best bet from the best baby

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Metallica-SIGO-Cruse ty guy's sooner or later this has to end it really does but I keep saying this and still unreal . like I said is a lot of it luck sure luck has a lot to do with it but my god this is HISTORICAL it really is . but anyways Cruse the oddsmakers did a very good job this week i'm looking and i'm having a very hard time finding anything to tell you the truth today is as good as day as any . both unders look very good today you have some Freshman QB playing that means one thing running running running running the ball that means clock running OHIO really likes running running the ball.but boy do I like 1 pro game and the under but i'm still waiting for a line change
Keep up the good work! Enjoy the next few days of 60s cuz next week, 40s:( not looking forward to it...
D8 you're right this week looks very tough especially in the pros.... maybe a good week to just sit back and spend some of that hard earned money..... college fb only two games jump out to me ND PK and WVU plus points
Cruse ty yeah they say minn is going to get about 10inch of snow next week what city are you in mich
wood yeah your right it looks like a real hard week I would be happy just plain winning even 1 unit
my brother's I said this and it is really the truth for 99.9 percent of gamblers if you can brake out even after football season you done good. yes I know what your going to say I want to win but no bullshitting aside since 99 percent of gamblers will lose those are not my stats these are 100 percent fact case closed facts . at the start of the season everybody is ready but like billy walters said to make a living betting on sports he said you have a better chance of becoming the next President of USA thats how hard it is to do this for a living what billy walters is saying its almost impossible:shake:bol
D8 you're right this week looks very tough especially in the pros.... maybe a good week to just sit back and spend some of that hard earned money..... college fb only two games jump out to me ND PK and WVU plus points
Redskins baby! My system is calling for a huge win over the Packers and also consider Skins are probably looking a bit of revenge for losing in the playoffs last year.

good morning guys well we gota very bad beat on the BG game it was sick but at least we split and thats never a bad thing I see a blowout TOL this line is way to low the bet
I'm over by Port Huron...last bit of yard work this week then....................winter....I'm not up for it this year as I think we're gonna get hit hard...Keep killin it my friend!
Love the Toledo pick , yea cruse we're gonna get hit hard here in NY as well gonna be a brutal winter
I know...I'm not a fatalistic person but this winter is going to be bad...I just know Boston a couple of years ago.................I do like the Toledo pick too as Ball St might still be smarting from blowing it last week to EMU...
Cruse your not to far away I mean not real close but not to bad from dearborn hts oh no please don't say that cold that word scares me it's funny because years back I use to live in AZ scottsdale for a few years . my wife and me are thinking about moving back she lives in pitt pa yes I understand it's not your everyday married couple
wood let's get the bad guy like I said yesterday was a real bad beat I thought we had them both bol
After being left out of the top 4 of the playoff rankings, I think Bobby Petrino will try and hang 70 on Houston tomorrow....thoughts?

Wood yeah whoever had ball state congrats no clue how in gods name ball state covered the 1 half and the full game. wood your right what a bad way to lose it looked like TOL didn't even care to cover the spread i'm not kidding dropped passes . very late in the game with 16 sec left before half wide open guy but the QB didnt see his guy wide open would have been a TD . but when gambling bad things will happen so far this week we are 2-2 never a bad thing when you split I can't believe LOU is a chalk yes you heard it right this will sound crazy wrong team getting point's I never look at the BCS polls unless its U of M the polls mean 100 percent nothing HOUSTON should be the chalk wow HOUSTON is getting +14.5 holy shit wow if your going to beat the ML it has to be unreal . these oddsmakers must have fallen out out of a tree when making this line the bet
JOCK you could be right but believe it or not houston should chalk not LOU these oddsmakers like I said must have fallen out of a tree when making this line unreal bad line just unreal unless i'm missing something HOUSTON wins this game and it should be easy lets see who knows more me or NEVADA I have been right more then not when calling out nevada and its not even close sure I could be wrong hell I can't win everyweeek or month but these guys are crazy thinking LOU will kill houston not a chance I would make this my GOY but I already bet the ML so that's goodEnough
Cruse i'm worried yeah it's houston QB he is hurt but playing but hurt . if bad then houston is in big trouble
Oh man D8....I have not gone against you in a long, long time but I have to tonight my friend. Petrino came out in the press conference after the BC game (where they just hammered BC) and criticized the committee putting him in the situation where he has to not show sportsmanship. In other words, he blamed the committee for making him have to run the score up because he felt it's the only way his team can make the top 4. Now, he was left out of the top 4 again??? Esp. after Auburn, Clemson, Washington, and Michigan all lose? Holy smokes man, this has got to be one of the better situational angles I've seen in a long time. Louisville will absolutely be pumped up tonight and they have the QB to make it a track meet up and down the field. I just can't do Houston. Good luck buddy we'll see what happens soon. Still have all the faith in the world with you my man...I just do not agree with you for this game.

:Biggest Fan 2:
Jrock it's all good to tell you the truth the better QB is houston when health is there I would rather have ward much better passer but if health is the big problem then houston will have big problems but if he is good then houston should win but hell who knows you might be right bol
line is at +10 HOUSTON halftime QB has to be out if thats the case houston will get killed
but if ward is playing wtf is NEVADA and the public thinking because the better team is houston:money:
[TABLE="width: 850"]
[TD="class: Ldata, colspan: 2"]
[TD="class: Ldata, colspan: 10"] injured last game, is upgraded to probable Thursday vs Louisville. [/TD]
Let my idiotic line of thinking be a lesson to everyone. Don't bet against the Master. :hang:

D8 <====:bow:
Mr-Cruse-jk-JROCK ty I justed looked at the score for the 1 time unreal but like I said it really doesnt surprise me I said HOUSTON should win easy I was not kidding . like I said lets see who is smarter NEVADA or me I would have made HOUSTON-4 at the start of the game I said the much better QB is ward . i'm glad I got the ML game in because when the line shot to +10 he took the ML off:money:
you wont find to many gamblers saying a team that is not even in the top25 is better then the number 5 team in the country but like I said the better team is HOUSTON
the bull-Pro-Wood- ty guy's yes this is unreal it really is something I have never ever seen in my almost 50 years of gambling. what's happening here is nothing short of lethal-Historic- Biblical it sounds crazy but no other words this kooks like 8 winning weeeks in a row and not just winning 1 or 2 games extra last weekend was like going 7-3 and that was a bad week . unreal MF real 7-3 and I call it a bad week because all the other weeks where much better . LETHAL unreal
We'll get these 2 back tomorrow.

Cincy is a team in disarray and Boise had the 1h cover in hand if the wr gets out of bounds.
bull yeah cinny was just a bad play but yeah the boise state coaching is so bad is sick this coach has no clue what to do believe me if bosie state wanted to cover the spread they would have they just didnt care but yeah we can't win every day lets win today like I said this is a very hard week the oddsmakers did a good job the bets
U of M -13.5 halftime thank god watch this QB play much better then the guy that got hurt