best bet from the best baby 5 star bet

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good morning i'm not going to get into stats I think I found gold in these halftime betting after 50 year's of gambling like I said I have been watching halftime lines for 4-5 years not betting just watching because believe me even the wise guys have prolems pulling the trigger. after having 2 great week's betting these this week will be the test . the only problem i'm getting tried of doing this but like I said if these halftime lines are like this I really don't know what i'm going to do winning is great but thank god I don't need the money. but who know's everybody has a price I don't care how much money you have there is always a price that will trun your head the only reason i'm posting this because this line will drop all theyears of doing this I know. the wager my 1 halftime line is not up yet but I already know the risk is not worth the reward
MISS STATE +7 this game should be a blowout but the 7 is important :badass:
guy's I might not be around Saturday and my god do I like a lot of games you will not see me bet these many games again :moose::moose::moose::moose:
Fresno state +10 half
fresno state+350 half ml
tulane +6.5 half
guys it's getting late we are just kicking aass winner after winner TULANE+6.5 HALF goodnight
1H lines turning tickets into GOLD!

lets keep it going today!
sport yeah the 1 half lines are unreal last night game was a mistake for day's I thought I posted MISS STATE HALFTIME/ and the ML because I post on 2 other sites and I posted MISS STATE 1 HALF after a few days went by I looked and said WTF did I do i'm not joking . but it was to late to change so I have to leave it alone because gamblers already made there bet so I just want to say that will never happen again. like I said when you post on 2 other sports sites you forget .but lets see what happens today bol
sport yeah the 1 half lines are unreal last night game was a mistake for day's I thought I posted MISS STATE HALFTIME/ and the ML because I post on 2 other sites and I posted MISS STATE 1 HALF after a few days went by I looked and said WTF did I do i'm not joking . but it was to late to change so I have to leave it alone because gamblers already made there bet so I just want to say that will never happen again. like I said when you post on 2 other sports sites you forget .but lets see what happens today bol

no worries. i had 1h spread /ml and full game at 7.5 - Let have a great day!
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guys im sorry its not football but fuck it LAD +180 HALF baseball
I agree too many pts for texas to give up...ahh you beat me to it, i was leaning LAD FULL GAME but 1/2 its good with me!
I agree too many pts for texas to give up...ahh you beat me to it, i was leaning LAD FULL GAME but 1/2 its good with me!
sports that line is mf crazy +180 LAD its not like LAD has a shit pitcher going unreal bad line by the oddsmakers bol
sport there is about 5 guys that only bet 1 half believe the much better wager it wont work all the time but most o=of the time
we stated 1-3 i'm a guy that gives excuses what a bad beat on the MTS but iits going to happen
last post sport get really watch and see how a wise guy wins coming back from a 1-3 start i'm not kidding just watch what 50 years of gambling and 40 years of EX perance betting on sports its not bragging when you win started off 1-3 watch money MF:money::money::money::money:
never in doubt - its nice to see less "money pending" with a chance for more money "to win" then the other way around.
sports get ready for big money lines bets your bookmaker won;t know what hit him
IOWA STATE winner at +320ml and IOWA STATE+7.5 thats over 4 units hit:money:
Nice job on iowa st D8!!! Thank you. Hit the ML too. Crush headaches and books!
jk nice hit i like when others win really do food joe we are not done just yet MONT at +420 really tried MF the score was 2-0 in the 4 Q
it looks like we have at least another 4 winners gamblers where worried that I started 1-3 not here but covers only one guy everybody jumped on him and told him fuck off it's only 1-3 like I said I like my chances . guys I wish everybody here would fly to nevada and made the same bet I would love to see the sportsbook have a heart attack after paying us because believe me nothing makes me happy when others win
sports my brother has to making a MF killing great job:badass::badass::badass::badass::badass::badass::badass::badass::badass::badass:
Yes sir ... nice to hit a 3-1 dog!

ARK was a good play should have taken ML too, im on the them for more +10 for full game.
:shake2:Yes sir ... nice to hit a 3-1 dog!
sports good morning yes+320 you won't find to many like that but yes it feel's great when IOWA STATE is getting killed in the 2 half but who cares . guy's that's why they call me the best of the best baby. a lot more money to be made Sunday guy's get a good nigh rest because the money you will be counting will be sick goodnight:shake2:
I'm still clocking time - have LSU, ARk, & Stan pending...all looking good!

Have a good night!
sports give them MF hellI will be rooting for you it's crazy but yes I thought about AK ML but next time bol