best bet from the best baby

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good morning guys its late but I might be back its still to early to tell but if WASH STATE wins that would be another winning day but if we can win Sunday i'm back I feel the heater its getting close I love these 2 bets
All you needed was tony to stop posting in your threads and mushing your plays. Time to get hot buddy!
All you needed was tony to stop posting in your threads and mushing your plays. Time to get hot buddy!
wise:rofl: good morning sooner or later we will go on a crazy heater i'm not worried its been hard wise its crazy in football betting its all about the number alot of gamblers think its about winning and it is but playing the number is the most important thing a gambler can do. because most of the time the good number will win all you can do is get a great number and see what happen's nothing has changed sure if you get as bad team bad things happen but if the number is right I dont care who is playing its a bet most of the time its works lets see what happen's bol
I just felt like he was poisoning your thread. I said many times to stop pressuring. It's like getting rid of a bad apple in the locker room. Lol
I just felt like he was poisoning your thread. I said many times to stop pressuring. It's like getting rid of a bad apple in the locker room. Lol
wise yeah I get what your saying when your winning your a hero when you lose your a goat but I always said the year is not over with a lot of football left that could be a bad thing but I have been at this for a long time winning year after year until this year i'm doing nothing diff then the other years maybe betting a lot more ML games
wise like I said before its all about the number like WF/DARTMOUTH both teams was the right ML bet but bad things happened at the end its gambling all you can do is make the right bet that doesnt mean your going to win but your betting into the right number if you keep doing that it will change the odds say so
1 thing for 100 percent the CFL games are 100 percent Lethal last year was great this year its just unreal I think out of 19 weeks I lost 9 games all year I had 1 losing week out of 19 weeks the game is not over but still that's 1 sport where winner after winner this week in CFL 2-0 lets see if we can sweep the cfl
ED-7 this team wont lose i'm just worried about the 7 points but ED D is just to good
don't get any easier than that....\m/
cx yeah it seems the only thing that is working is the cfl I might have to bet alot more on the cfl games there is only 1 week left but a few playoffs games still money to be won i'm hoping for a split I need ED to win just to split
You're unreal w these CFL plays. Nice work!
yeah its unreal just unreal 19 weeks losing 1 week like I said last year was great this year is unreal 9 losing plays all year another sweep 3-0 this week
yeah I wish my book gave me no limit on cfl that would be great but to many chalks are winning in college/pro like I said alot of football left it only takes 1 week it has to be a great week but only 1 week and your in the black still about 3 months left