best bet from the best baby 5 star bet

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1 word LETHAL like I have been saying a year you will never forget the bets:shake:
GREEN BAY+2.5 full game WINNER
MONT+290 FULL GAME ML CFL WINNER add on from page 5 WINNER
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my brother's 1 word unreal like Don trump said I could go out and shoot someone and still win. winner after winner like I said I don't need the points in the CALGARY game 15-1 team against a 5-11 team and MONT wins +290 ML no need for the points:money::money::money::money::money:
sports yeah what a great feeling knowing that sure you always want to win. but if you lose so what your winning so much money just like you said it doesn't even matter if you lose you start to feel bad for the book how crazy that sounds:money::money::money:
like I said I wish I could take everybody from CTG go to NEVADA and wager on 1 team holy fuck NEVADA would be hurting . that many gamblers betting on 1 team you better believe it:badass:
Tony we can't win every day but you have 2 winners a lot of people will lose there ass tomorrow when they think minn is a sure thing everybody will be crying fix fix fix no just CHICAHO D will kick ass but CHICAHO should win bol
+ today how is dallas going to win the game phil will blizzzzzzzzzz every down easy winner phil
guys the last 5 weeks i'm not kidding we have to be hitting over +80 percent on PRE game I went something like 28-3 something like that the last 2 weeks and the 3 weeks before that was still unreal this has to be something for the record books like CY award ERA 0,00 crazy shit is going on . likeI said halftime lines is gold :money::popcorn:
who picks the fucking bears? Exactly why I always check your thread u simply put know the game nice job!!! , taught always -5 number is a number the book throws our there knowing it could go either way.
bot ty i will tell you why I think CHICAGO has a good chance of winning I remember that QB for minn this kid was a loser and I still believe he is . chicago will throw everybody at him 1 word BLIZZZZ and if I remember right he throws a lot of ints when that happens
great week man!!! keep it rolling! :cheers3:

GL with Bears tonight, I know Vegas needs em badly after the ass kicking they took this weekend
sports ty yes this is really something Special we are doing I know what I can do betting football. winning but I never thought this would be like this unreal week after week going to month after month we are only winninng winning but not only winning but its like 10 units a week if not more unreal. these are like CY records ERA 00.0 . unreal MF real wow RJ BELL should have paid me what I wanted last year he fucked up. are you there RJ BELLyou really fucked up I wanted 6 digits to join your team you offied 67+ not good Enough i'm glad you fucked up because i'm back where I belong CTG the best sport site out there. it might not be the biggest but its the best CTG B.A.R / STEED MILERS MF come on its on me lets bring guys from all over USA to MILLERS BAR + guys like hunt -Braves - fondy and there is more :money:
bull ty yeah this has been something that comes around once in a lifetime just winner after winner bol