best bet from the best baby

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2 half eaasy winner CAR+6.5 if a team can't run they can't win and CAR+260 ML
wise my brother its mot over yet I don't like posting 2 half because its not fair for almost 97 of the gamblers not Enough time to get there bet in but if your on my team your book will go nuts guys i'm really a nice guy people get mad when I get cocky do you give a fuck if you win fuck no just give ne winners thats all that matters like I sais a lot of time left nut pay me MF bookmaker
D8. Dedicate this Bowl season to bloodhound and be like he would be. You're kicking ass as he would this time of year. He just kept posting winners as the Bowls went on. Keep up the great work brah.
wise my brother its mot over yet I don't like posting 2 half because its not fair for almost 97 of the gamblers not Enough time to get there bet in but if your on my team your book will go nuts guys i'm really a nice guy people get mad when I get cocky do you give a fuck if you win fuck no just give ne winners thats all that matters like I sais a lot of time left nut pay me MF bookmaker
Braves MR TRUMP and his Private jet yes baby all the BELVEDERE on me all day . B.A.R./STEED and the boys will close this MF BAR down MILLERS I promise you it would be filled not like PRE GAME B.A.R. the word would get around that CTG baby had a MF party for the best cappers of any sport site no body even comes close CTG the best
STEED no I just got back from the store more BELVEDERE baby wow i'm drinking as I post oh yes baby I feel better already:stretcher:right to the hospital :party:U of M baby STEED I know you seen this even you no WTF happened your a smart guy just watch it's real easy STEED you know I bet against U of M all the time yes I would like them to win but money is money hey I hit OHIO STATE backers lost but this was in 50 years I have never seen anything like it JIM H said they should investagte this game you took it off I promise no more lets move on crooks
STEED my god I almost didnt get up this morning I thought I was in afghanistan to much BELVEDERE I have to stop this is my 5th bottle this week and i'm not a drinker and I have to buy another that would be 6 bottles fuck that at 30 per bottle that would be 180 just in 7 days. hell i'm not even counting my pills that's another story if you put all together things don't look good but what a life like I said if a person can live for at least 200 years then I could see going to school being a DR but like I told my DR yesterday you wasted your time going while you where in school my god i'm not even going to tell you what I did true story he give me this MF look like you would not believe:party:I told him I love drugs you should have seen his face it was wroth 1 million just to watch his face:Happy3:after taking DIL 8
yeah young that's how I live my life if something happens it happens everybody has to die if not then it would be a diff story but yeah I like having a time like no other bol
B,A,R, I wish I never found BELVEDERE god dam it this VOKIA will get me in real big trouble . i'm really not a big drinker but when I dd it was stoli gold vokia does any body know is there anything better then BELVEDERE just asking if there is can't be much better
kj not bad I might try it tomorrow lucky charms and BELVEDERE baby
Love Chopin but Belvedere is right there

Next time I order it at the bar, gonna order in ALL CAPS I know that
Love Chopin but Belvedere is right there

Next time I order it at the bar, gonna order in ALL CAPS I know that
kj ty i'm going to try Chopin I seen it around never gave it a shot I will did you ever try people tell me there is only 1 other drink or vokia Elite this MF cost 50 or 60 a bottle this better be so good
jk like I said drinking- drugs -women gambling holy shit what a great life that is
Belvedere is real nice I'm on some russian shit ZYR right now it's really fn good, Russians know their vodka