best bet from the best baby 5 STAR GOY

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man bro i strongly disagree here,. i grabbed a bunch of zona -2.5 earlier in week. their aggressive defense gonna have stafford making mistakes and when he does palmer gonna torch that suspect secondary. i just dont see it, not even the time zone gonna help det seeing how it a later start. it the nfl so anything can happen but just dont think you getting enough to back det.
bank my brother you got a great lineAZ-2.5 you could be right DETROIT is a funny team they can look like a sb winner and lose to a shit team but the line moved +3.5 -105 juice this is what I was waiting for the juice was to high before -105 is what I like bol bank
cape yes baby 5 star if DETROIT does lose it will be buy 3 points this game will be real close real close but DETROIT could go crazy on az and I like a team that doesn't win on Monday
last year I never lost a teaser this will be the 2 teaser this year you can't find a better teaser
yes why am I not using DETROIT in the teaser I think this is the best teaser bet or play
I don't understand why you use the GOY and stars for your bets. You can't back it up in any way. Just the other day you lost some super GOY play. Just call it game of the day maybe?
It's because it's a five digit bet for him. No guarantees in gambling fade it if you don't like it.
It's because it's a five digit bet for him. No guarantees in gambling fade it if you don't like it.

I think he gets that it's a big play. But the concept of a GOY should come around once/year. That's all he's saying. Not twice/week.

But who cares, really.

Good luck D! NFL is tough brah! Trying to adjust my wagering to entertainment in this league. The money is in college and the beer tickets are in the NFL. I repeat this every weekend. Lol
yeah the GOY is just a game I like the most for that week it hasent been good to me but like jid said its a 5 digit bet that why I call it a GOY
ty guys I wish the book gave my partner and me 5 digits wagers in cfl my god he would have no money left i'm not kidding unreal just unreal in the cfl if somebody told me this I would not beliebe them no hiting close to 90 percent and i'm not joking if not 90 very close hell had only 1 losing week out of 17 went 1-2 that week and 2-2 other week all the other 4-0 or 3-1 just crazy should be on TV world wide news because its just not possibale
GL D8! Keep those CFL plays coming, love the :money::money::money:
junk its unreal it is i'm lost nothing I can di wrong betting cfl there is 4 weeks left thats 20 games I could lose 20 in the cfl games in a row and still have a great season unreal
watch and learn DETROIT +190

Learning not to boast about 5 digit wagers and GOY's every week. I was shocked this was your GOY (week) considering all of your comments last week about how absolutely awful they are. I hope this is one of those games you aren't watching.
young i could lose a lot of 5 digits bets and it wont hurt me but its always easy after the game anybody can pick wagers sorry W
guys good job picking az for the week 12-14 not to bad but it could have been real bad
the last 2 weeks where real bad not this week still lost but nothning real bad but the 2 weeks before where bad
wise ty this week was not bad12-14 a lot of chalks won when that happens I lose but it a aright a lot of football left
wise ty to tell you the truth the ML games saves us still lost but without the ML games it would have been real bad I tell gamblers you can go 0-3 and hit a +300 and the game your not 0-3 anymore your 4-3 so the ml are real important they really are most can't pull the trigger its hard
I had 2 real bad weeks not this week 12-14 is not good but after the start we had yes 12-14 is not bad guys its a losing week but like I said after the noon games it looked real bad
guys like I said its a hard game 99.9 percent do it for fun or try to make a little money . but believe me i'm just telling the gamblers the truth no matter who you follow sure some are better then other's but like I said 99.9 percent will lose i'm talking about the world i'm not talking about picking 1 game here and there and make a few Hundred and guys there is nothing wrong with making a few hundred i'm talking about a life style 99.9 will lose paying bills buying your car buying your house its real real hard you have to go broke a lot before you understand how hard its to pick the right team and even then 99.9 will lose believe me when I lose its like WTF are you kidding so when somebody says how can you pick that team after the game is over its like please dont waste your post I took EASTERN MICH +8.5 and EASTERN MICH+300 something like that after the game I had afew gamblers said how ca yu pick such a team easy thenumber was right guys one thing about fotball its all about the number I dont care who is playing if the number is right its a play its called V and believe me if EASTERN MICH would have won all you would hear is great bet anybody can pick the winner after the game is over lets try to win a few dollars
fukkin nobody beats nfl year after year bro and it foolish for anyone to think or expect otherwise. i know this shit pretty well and more importantly know a lot of sharp cats and none of us do it, some years it good, others not so much,. way too short a season and way too much incentive for books to not let any certain patterns beat them for anyone to succeed at this shit consistently . far as making money gambling on sports nfl is by far the worst of the bunch, we just love it and bet it anyways. i never go into a season counting on a profit, the money i deposit i think of as already gone, years i win im thrilled, years i lose i dont trip on it and dont put myself in the poor house. you just as solid and make just as informed bets as anyone bro, eventually it will turn back your way like it always does.
been a weird season. you and I usually do good but I can't smell a winner this season. Have no feel at all.
been a weird season. you and I usually do good but I can't smell a winner this season. Have no feel at all.

see i thought last season was weird and i couldnt win for shit. kinda figured id be ok this year cause that just how this shit goes. cant recall ever having b2b years close to the same. lol
bank ty nice hit on AZ your right NFL lines are real good so close
guess your right, I usually hit stride around week 9-14. Will try and remember what you said.
mogo ty my man I just found out right that PITT won now I wish I posted the Ml I did but not here it was almost +200 I forgot sorry its hard posting on a few diff sites but still 2-0 today lets go on that winning streak
guys I wiil say this again the big money is in the ML games dont let anyone tell you no because there wrong 100 percent fact you cant bet any ml game