best bet from the best baby winner

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guys hockey is my 2 fav sport I had to post this series my god what a real bad line this game is just like the DUCKS -145 for teh series easy money. CHICAGO -135 for the series are you kidding me the oddsmakers must have fallen out of a tree when making this line. your telling me if you want to take MINN your getting +125 or lower not in this lifetime guys can MINN win yes but not with my money your not like I said not in this lifetime . if MINN can pull off the upset god bless the bets
CHICAGO-135 for the series I like these oddsmakers they make such bad lines ty I will see you at the bank bol please bet at your own risk:money:
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and you guys no I almost never bet on chalks bet every penny you have baby needs new shoes:moose:you will need the moose to carry all your money bol
BAR get down on CHICAGO you wont get many shots like this -135 WTF ty oddsmakers /bookmakers bol -135 for the series
:money:good morning guys guys I forgot my password so I had to use dilaudid long story short in hockey we have been killing the bookmakers 5-0 in series bets so far with Chicago to go the ducks have been losers for years like sjs take Chicago +120 baby news new shoes SC Chicago vs TB I have TB to win the SC 13-1 bol mint gov mint baby
CHICAGO easy winner my lord the books have been taking a beating 6-0 in series bets
Just watchin my belly get bigger and my dick get smaller
its crazy getting older what a bad feeling :rofl:it sucks for sure there is nothing for us guys to do but gamble it makes the day a little better even better when you hit
guys this is unreal here you have a team that has to win or do they TB lost a game they should have won that game was a killer. TB is all done but can TB win this game CHICAGO getting +115 is hard to turn down if CHICAGO comes out and really wants to win this game they will. there that much better then TB and guys I bet TB 13-1 TO WIN THE SC the winner CHICAGO+115 bol:money::badass:
guys i'm giving up the series is 2-2 TB is the better team faster alot faster and they hit and hit and hit CHICAGO is lucky there not done yet can CHICAGO win yes but after what I have been seeing TB is the team but I bet TB 13-1 along time ago to win the sc
win i'm going with tb its 2-2 I thought CHI was the better team but I was wrong TB is better
I bet CHICAGO to beat TB but the series is 2-2 i'm getting out of this bet
the old reverse jinx lol congrats to both of us for cashing in on a hawks future
the old reverse jinx lol congrats to both of us for cashing in on a hawks future
gsro yeah from the 1 I thought CHICAGO was going to win the sc easy. I was wrong bevause I bet TB 13-1 a long time ago to win the sc but after the CHICAGO vs DUCKS series I thought the winner of that series was going to win the sc . I was ging back and froth but after CHICAGO won that 5 game I said its all over I bet CHICAGO -1.5+190 it was a real hard series TB has a good team to tell you the truth I still say TB played better I no CHICAGO won the sc but TB was a better team . we had a unreal season football/hockey in my 35+ years of gambling I have never ever had a season like this ever I broke 6 bookmakers and i'm not kidding just a few days ago I hit a 6 team 6000 parlay. I hope you had a great bettting year the crazy part 10 months of gambling betting every day I paid my book 1 time unreal 100 percent Lethal this will never be done again I could bet for 10000 years and a year like this will never be done i'm not bragging its just I can't believe it unreal week after week winning see you in football like I said this might be my last year of posting so lets win every penny from or books lets leave are book a rotten Doughnut and some old coffee:money: