best bet from the best baby 5 star bet

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good morning guy's the only reason i'm posting because we have been doing Pretty good the last 2 days. yesterday we lost a heart Breaker with SF MF bullpen but at least MIAMI hit my line was+170. but some guys got +190 that alone was like hitting 2 units boy do I like todays wagers:money:
SEATTLE+100 best bet 5 star WINNER
KC-1.5 +125 RL WINNER
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D8 - do you play your 5 start bets 5x more than a regular bet? I just want to manage my bankroll accordingly...thanks for the plays! gL today lets back up the truck!
D8 - do you play your 5 start bets 5x more than a regular bet? I just want to manage my bankroll accordingly...thanks for the plays! gL today lets back up the truck!
sportcap good morning most of the time its the same amount its just I like it more. but once in a while I do bet more but I think since last time SEATTLE pitcher got killed and playing in SEATTLE and + this game really means nothing to texas SEATTLE and KC should roll to the bank mint gov mint baby
good morning guys I should post this in the football forum but we are talking about baseball not football. guy's I have been gambling for almost 50 year's I have seen everything in sports not many gamblers have seen more . i'm sure there are a few guys that seen more like my brother blood but not many more I guess what i'm trying to say this really is my 1 year of real gambling on baseball I can't believe I missed out on this great sport of baseball guys dont get me wrong when I lose boy do I lose. last year if you have told me that baseball is the sport to gamble on I would have told you that you where crazy I was 100 percent wrong I can't believe i'm saying that but its the truth. I guess maybe 1 reason the season is to long capping football takes a toll but if your betting baseball my god does it take a toll on your health not even close. what other sport can you find +190+160 almost everyday in baseball but try finding that in football you will go broke and fast. like yesterday I was wrong on ED in cfl I will not bet against CALGARY again . but in baseball great day I guess 1 hand takes care of thee other
watch me lose all 4 games today but guys i'm posting again baseball because in baseball another winning day great day. all of these are bad lines by the oddsmakers bol
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Mf crusher of headaches and pills. Mf crusher of breaking even and juice
I usually need time on my plays. That said Tampa is a definite lean.
I should say the ref does not like home teams which is slowing the play.
Sorry but most of these plays seem pretty debatable.
There is nothing wrong with Anderson the Colorado pitcher and Colorado is playing well and is 5-1 this season after a shut out for example
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I usually need time on my plays. That said Tampa is a definite lean.
I should say the ref does not like home teams which is slowing the play.
Sorry but most of these plays seem pretty debatable.
There is nothing wrong with Anderson the Colorado pitcher and Colorado is playing well and is 5-1 this season after a shut out for example
tuck I agree with everything your saying its just when gamblers bet on real bad teams bad things happen . like TB or MINN team's like that are super bad and its real hard for a team like that to play all 9 inn without something bad happening. if TB was + 150 or something like that maybe but for TB or MINN to be a chalk I just can't pull the trigger
There is truth there.Tampa in this range as a home fav is 8-12.Baltimore in this range as a dog is 9-14
Gallardo is














Paste came out bad but he really does not look like someone I would ever bet on.GL
Paste came out bad but he really does not look like someone I would ever bet on.GL
tuck like I said I agree with you but at TB-130 and yes TB can win this game I would not be surprised. i'm betting a team that is in the playoff hunt I always say the risk is not worth the reword betting TB .yeah BALT pitcher is bad real bad my only problem with TB is very bad hitting team and bullpen is bad .but you might be right money says TB is a good bet today but i'm going with the much better team and + underdog I just can't pass up BALT +120. even if BALT would lose today and they would play again the very next day I would bet BALT again and again. to tell you the truth I would jump on balt -110 or -115 with 25 games left something like that BALT can't afford to lose to real bad team's . but as long as I hit the other 3 i'm good bol
good morning guys I should post this in the football forum but we are talking about baseball not football. guy's I have been gambling for almost 50 year's I have seen everything in sports not many gamblers have seen more . i'm sure there are a few guys that seen more like my brother blood but not many more I guess what i'm trying to say this really is my 1 year of real gambling on baseball I can't believe I missed out on this great sport of baseball guys dont get me wrong when I lose boy do I lose. last year if you have told me that baseball is the sport to gamble on I would have told you that you where crazy I was 100 percent wrong I can't believe i'm saying that but its the truth. I guess maybe 1 reason the season is to long capping football takes a toll but if your betting baseball my god does it take a toll on your health not even close. what other sport can you find +190+160 almost everyday in baseball but try finding that in football you will go broke and fast. like yesterday I was wrong on ED in cfl I will not bet against CALGARY again . but in baseball great day I guess 1 hand takes care of thee other
watch me lose all 4 games today but guys i'm posting again baseball because in baseball another winning day great day. all of these are bad lines by the oddsmakers bol

GL tonight D8
Riding the Tigers with you. Boyd is 5-0 with a 2.55 ERA since July 9th. With some offense, these guys are playing well. GL tonight :tiphat:
Riding the Tigers with you. Boyd is 5-0 with a 2.55 ERA since July 9th. With some offense, these guys are playing well. GL tonight :tiphat:
jeff yeah I think your right about DET this team is playing lights out should beat a real bad CWS team:cheers3:
guy's I just checked out the lines are you MF kidding me SF +135 is nuts just unreal WTF is nevada thinking. guys please this is gambling COL can win but please are you kidding me COL is shit yes the pitcher is good but the bullpen my god a tee ball team can hit COL bullpen boy I see a lot money:money:
guy's most of the time I will come back the next day win or lose but we are killing the bookmaker. I don't understand how in god's name these guy's make there line's I really don't . this sport just might be better then football and it's not even close. almost every day I can find mistake's by the oddsmakers guy's that doesn't mean we are going to win. but if you can find the mistake's in the long run you got him. like I was saying SF went to +140 wow just wow playing a shit team in COL /TB was a chalk are you kidding me hell even KC was a underdog playing another real bad team I have a headache just looking at these bad line's. guy's it can't be this easy I understand but if the oddsmakers keep making shit team's the chalk. the money we can make is sky is the limit. we will lose like I said don't get me wrong but baseball is just a great sport to wager on I have been winning all year in baseball it's just hard capping every day it take's a toll on you . i'm glad 1 of my Friends told me to bet baseball goodnight:money:
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i'm sorry guy's I can't wait this line might move SF+100 I think these oddsmaker's fell out of a tree when making this line WTF i'm just shaking my head looking over these line's wow. goodnight I see a few more but i'm getting a headache so I will see you tomorrow:badass:
good morning guys well another great day that's 4 days in a row guys yes I will lose all of my bets sooner or later it has to happen. like I have been saying i'm starting to change my mind about what sport is the money game I can't believe i'm saying that. in the end SF went to +140 my god WTF is nevada thinking and the public . the same with BALT +120 playing a real bad TB team I don't get it i'm lost for words . all I have to say is ty NEVADA keep making those great lines again bad lines buy NEVADA guys please that does not mean we are going to win unreal the bets
SF+100 5 star loser
BALT-115 loser
HOUSTON+160 loser
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good morning guys well another great day that's 4 days in a row guys yes I will lose all of my bets sooner or later it has to happen. like I have been saying i'm starting to change my mind about what sport is the money game I can't believe i'm saying that. in the end SF went to +140 my god WTF is nevada thinking and the public . the same with BALT +120 playing a real bad TB team I don't get it i'm lost for words . all I have to say is ty NEVADA keep making those great lines again bad lines but NEVADA guys please that does not mean we are going to win unreal the bets

Yes sir - I was eyeing until the end that SF game and jumped on that live line...thanks D8! GL Today!
Yes sir - I was eyeing until the end that SF game and jumped on that live line...thanks D8! GL Today!
sports no problem i'm happy you hit what kind of line did you get with SF live like I said I seen +140 which I still can't believe
guy's yes i'm getting greedy and can't believe these lines CINNY O/U is 8 holy shit 8 it's to high should be 7 or 7.5 the bets
CINNY under 8 loser
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sport the +140 was for the full game
It went up to +200 - i had to grab it quick! I figured since Colorado usually wins when the score is high and at the end it was low scoring so I figured it was more of SF type of game so i figured they had a chance.
It went up to +200 - i had to grab it quick! I figured since Colorado usually wins when the score is high and at the end it was low scoring so I figured it was more of SF type of game so i figured they had a chance.
wow just wow +200 on SF playing a bad COL team. yeah I know SF has been playing bad but still WS winners getting +200 nice hit great work .sport like I said hell I might lose all 6 bets today it will happen sooner or later. you could never ever get wagers like this in football never . I keep telling my self its luck we will see if its luck by the end of the baseball season
wow just wow +200 on SF playing a bad COL team. yeah I know SF has been playing bad but still WS winners getting +200 nice hit great work .sport like I said hell I might lose all 6 bets today it will happen sooner or later. you could never ever get wagers like this in football never . I keep telling my self its luck we will see if its luck by the end of the baseball season

Yea baseball definitely has value, its just a long season and the money management def comes into play. I don't think its luck it more your experience in the gambling and seeing value in bookmakers miscalculations. As we get into post season you will see even more $$$ opportunities! And look at it this way, this is a good warm up for next year!
Yea baseball definitely has value, its just a long season and the money management def comes into play. I don't think its luck it more your experience in the gambling and seeing value in bookmakers miscalculations. As we get into post season you will see even more $$$ opportunities! And look at it this way, this is a good warm up for next year!
sport ty yeah you'r right I can't believe I never looked into baseball all these years don't get me wrong gamblers tried to tell me. But after doing this for such a long time I had my mind made up that football was the only sport that a gambler had a chance of winning. small chance but a chance I was 100 percent wrong I might have missed out on a lot of money but yes we still have a month left this season in baseball and then playoffs . if this keeps up forget football I can't believe i'm saying this it makes me sad but I can't lie . most gamblers think its's football it's not baseball and it's not even close hockey is a little like baseball. . there was a site called WAGER TRACKER it still might be there in hockey that site was running a contest in three years of capping back to back to back there I came in the top 5 / 3 years in a row and I won the contest I came in 1 place and won 500 but guess what the MF crooks never paid me I could care less about the 500 but it shows you what kind of crooks these guys are lets at least go 3-3 and maake money I would like to win all but most likely that will not happen 4-2 would be great bol
guys big line move on CINNY like I said bad line by the oddsmakers it was the O/U at 8. well it's at 7.5 now real big DIFF in this line right now if you bet the under 7.5 now 8 will kill you. the guy's that bet before got 8 it will take 9 to kill you what a big DIFF
good morning guys yesterday wow just wow yesterday was something special unreal out of 6 games I went 0-6. 4 games where bad beats the other 2 at 1 point where winning the game I could bet every day and that would never happen again I dont mind losing but wow to lose like that i'm lost for words .I could not cap these games any better every game looked good no excuse i'm taking a day off just to look at yesterdays results 4 bad beats holy shit it did look like I might go 6-0
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good morning guys yesterday wow just wow yesterday was something special unreal out of 6 games I went 0-6. 4 games where bad beats the other 2 at 1 point where winning the game I could bet every day and that would never happen again I dont mind losing but wow to lose like that i'm lost for words .I could not cap these games any better every game looked good no excuse i'm taking a day off just to look at yesterdays results 4 bad beats holy shit it did look like I might go 6-0

It was definitely one of those days, where the books got the best of us....take DEN+3/ml tonight D8 and get em back. Carolina is litter with injuries, if anything worse than last yrs SB. DEN defense will be a nightmare for CAM and CAR. Thursday night home dog!

sport yes your 100 percent right game after game I said not another bad beat 1 after another the 2 that got me going was the O/U game and SF . but yes I would take DENVER+3 at home i'm just a little worried about SB winners has a hard time the very next year and DENVER has no QB. the O/U might be the bet because if DENVER wants to win this game they have no chance winning a shoot out no way because CAR has a good D themselfs O/U is at 40.5 boy I wish the 1 half was 21 but my book has 20.5 the 1 half I really think it will be real low scoring 7-3 or 3-3 half bol
I said I was taking a day of in baseball I just looked at the HOUSTON game NEVADA set the O/U at 9 real high number .HOUSTON has a no name pitcher going while CLE has a solid pitcher
CLE -1.5 +130 RL
1 more i'm playing it safe WASH -1,5 -110 RL phil is shit+ no name pitcher
I was running around all day just walked in let me lose this 1 I think I would do this to my computer:smash:
i'm still pissed about yesterday I have to try to shake it off boy it's hard
I sure hope they play this game MF unreal just unreal yes I took CLE-1.5 watch this shit WTF is going on rain delay
I was trying to find a way I could lose this bet or cancel the wager I went outside for a little came back and sure as shit MF rain delay
They're playing again. MLB really tries to get these games finished especially in this pennant race. Should be fine
They're playing again. MLB really tries to get these games finished especially in this pennant race. Should be fine
wise ty don't get me wrong anything can happen I could lose but win or lose I want the teams tio play
yes guy's 0-6 no excuse at least 4 games where bad beats unreal game after game bad beat. I could never do that again ever talking about the bad beats at 1 point all of my teams where

winning or tied
LAD-5 HALF -110
SF-1.5 RL-120