank
STEED I have two I have not seen my wife in 8 month's since last august. I go to PITT PA every other month to see her and the kid's until I got sick. if I don't go this time. that's it for me I might as well stay home for good. but if I get stuck in OHIO i'm calling you keep your phone on haha. I have to be good to her she has put up a lot with me. and if I don't show up I would have to check under my car for a:bomb: bang if you know what I mean.
HUNT ty my brother I love you guy's. but like I said if I don't show up tomorrow in PITT i'm all done with her. she would put a bang:bomb: under my truck or if not her it would be her ex husband if he ever found me. if I don't post in 3 or 4 week's somebody from CTG call the cops.:searching:looking for dilaudid8 body
braves what's happening my brother your right I forgot he lives there two. that's all I need to meet him in some bar.
win/grind4 ty guy's gl to you with your bets add on play's BALT -1.5 RL+135/ in b ball MIMAI-7.5. I hope and pray we can go 4-0 that would be a great finish. win ty I will try to hit up pocono downs PA I will be there for about a month. that's if the wife does not throw me out
ty blood lets win this COLORADO game what does the team have the flu or what +144 or +140 are you kidding me.
It's not about the long suffering wife nor winning more games.This going to Pittsburgh charade is about one thing and one thing only. "Cock,"tails with Mr. Scott Sharp. Braves hit it on the nose but hey, there is not a thing wrong with that,:confused2:is there??:wtf2: You have my prayers.:prayer:hang::prayer

PS Like your picks,a lot.
jasper11 my man whats happening my brother. yeah your right I have to meet mr sharp at the bar. I will have to go out with mr sharp since he never ever loses a game. wait yeah he lost only 1 game he try to bet me and he lost I think he is like 30-1 that guy just does not lose
well guys so far 1-2 with one game to go the COLORADO game. if they can win the game and in the 6inn there winning 3-0. we would have another winning day with 2 nice dogs winning. its getting late I have to get up about 6am but guy's have a good baseball month I will be back in 4 week's. we had a great few week's goodnight until next month:badass::badass: